A Mighty Girl's 2018 Halloween Gallery is now live! A small sample of the many hundreds of photos submitted can be viewed in our Halloween Highlights blog post.
In this blog post, we've showcased a small sample of these incredible costumes -- to browse all of the amazing costume photos submitted, visit our 2018 Halloween Gallery. And, to help you and your Mighty Girl learn more about the wonderful historic figures and characters depicted, we've also linked to our character collection and biography section where relevant.
Paper Bag Princess!


'Mandrake, or Mandragora, is a powerful restorative,' said
Sister Suffragette

Two year old Marylou reminds us of our privilege and responsibility to participate in our most basic level of civic engagement, voting. Vote every opportunity you get, especially in local elections.
Defender of the Free Press

Modern Superhero: Defender of the Free Press
Jane Goodall

Inspired be the many books she’s read abut
Jane Goodall, she decided to channel her image for Halloween.
The Solar System

Eudora, 8, wanted to be the solar system for Halloween! She is so pleased with how it turned out, she is beaming.
The Notorious RBG


Second grader Evelyn dressed up as
Astrid from the "How to Train Your Dragon" series.
MIGHTY GIRL with Alopecia. No hair still a Goddess

ARTEMIS is the goddess of the hunt, wilderness, animals, and the moon. Tough and kind character in the Percy Jackson series that she LOVES. Artemis doesn’t take any nonsense from any of the male gods, demigods or mortals, and has a group of female hunters.
Cindel & Wicket

My daughters Ainsley (7) as Cindel and Kaylee (1) dressed as Wicket, from the 80's Ewok Adventure movies.
Not An Alien!

Our 11 year old has a great love of all things plant, animal, or insect. She is totally fascinated with cicadas and found a picture of a Green Australian Cicada for us to use as inspiration. She did spend the entire night saying she wasn't an alien but people totally got it when she said she was a cicada.

My daughter decided she wanted to be a volcano this year. She had a blast Trick or Treating and I enjoyed watching people's reactions to her unique costume.

Elysée as Cleopatra - regal and strong.
The 13th Doctor

11-year-old Anna was the Doctor from Doctor Who, played by Jody Whittaker
The Princess in Black


I am no man!
Marie Curie

Kathryn (7) wants to be a chemist like
Marie Curie when she grows up!
Minerva Mcgonagall

Mackenzie (5) as the saucy and strong Prof Mcgonagall
Strong like Switzer

Girls belong in the Boston Marathon
Alem as Shuri from Black Panther

Alem, age 8, is dressing up as Shuri from Black Panther. Alem was adopted from Ethiopia in 2011. She said that Shuri is beautiful and tough. She loved the movie because she got to see people who looked like her. Alem said when she grows up, she wants to be a scientist. She is indeed a mighty girl!!!!!
Amelia as Rosie Revere, Engineer

A Mighty Fighter!

Daughter has been battling lymphoma all year, so she dressed up as her favorite fighter-- Rayla from the Dragon Prince.
Princess Luna

When deciding what costume to dress as this year, V couldn't wait to be Princess Luna, her favorite character from My Little Pony.
Dr. Sylvia Earle

Isabelle, aged 5, chose to be the legendary oceanographer Dr. Sylvia Earle this year ... we don't live anywhere near the coast but nature shows about the ocean fascinate her ... especially the deep sea creatures. She was amazed to learn about Dr. Sylvia Earle and all of her adventures exploring the deep.
Phoenix X-men

Sophie Thompson poses as her favorite heroine from X-men comic, The Phoenix!
Chloé as Rey

Chloé (8) has been watching the Star Wars movies for a few years and fell in love with
Rey (and BB8) as soon as she saw them. When this costume came up as an option it was an immediate YES. She wanted her photo to be strong and serious, like Rey is.

She had decided she wanted to be
Katniss Everdeen, so she read the Hunger Games Trilogy and practiced her archery skills to prepare. (10 yo mighty girl)
Susan B Anthony

Ada Twist Scientist

Sabine as Toph Beifong (of Team Avatar)

Toph Beifong, the greatest earthbender in the world!
Grace Hopper/Tallulah

Last year RBG, this year Grace Hopper!

