A Mighty Girl's 2019 Halloween Gallery is now live! A small sample of the many hundreds of photos submitted can be viewed in our Halloween Highlights blog post.
In this blog post, we've showcased a small sample of these incredible costumes — to browse all of the amazing costume photos submitted, visit our 2019 Halloween Gallery. And, to help you and your Mighty Girl learn more about the wonderful historic figures and characters depicted, we've also linked to our character collection and biography section where relevant.
A Mighty Girl

My little mighty girl Bryony, aged 5, dressed up as...
A Mighty Girl!
Susan B. Anthony

My daughter Miriam is six and we have been reading books about heroic women her whole life. She loves
Susan B. Anthony for standing up for women at a time when those views were unpopular.
Mila as Michelle Obama

Joan Beauchamp Procter

Greta Thunberg 2.0

Inspired by
Greta Thunberg the PlanetSaver our daughter passed out flyers on how to reduce CO2 to each house while trick or treating!
Marie Curie

Jasmina and I recently finished listening to
The Radium Girls (after A Mighty Girl recommended it). Jasmina is passionate about science and nature. So, for Halloween she decided to go as
Marie Curie, who discovered radium and polonium and was the first woman to be awarded a Nobel Prize. Jasmina loves learning about accomplished, female scientists that she can look up to.
Chloe Kim for the Gold!

Strong, athletic, and driven! Chloe Kim inspires my daughter to dream big!
Athena Knows Best

Our daughter is caught up in the world of Greek mythology thanks to a favorite book series, Percy Jackson. She chose to dress as the goddess
Athena, one of the original mighty girls, who wasn't afraid to show how brilliant and tough she was!
The 13th mini doctor

Even though Cailin is too young to know who the
13th Doctor from Doctor Who is, she is going to grow up in a world where there the Doctor is a woman, female superheroes dominate at the box office, and she can be anything she sets her mind to.

My Mighty Girl had signed up to be a Princess for a fundraising Princess and Pirate Pancake Breakfast and she knew EXACTLY who she wanted to be: Belle. Not the gussied up Belle, but the practical and book worm Belle from the
live action film. So I made her the costume for the breakfast and for Halloween. She's in her junior year of high school and plans on studying environmental science, but in this photo she's ready Harry Potter. She, like Belle, is a voracious reader.
My Luna Lovegood

3 Little Pigs

Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin!
Good Omens

Crowley and Aziraphale from
Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman.
Go USWNT! #13 Alex Morgan

Julia won the Most Realistic prize at her school's fall festival for her portrayal of soccer star
Alex Morgan.
Ms. Marvel

Ms. Marvel: A superhero who is a Pakistani American Muslim girl just like her?? Who is strong and defeats bad guys? Yes, please!
Astrid Hofferson - How To Train Your Dragon 2

No one is tougher than
Astrid — with Berk's harsh climate and dealing with Hiccup, she's got her work cut out for her!
Suki from Avatar: The Last Airbender

Skyla, aged 5, dressed as Tiffany Aching

My little mighty girl! Dressed up as the smart and resourceful young witch
Tiffany Aching, from the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett!
Pippi and Lil Old Man

My fierce, free-spirited 10 year old with a heart of gold watched the original
Pippi Longstocking movie recently and immediately identified with Pippi. Fortunately she also has a horse to make the costume even more complete!
The Princess in Black

We first learned about
The Princess in Black from A Mighty Girl and since then the series has become a family favorite. My daughter was running around this Halloween, shouting, "Back, monsters, back! Back to your internal pit!"
Rosie the Riveter

Girl Scout Founder Juliette Gordon Low

Ella, age 10, as the inspiring founder of Girl Scouts,
Juliette Gordon Low, who was born on Halloween in 1860.
Room on the Broom!

Lily as Arya Stark

Taking down the Night King and patriarchy one battle at a time!
Spirited Away, Chihiro and Haku.

Seven year old Sammy as Chihiro and her dragon spirit friend Haku from
Spirited Away. She loves this coming of age movie that shows Chihiro going against a witch and a host of Shinto spirits with nothing more than her courage, hard work, and the friendship of Haku to save her parents.
Princess Pulverizer

Eliana (age 7) chose her favorite literary heroine:
Princess Pulverizer, a no-nonsense princess who yearns to be a knight. Eliana says she likes her because girls can do it all!
Girls who Read can brew spells with speed!

