A Mighty Girl's top picks of children's books about tree-loving girls and women and nature-themed science toys in honor of Arbor Day!
There's something special about trees! They provide a place to climb and explore, shade to play or read, and a bit of beauty when it's most needed. And of course, the environmental benefits they offer critical for our planet and for the creatures — including Mighty Girls — who live near them. So it's no wonder that, for many people, trees hold a special place in their hearts!
In honor of Arbor Day — a day dedicated to planting and celebrating trees — we're sharing our favorite books about tree-loving girls and women, along with a few science toys and kits to help kids learn more about the wonders of trees and nature. These stories will delight young nature lovers, while giving all kids a new appreciation of the majesty of trees!
Books About Tree-Loving Girls and Women
When Maple was very small, her parents planted a maple tree in her honor, and together they grew up. Maple's tree becomes a favorite spot to play, the one place that she can be as loud as she wants without worrying, but she has to admit it's not a great playmate. When Maple's little sister Willow arrives, Maple discovers that babies can be even louder than she can! Fortunately, Maple realizes that her tree's gently shifting leaves may be just what Willow needs. This sweet story features a nature-loving girl who happily shares her favorite spot with her new sister. Fans of this book can also check out the sequels, Maple and Willow Together, Maple and Willow Apart, and Maple and Willow's Christmas Tree.
Beatrice Was a Tree
Beatrice Was a Tree
It's bedtime for Beatrice, but she doesn't want to go — she'd rather stay outside! In fact, she wishes she could become a tree, one which would stay outside all night long and reach roots deep into the ground. She imagines herself growing tall, leafy branches that catch sunlight and shelter birds, and shedding her leaves in the winter so she can stay snuggled up until spring. Joyce Hesselberth, the award-winning creator of Pitter Pattern, uses Beatrice's imaginary time as a tree to introduce young readers to important science about trees and their impact on the planet. With extra backmatter packed with even more details, this is the perfect read aloud to encourage kids to see the trees outside their windows in a new way!
Red Knit Cap Girl and the Reading Tree
Red Knit Cap Girl and the Reading Tree
Naoko Stoop's beloved character Red Knit Cap Girl inspires a community project in this story when she leaves her book in a hollow tree, saying "I will keep my book in this nook so everyone can read it." Soon, other animals are adding their own books — or contributing in other ways, like when Beaver gnaws a shelf or when the sheep bring warm blankets for the readers. The final touch is a special sign for the new library, a reminder that these books are for everyone to use. Kids will love watching how this community turns the tree into a gathering place for friends and neighbors.
When Grandma Gives You A Lemon Tree
When Grandma Gives You A Lemon Tree
Sometimes, even if you give Grandma a very careful list of electronic gadgets you'd like for your birthday... she'll give you a lemon tree instead. If that happens, you should be polite and say thank you, and you definitely should not try to get rid of it (even if you do come up with some clever ideas.) Instead, put it somewhere sunny and give it just enough water, and with a little time, you might just have some delicious home-made lemonade (recipe included)! This wry and clever book about the joys of tending a growing plant is sure to make kids giggle, and give them a new appreciation of all the good things that can come from a little patience.
Miss Twiggley's Tree
Miss Twiggley's Tree
Miss Twiggley is considered odd by the whole town: she lives in a tree, she runs and hides when people visit, and she sends her dog out to do the shopping. There are even rumors that she sleeps in her hat and makes friends with bears! "Simply disgraceful!" the town declares. But when a hurricane hits the town and it starts to flood, Miss Twiggley's house is the only one above water — and she overcomes her shyness to give everyone refuge. Soon, her rescue turns into a party, and everyone leaves with a new appreciation for one another! Originally published in 1966, this beloved picture book is back in print and perfect to share with a new generation.
Wonder Woman Saves the Trees!
Wonder Woman Saves the Trees!
Wonder Woman knows the importance of taking care of our planet — but she also knows that things are better when we work together. When Poison Ivy sets out to stop people who might destroy her forest, Wonder Woman has to step in... but she also knows that Poison Ivy is right. Together, the super-powered pair pick up garbage and plant lots of new trees so that they can keep their spaces green! Tree-loving kids will be delighted with this Step Into Reading early reader that combines superhero action with environmental activism.
North Woods Girl
North Woods Girl
When Grandma tucks her pants in her boots and grabs her walking stick, this little girl races to join her side! As they walk near Grandma's north woods home, both grandmother and granddaughter get to enjoy special experiences unique to each season — from the snowy nighttime hoot of an owl to the pleasures of fresh tomatoes from the garden — but most importantly, they get to spend extra time together. And when they do, they relish all the beauty that the forest has to offer. This charming story captures the joy of exploring nature with someone you love.