Who ya gonna call? A brave, hilarious, and stylish SCIENTIST!
Moaning Myrtle

Want to join
Lego Batman

Daphne as Lego Batman!
Frida Kahlo by Louisa

Louisa loves
Frida! And she is all ready to say “She is an important Mexican painter and feminist. Also, she had a monkey!”
Mei from Totoro

Ella is Mei from my neighbor
Winifred Sanderson

The whole family dressed up this year as the Sanderson sisters and Billy. Here is my daughter, Corbyn, 13, looking fierce as Winifred Sanderson.

Our daughter chose to bring some sunshine into this Halloween holiday and she chose to be a rainbow. The whole family worked together on this project and made her costume.
Lucia Zenteno - The Woman Who Outshone the Sun

Mercedes Velazquez, dressed as Lucia Zenteno, the main character in The Woman Who Outshone the Sun. The book retells the Zapotec legend of Lucia Zenteno, a beautiful woman with magical powers who is exiled from a mountain village and takes its water away in punishment.
Mary Jane as Ada Lovelace

Mary Jane dresses up for her school’s Historical Halloween as
Ada Lovelace, the first computer programmer.
“I a astronaut!” (Mazie the astronaut!)

My 2.5 year old daughter started asking to be an astronaut after visiting the Indianapolis Children’s Museum in September. I asked her several times in case she changed her mind and she never strayed. She walked around our neighborhood in Halloween proudly stating “I a astronaut!” to anyone who would listen! She’s consistently singing songs about “blasting off to outer space” and loves to pretend she is walking on the moon!
Ranger's Apprentice

Evie, 14, as her favorite book character Princess Madelyn of Araluen, also known as Ranger's Apprentice Maddie, the first female ranger in history!
Book Character Parade 2018

October 31st is always book character day!!!
Much like her decision in 2016 to be Runy Bridges and last year to be Simone Biles, she chose yet another great American inspiration. This year Jodie chose
Dr. Mae Jemison. Born in 1956 in Alabama, Dr. Jemison always had an obsession with the Apollo missions. In 1992 Dr. Jemison became the first African American woman in space. On the Space Shuttle Endeavor she took an Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority flag, a West African Bundu statue and a poster of Judith Jamison dancing. She wanted African American culture to be represented in space. Dr. Jemison still has her eyes on the stars while helping solve problems here on Earth and inspiring young girls like Jodie to dream big and reach for the stars.

Emma, 10 years, as Katara from Avatar the Last Airbender
The Mighty Mad Hatter

This Mighty Girl is Mad for Halloween
Anne of Green Gables

My 6 year old daughter has become fascinated with
Anne. Anne is bold, smart, determined and a fighter. She is also not afraid to show her soft side and emotions. Most importantly, she is an amazing example of perseverance, and is a strong role model for young girls. When my daughter asked to be Anne for Halloween, I was excited and proud!
Luna Lovegood

Kindness and quirkiness for the win! An intergenerational project from radish earrings to leg warmers: grandma the seamstress and knitter, mom the materials and patterns gatherer, and daughter who loves everything Harry Potter and aims to be as kind as Luna every day!
Mad Scientist

Sonya is 9 years old and mad about science!
My Tiny Dr. Michaela Quinns

A few months ago my girls and I started watching Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman. Dr. Michaela Quinn is a female doctor at a time when it wasn’t accepted, she is always pushing boundaries, and she lends her voice to those who aren’t heard. Such a great feminist character for our young women to see.
Triceratops Toddler

She said she wanted to be a Triceratops so Mommy got to work!
A fierce champion

Mikaela (age 7) was adamant she wanted to be a princess/night/warrior, so her dad Byron built her this costume from scratch (about 20 hours of measuring, cutting, painting, gluing...)
Dr. Aubrey Pediatric Intensivist

Pediatric Critical Care Physician
9 year old video gamer

2B from Nier Automata
Princess Mononoke

Six year-old Sammy, from Okinawa Japan, dressed as half-wolf half-human Princess Mononoke ready to defend the sacred forest. She loves the story's emphasis on wolsf in a positive role and that Mononoke works together with a prince, Ashitaka, but remains in the main role of saving the forest and ends without a marriage or happily-ever-after, just two good friends who learn to trust and respect each other.
There is no clear good vs. evil conflict in this movie. Mononoke and her main enemy, Lady Eboshi, are simultaneously hero and villain. Lady Eboshi tries to destroy the forest and could be considered a villain. But everything she does is out of a desire to protect her village and see it prosper. She saves prostitutes and lepers, providing both with jobs.
Praying Mantis

Cadence is 8 and has wanted to be an entomologist since she was 5. This year, she asked to be a praying mantis for Halloween.

Greek GODDESS of the sea!
My Morton's Salt girl

My Mighty Creative Girl
Robot Kennedy

Kennedy, 7, wanted to be a robot and let me make her costume. It was so much fun to make!

Weeping angel.
Bioluminescent jellyfish

Nora loves biology so we made a jellyfish to go along with her siblings under the Sea theme this year.
Queen Elizabeth I

Addie (7yrs) dressed as Queen Elizabeth I. A good Queen to all her people (even the common people), a strong Queen (first to defeat the Spanish Armada) and one who supported literacy by expanding access to schooling throughout her kingdom.
Mini Dumbledore!

She refused a haircut for almost two years, so that it would be “Long like Dumbledore’s”. ??
Madeline x 2

Young Angelica Schuyler (Hamilton)

My daughter loves the musical Hamilton, and decided to be a young Angelica for Halloween. Angelica is known for her revolutionary ideas and saw women as leaders, even telling Thomas Jefferson to include women in the sequel (to the Declaration of Independence)
Garden Fairy

Spreading the beauty of nature!
Park Ranger

Ilyana loves all animals (which according to her are all either woofs or meows) and loves going to different parks to explore. Maybe one day she will be a ranger at one of the many awesome national parks!

This Demon can be bribed with lollies
Sally Ride!

My 5th grader, Abby, chose one of her heroes:
Sally Ride. After discovering a love for Astronomy at a Girl Scout camp program, she read Sally Ride’s story many times and became inspired. She hopes to visit Space Camp one day — and eventually, work for NASA. I have no doubt she’ll achieve both of those goals!
Guardians of the Galaxy

These sisters Gamora (age 9) and Rocket (age 8) and their little friend Groot are ready to save the Galaxy from evil! Watch out!
Laurel as Jane Austen

“I chose to be
Jane Austen for this Halloween because I love reading her books.”

Elphaba and Ga-Linda...the mighty girl duo who takes on the evil Wizard of Oz!
Rosie Squared

Lady Liberty

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..."
Jyn Erso

My Mighty Girl, Gabbie 10, and I DIY'd together accessories for
Jyn's costume. When she saw Rogue One, she said she'll want to go as Jyn on the next Halloween. She's been Jyn a couple of years now so we decided to add to her costume this year using used up hand sanitizer spray bottle and lipbalm sticks, old cardboard tubes, bottle caps etc.
Notorious RBG

Veda as Juliette Gordon Low

“The work of today is the history of tomorrow and we are it’s makers.” Juliette Gordon Low
Veda Blu, age 8 as Juliette Gordon Low
Weather Report!

This year we had a weather channel reporter and rain poncho sunshine, clouds and rainbow. Fit the day quite well and kept everyone dry.
A Wrinkle in Time

4th grade friends as Mrs. Which, Mrs. Who and Mrs. Whatsit, interstellar, supernatural beings from Madeline l'Engle's
A Wrinkle in Time
Dorothy From Wizard of Oz

Emma Gonzalez costume

Anya dressed as Emma Gonzalez
A Mighty Werewolf

It will take more than a silver bullet to slow down this mighty girl!
Chef kaeslyn

"I can be anything"
Link from Legend of Zelda

Chloe is a strong seven year old who enjoys playing Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild with her Daddy. Last year she was Princess Zelda, this year she had to be the fierce warrior Link.
Ahsoka Tano

The Force has always been strong with my 5 year old daughter, Annaliese, and this year she chose the Star Wars heroine
Ahsoka Tano. Ahsoka was first introduced in the Clone Wars animated series as Anakin Skywalker’s padawan and later became instrumental in the forming of the Rebellion as the operative known by code name Fulcrum. My daughter loves Ahsoka’s strength, loyalty, compassion, and how even when the going gets tough she persists and fights for what she believes in.
The Schuyler Sisters!