My Friend Tree
My Friend Tree
A girl and a boy grow up next to an old oak tree — and the tree becomes as much of a friend to the pair as they are to one another! In fact, the tree is so special to them that the friends decide to plant and tend a new forest. As they care for the growing sapling, the children grow too, and so do their feelings for one another. Soon, they are adults, with a blossoming relationship and then, a growing family. The best-selling author and illustrator pair behind Apple Cake have crafted an introspective, lyrical story about connection with nature and the way a family grows — and the book, which is printed on 100% recycled paper, even includes instructions to help kids grow their own oak trees.
The Bee Tree
The Bee Tree
When Mary Ellen gets bored and frustrated with her assigned reading, Grandpa decides to give her a little hands-on learning by taking her on a hunt for a bee tree. In a garden full of flowers, he carefully catches a few bees in a jar, explaining that the bees will lead them back to their hive. Their merry chase takes them past many landmarks — and attracts the attention of half the town! — before they find the tree and Grandpa carefully pulls just enough honey for them to enjoy. This fun, boisterous story includes valuable messages about respect for the natural world, as well as about the need for persistence to achieve sweet rewards.
The Hike
The Hike
Three outdoor-loving friends — Wren, El, and Hattie, along with Bean the dog — are going on a hike. It's their "favorite thing to do," but each of them has different talents to bring to bear: Wren brings her sketchbook, while El shows them how to make leaf baskets, and Hattie, the smallest, is the best at using their map to find her way. On their route, they observe the flora and fauna of the Western woodland, labeled in the illustrations; scientific backmatter, including a glossary, encourages kids to imagine what they might discover in their own backyards. This picture book celebrates a love of the outdoors and the beauties to be found in forests.
Hello, Tree
Hello, Tree
In a beautiful forest, a pine tree and a girl are close companions, each providing the other with comfort and friendship. But when a lightning storm ignites a forest fire, the girl and her family have to flee the fire... and so do all the other forest creatures. But the tree can't run; all it can do is wait. The tree survives, and finds itself alone in a barren, charred landscape. Over time, though, the animals and insects slowly return — and so do the people, carefully doing what they can to restore the forest. This contemplative picture book, inspired by the 2013 Black Forest fire, celebrates the power of human connection with nature.
Miss Maple's Seeds
Miss Maple's Seeds
During the summer, Miss Maple diligently searches the world around her, looking for seeds who haven't found a place to sprout. Together, they explore places where the seeds might grow, and she cares for them through the fall and the long, cold winter, reminding them, "Take care, my little ones, for the world is big and you are small." But when the winter is over, she is ready to let them go... because in rich earth and warm sun, they won't be small for long! This beautiful celebration of caretaking and the miracle of nature's growth is exquisitely illustrated; kids will particularly linger over a spread of drawings of a wide variety of seeds, from tiny raspberry pips to acorns.
Zee Grows a Tree
Zee Grows a Tree
The same day that Zee Cooper is born, a little Douglas fir breaks through the soil at her family's Christmas tree farm. And it soon turns out that the girl and the tree grow in parallel ways! Just as Zee goes to preschool, the tree is ready to move from the nursery to the beds outdoors. On her fourth birthday, both Zee and the tree are shorter than their peers... and then they both have growth spurts! All the while, Zee works side by side with her parents, helping protect and care for her tree... until, on her 8th birthday, it's finally tall enough to be a Christmas tree. With plenty of fascinating facts about trees — including back matter about ways to enjoy a tree for the holidays without cutting one down — this charming story will inspire kids to see the connection between themselves and the trees around them.
Sakura's Cherry Blossoms
Sakura's Cherry Blossoms
When Sakura's dad gets a new job in America, Sakura struggles with culture clash and learning a new language, but most of all she misses her beloved grandmother, Obaachan, who used to picnic with her under the cherry trees. Slowly, though, she makes a new friend and starts to settle in... until Obaachan gets sick, and the family has to fly back to Japan to say goodbye. When she gets home, her friend Luke tells her she'll get a surprise in the spring — and Sakura is delighted to see the cherry trees that bloom in her own neighborhood, bringing warm memories and special time with new friends. This warmhearted, thoughtful story celebrates the healing power of friendship and the beauty of spring. And for a book about the woman who brought cherry trees to America, check out Eliza's Cherry Trees: Japan's Gift to America.