????Angelica...Eliza...and Peggy!????
My girls love the Hamilton musical and especially identify with the strong Schuyler Sisters! We have also loved learning more about their real lives in books recommended right here on A Mighty Girl.
The Sound of Music

The hills are alive

In every generation there is a chosen one. She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons, and the forces of darkness. She is the slayer.
Fierce Dragon

She wanted to be a dragon so she could breath fire
Trick or Cheese

Trick or Cheese
"Women's Work"

A 1950s Midwife from London.
Stack of books!

This mighty girl has a newly discovered love of reading and asked if she could go as a stack of books this year! Some of the “book” titles she made up and some were books she wanted to include. She loved it!
The Wasp

Violeta as The Wasp

I'm currently in my last year of law school, and my 8 year old daughter was absolutely set on being a lawyer 'just like mom' with a pantsuit in her favorite color (pink!) and briefcase.
Math Fairy

Math Fairy, ‘because I love fairies and math. Everyone is going to think this is the best costume ever!’
Lily as Boudicca

For Halloween 2018, my mighty girl was Boudicca, the Celtic warrior queen
Wild land firefighters

One of Gabbie Goals

The Powerpuff Girls

Saving the World Before Bedtime!
Beetlejuice and Lydia Deetz

Our two-year-old Amelia dressed up as Lydia Deetz, a truly unique and empowered female character played by a fellow Mighty Girl, Winona Ryder. Of course her costume would not have been complete without Beetlejuice, played by our pooch Lenny.
Dream big

My adventurer dressed up as
Amelia Earhart for Halloween. I hope like Amelia, she always dreams big, believes adventure is worthwhile and has the courage to be herself “.
Leslie Knope

Favorite show and an awesome female role model!
Limited Edition

Accessories not included... This mighty girl provides the adventure all by herself
Little Mary Anning

Rakel (4 years) dressed up as 19th century fossil pioneer
Mary Anning for Halloween, because as she paraphrased from our book on Anning, “nothing scares people like a girl who doesn’t conform”.
Dr. Eugenie Clark, the “Shark Lady”

Emma wants to be a marine biologist and hopes to be just like Eugenie Clark when she grows up
Monkey Cowgirl Mashup

Claire knew three things about her Halloween costume. Monkey, Cowgirl, Wagon. So we made it happen.
May the force be with you

Annie loves her daddy’s yoda coffee cup and was so excited to dress up as Yoda this year. She proclaimed “May the force be with you!” after receiving candy in her bucket and enjoyed waving her lightsaber around.
Arihanna Capri as Misty Copeland’s “Firebird”

As a fellow ballerina, Arihanna’s idol is
Misty Copeland and has been dreaming of this costume all year. It cannot be said loud enough: representation is so important! Arihanna has big dreams and we are thrilled she can see any part of herself in Misty.
Hermione Granger

Like many people, my daughter was taken with the Harry Potter books from the moment she picked up the first one. She has known for months that her costume choice would be the smart, independent
Hermione Granger.
Queen Elizabeth II

Forget princesses. All Hail the Queen!
Homemade Captain Kanewsy

Emily (10) is a huge Star Trek fan. She is enamored with Captain Janeway, and she rocks it.

Sometimes it’s fun to be fierce
It’s a Jolly Holiday with Molly

Molly, 7 years old, dressed up as one of her favorite characters,
Mary Poppins
Joan D'Arc

And her war horse????
Best Friends!

Best Friends! Lucy and Ethel