Maple and Rosemary
Maple and Rosemary
Maple the tree feels all alone; unlike the cedars and pines nearby, she's "all bark and no leaf for half the year." She wishes she had a friend... and then one day, a girl named Rosemary appears. "Everybody hates me," Rosemary declares, only to discover that Maple welcomes her new friend and invites her to clamber into her branches. The pair become fast friends, and Rosemary visits often — but suddenly one day, she's gone. Maple resigns herself to a lonely future until, years later, adult Rosemary returns... as a teacher with a whole class of children eager to meet Maple! Their friendship, it turns out, is "real as roots." This gentle, sweet picture book is a beautiful tale of the ways friendship can touch our lives, through seasons and across a lifetime.
Secret Tree Fort
Secret Tree Fort
Two sisters are sent outside, and the oldest wants to read a book but the youngest is eager to play. So when her pleas fail, she decides to try some reverse psychology instead: "I have a secret tree fort, and YOU'RE NOT INVITED!" As she regales her older sister with tales of her fort's many attributes — including water-balloon launchers, trapdoors, and underwater board games with whales — she wonders what exactly it will take to finally convince her to look up... This story of a girl tempting her sister with the power of imagination ends with a satisfying surprise!
Kate, Who Tamed the Wind
Kate, Who Tamed the Wind
Kate is playing hopscotch when she hears a cry of frustration from the bare hilltop near her town. The wind there is powerful, and the man who lives there can't escape it. Kate knows the solution: planting trees! Over years — enough years that Kate becomes a teenager and the man's beard goes grey — Kate plants trees over the steep hill, tends them, and helps them grow. Finally, the trees are tall enough that Kate can truly claim to have tamed the wind. This thoughtful story about a resourceful, determined Mighty Girl shares an important message, both about the role that trees play in making our spaces healthier and more comfortable, and about the need for long-term planning and action to keep our world green.
The Tree Lady: The True Story of How One Tree-Loving Woman Changed A City Forever
The Tree Lady: The True Story of How One Tree-Loving Woman Changed A City Forever
Katherine Olivia Sessions grew up in Northern California, among tall pines and redwoods, and couldn't imagine living in a place without trees. But when she moved to the dry desert town of San Diego to work as a teacher, she discovered that there were almost no trees there. So she decided that her new city could use more than a hint of green and started a massive movement that transformed the town into the green, garden-filled oasis it is today. This beautiful story about a women who brought trees to a place where no one expected to find them is sure to inspire kids to make their own communities a little more green.
All from a Walnut
All from a Walnut
Emilia is surprised one morning when she finds a single walnut on her nightstand. To her delight, Grandpa tells her a story about a walnut he picked from a tree near his boyhood home; he carried it in a pocket, rooted it in a pot, and then brought it with him to the new place that he would call home. When he had a daughter, Emilia's mother, she planted her own walnut. Now, it's Emilia's turn, and he shows her how to care for her little tree... even as he starts slowing down more and more. When Emilia has to say goodbye to Grandpa, her little sapling looks droopy and sad, just like she feels, but thanks to her grandfather's advice, the tree will always be there as a reminder that the people we love are always with us, even after they die. This gentle story is a celebration of growing things and the power of family legacy.
Branches of Hope: The 9/11 Survivor Tree
Branches of Hope: The 9/11 Survivor Tree
On September 11, 2001, a little girl and her family watch in horror as the planes strike the towers... and the towers fall. In the weeks after the attack, workers discover the branches of a pear tree poking through the rubble. Although the tree is burned and buried, it still lives and grows. The girl grows too; as the tree is moved to a Brooklyn nursery for rehabilitation, she goes to school and a younger sibling joins her family. A memorial is built, and the tree is transplanted there. And by the time 20 years have passed, the tree is healthy and strong, and the girl has become a woman — a firefighter, just like her first-responder uncle. This moving picture book, both poignant and hopeful, is a real-life fable about survival and healing. For another picture book about the Survivor Tree, we recommend This Very Tree: A Story of 9/11, Resilience, and Regrowth.
Seeds of Change: Wangari's Gift to the World
Seeds of Change: Wangari's Gift to the World
As a young girl growing up in Kenya, Wangari Maathai's family defied tradition so she could get an education; she also learned traditional Kikuyu reverence for nature. As a young adult, she had the opportunity to attend university — if she went to the US. But she swore she would return, and when she did, she combined her scientific education with her appreciation for good husbandry of natural resources to found the Green Belt Movement, which not only provided sustainable work for women across Kenya, but also helped them replant millions of trees. This vibrant picture book biography of the first African woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize pays tribute to how Maathai literally changed Kenya's landscape forever. For more picture books about Maathai, check out Mama Miti for ages 4 to 8, Planting the Trees of Kenya and Wangari's Trees of Peace for ages 5 to 8, and Wangari Maathai: The Woman Who Planted Millions of Trees for ages 7 to 10.
The Queen and the First Christmas Tree
Queen Charlotte's Gift to England
The Queen and the First Christmas Tree
Queen Charlotte's Gift to England
As a child in Mecklenburg, Germany, Princess Charlotte loved being outside, and brought a yew branch indoors to decorate every Christmas. Then, when she was 17, she was married to King George III of England, requiring her to leave her home and everything she loved. To stave off homesickness, she brought one yew branch, to "make magic in her new home." Decades later, in 1800, the mother of 15 decided to throw a Christmas party for a hundred children — and a single branch didn't seem like enough. So she brought in a whole tree, and Christmas tradition was born! This charming story, with warm illustrations, will quickly become a holiday favorite.
One Million Trees: A True Story
One Million Trees: A True Story
10-year-old Kristen is started when her parents tell her the whole family is going on a trip... to plant trees. For forty days, she, her sisters, their mom and their dad, and the family dog, will be working on a logging site in British Columbia, Canada. There, they'll help replant seedlings to replace the precious trees that have been cut down. There are exciting moments — flying in a seaplane and camping for weeks — and less fun moments — like getting covered in bug bites. But Kristen learns things she wouldn't learn anywhere else, from speaking a little French to how to properly plant a tree... and years later, the spot where they planted a literal million trees is now a huge, glorious forest. Richly detailed illustrations and an intriguing story about tree planting and its positive impact will make this book an inspiration for young readers eager to find their own ways to help the earth.
Luna & Me: The True Story of a Girl who Lived in a Tree to Save a Forest
Luna & Me: The True Story of a Girl who Lived in a Tree to Save a Forest
When Julia "Butterfly" Hill discovered that a 1,000-year-old redwood tree was slated to be cut down, she had to act. She loved the forest and knew just how important the trees were. So she climbed into the tree, which she named Luna, because it couldn't be cut down if a person was in it — and she stayed there for two years. In this beautifully illustrated picture book biography about a woman who put her life on hold to save the life of an irreplaceable tree, author/illustrator Jenny Sue Kostecki-Shaw highlights the many challenges Hill faced and the joys she experienced during her quest to save Luna.
The Leaf Detective: How Margaret Lowman Uncovered Secrets in the Rainforest
The Leaf Detective: How Margaret Lowman Uncovered Secrets in the Rainforest
Meg Lowman was a shy child who rarely spoke in school — but she adored the natural world, and particularly the trees and the many organisms that lived in their branches and leaves. So she decided she wanted to become a scientist and study the canopies in the rain forest. There were many obstacles in her way, from the inaccessibility of the treetops to the sexism she faced in the scientific community to the logging and clearing that threatened this precious ecosystem. But Lowman persevered, and "Canopy Meg" not only created her own future, but helped ensure the rainforests had a future too. With vibrant illustrations (that conceal fascinating facts about rainforests in their leafy designs) and text drafted with the help of Lowman herself, this picture book is a detailed and exciting portrait of a pioneering scientist and the incredible world she loves.
The Promise
The Promise
When a young thief tries to snatch an old woman's bag, she's surprised when the woman says she can have it... if she makes a promise. The purse turns out to be full of acorns, and the thief realizes she has promised to plant them all. But as she makes the grey ruins of the city start to sprout green, everyone seems to blossom, and the thief realizes that she can make a difference in the world — for good. Inspired by the 1953 story, The Man Who Planted Trees, this thoughtful picture book is a testament to the power of the nature to heal our cities and ourselves.
She Persisted: Wangari Maathai
She Persisted: Wangari Maathai
Unlike many Kenyan girls, Wangari Maathai had the chance to go to school — and she even won a spot in an American university. But when she came home, she was shocked to see how many trees had been cut down. So the innovative woman founded the Green Belt Movement, an organization dedicated to teaching girls and women ways to protect the environment while also earning their own money to support their families. For her work, she would receive a Nobel Peace Prize, making her the first African woman to win the prestigious award! This book inspired by the best-selling series She Persisted is an empowering introduction to a woman who found a way to combine her passion for women's rights and environmental protection.
Aani & the Tree Huggers
Aani & the Tree Huggers
Aani is resting against her favorite tree when she hears a strange roaring sound. When she alerts the village women, they realize that the sounds are machines, sent from a nearby city to cut down the trees. The women argue their case to the loggers: the trees aren't just beautiful, but they also provide food and fuel for the village, safety for local animals, and prevent soil from washing away in the rains. When the cutters refuse to listen, Aani instinctively steps up to find a way to stop her beloved tree from being destroyed. Full of quiet courage and reverence for nature, this captivating picture book reminds young readers of the importance of standing up for what you believe in.
The Secret Tree
The Secret Tree
Minty is used to mysteries like the Witch House and the Man Bat, neighborhood legends that don't affect her much. But this summer, she's also facing new mysteries, like the Mean Boys who torment her and the strange behavior of her older sister, Thea. when Minty finds a tree with a hollow trunk, she also discovers that it's full of secrets belonging to people in the neighborhood, and that Raymond, another neighbor, has found the tree too. Together, they set out to identify who belongs with which secret — and see if they can fix each problem, one by one. An appealing main character and an emotionally rich story capture the changing nature of life and relationships in this thoughtful book.
Pilu of the Woods
Pilu of the Woods
After her mother's death, Willow is struggling with her grief and anger — especially when her sister is busy acting like a parent, and her classmates laugh at her uncontrolled emotions. Then, she meets Pilu, a lost tree spirit who belongs in the magnolia grove that Willow's mom used to take her to. Willow offers to help Pilu, but on the journey, both physical and emotional storms will rage — and Willow will have to confront her feelings rather than forcing them under the surface. This emotionally rich graphic novel encourages reader to explore and express their emotions, and even includes blank journal pages in the back to help.
The End of the Wild
The End of the Wild
11-year-old Fern loves nature, but has little time to enjoy it: her stepfather Toivo struggles to earn enough money for the family, so she's responsible for watching her two brothers and keeping the house. The old growth forest behind their home is Fern's refuge, so she's devastated when she hears that a fracking company wants to put a wastewater pond there. But for her poor community, it means chance to pull themselves out of poverty. So with her dead mother's recipe book, Fern sets out to show just what could be lost along with the forest. A touching and nuanced look at complex issues like environmentalism, poverty, mental illness, and more, this book will give middle grade readers plenty to think about.
Toys And Science Kits For Nature Lovers
Giant Tree Wall Decal
Giant Tree Wall Decal
Her room will feel wild and free with this wall decal from RoomMates! This massive set includes 47 decals that come together to create an image that's 36 inches wide and 50 inches high. Plus, these decals remove and reposition easily, so you can grow the tree of your (or her) dreams! They leave no sticky residue on the walls, so they are a quick an easy way to add a touch of outdoor wonder to her indoor space.
The Magic School Bus Rides Again: Exploring the Wonders of Nature
The Magic School Bus Rides Again: Exploring the Wonders of Nature
Join Ms. Frizzle and her students on the Magic School Bus as you explore the wonders of nature! As kids follow along with this set, they'll make a bug house, cast an animal track, make sun prints and leaf art, and much more. Everything she'll need to try these activities is included, making this set the perfect way to get her investigating and discovering outdoors.
Tree House Engineering and Design Set
Tree House Engineering and Design Set
Build the tree house of your dreams with this engineering set from Learning Resources! A selection of included activity cards get kids solving engineering challenges with the 52 pieces, using everything from simple planks to a hinged bridge and a rope and bucket. Kids will learn to build railings, platforms, and more, and then they can let their imagination run wild! It's the perfect choice for those who know engineering can take you anywhere — even up a tree.
Nancy B.'s Nature Keeper and Tree Diary
Nancy B.'s Nature Keeper and Tree Diary
Investigate the world of plants with Nancy B.'s Science Club! With this kit, kids choose a tree to adopt for a year. They'll use the Nature Press to preserve leaves and flowers, and note their observations in the journal. Tips inside will help them estimate the age of their tree, document animals that live in and around it, and note how the seasons affect it. Like all of the Nancy B.'s Science Club kits, this set is perfect to encourage tweens to do some exploring and experimenting all on their own.
Yarn Tree Kit
Yarn Tree Kit
Wrap your own beautiful yarn tree with this kit from Craft-Tastic! An 18" tall bendable wire tree and plenty of colorful yarn allow you to create a tree that's uniquely yours. The instruction guide shows you how to properly wrap the yarn for a tight, seamless look. Then, bend the tree's branches into shape and use it to store jewelry or as a decorative accent. For another fun yarn-wrapping kit, check out the Yarn Unicorns Kit.
Leaf & Flower Nature Press Kit
Leaf & Flower Nature Press Kit
Turn leaves and flowers into beautiful art quickly and easily with this flower press from Worown! This 8 by 6 inch press comes with sponge sheets and absorbent paper to help dry your specimens faster, without losing their vibrant colors. The straps on the press are easy to adjust, making it simple to tighten them. After a few days, you'll have gorgeous dried flowers you can use for all sorts of art projects, perfect for nature lovers!