My mighty girls LOVE dressing up as strong women or girls they admire! This year
Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasley are their favorites! Strong, smart, brave.... who could ask for better role models!
Minnie Mouse Racer

Ready, set, go!
First girl on the moon

Charlotte dressed up as an astronaut on the moon to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the moon landing! She loves space and the moon so it was the perfect costume for her!
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Leah loves her book about
Ruth Bader Ginsburg,
I Dissent! She was thrilled to be RBG for Halloween. Leah told everyone she saw that she was Ruth Bader Ginsburg and she fights for women's rights!
A Super Sibling Captain Marvel

Samantha, age 6, is the sibling of a medically complex brother with significant special needs and is his super hero in real life every day. She chose
Captain Marvel as her costume (and alter ego) because "Captain Marvel is brave, strong, and powerful, just like I am!"
Ruth Wakefield and her famous cookie

Lucy learned about
Ruth Wakefield, inventor of the chocolate chip cookie, while reading
5 Minute Stories for Fearless Girls. She decided to dress as the famous baker and for her brother, Jack, to be the chocolate chip cookie and for me to be the Nestle chocolate bar. Such a SWEET idea!
ViQUEEN warrior

Every year she goes as a different warrior. This year she asked to be a ViQUEEN warrior — not a ViKING.
Gymnast Nadia Comaneci

Trailblazing Sheriff Claire Furguson

This is my daughter, Maya, standing next to one of our local sheriffs, dressed as Claire Furguson. Claire was the first female sheriff in Utah, in 1978
Primatologist Jane Goodall

Maeve wants to be just like
Jane Goodall when she grows up — researching, exploring and saving all the endangered animals. She has read every book she can on Jane Goodall and loves hearing about her life. Maeve knows you just have to be curious and brave to make a difference in the world!

Artist Frida Kahlo

While learning about Mexico, Isabelle age 6, became very interested in
Frida Kahlo and particularly the struggles she overcame to become an artist. She likes to draw her own Frida Kahlo pictures and post them around the house and dresses up as Frida regularly.
Raegan the Dino Cowgirl

Raegan likes to add her unique spin onto everything she does. She decided her cowgirl outfit was missing a key detail — a dinosaur of course!
"Good Idea"

My daughter, Ruby, is studying circuits in 3rd grade and decided she wanted to wire a light with a switch so it could flip on when she got a "good idea!" It was so much fun and we learned a lot about circuits in the process!
Mother Nature

Mother Nature: Blooming but also burning and struggling with our trash!
Handmaids from The Handmaid's Tale


She has no agenda, she just knows what she loves and that is elephants! This mighty girl feels free to be who she is and love what she loves.
Mighty Dragon

I'm the not the princess, I'm the dragon!
The Adventurous Entomologist Evelyn Cheesman

My seven year old daughter Emily wanted to dress as her favorite entomologist,
Evelyn Cheesman!
Shooting for the Moon

This is what my girl chose to be for Halloween, even before she found out about the #AllWomenSpacewalk. She wanted to be the first woman on the moon. She has had a fascination with the moon since she was a baby and always called it "my moon". Here she comes #NASA
Shattered glass ceiling

Breaking through the glass ceiling
Oceanographer Dr. Sylvia Earle

Third year as a robot

Her third year as a robot. She wanted to be a robot first at 4 years, then 5 years, and again at 8.
Regal Eagle

The fiercest bird for the fiercest girl!
Chemist Rosalind Franklin

This is our toddler daughter as
Dr. Rosalind Franklin, her namesake. She's pictured receiving the Nobel Prize that was stolen from Dr. Franklin. Our little Rosalind eagerly accepted it on her behalf.
Margaret Hamilton, Computer Scientist

Weathergirl / meteorologist

Seeing rain was in the forecast for Halloween, she made this costume the night before.
Baseball Player Sophie Kurys

Pioneering Pilot Amelia Earhart

Maddie researched every detail about
Amelia Earhart — plane design and controls, flying outfit, smile (no teeth), pearls and curls.
Joan of Arc

My 6 year old, Grace, choose to dress up as
Joan of Arc after reading a biography about her life. What she likes best about Joan of Arc is that "she just keeps trying"!
Vincent Van Gogh Paintings

These three sisters love art, so Van Gogh was the perfect theme. Their dad got in the action as Van Gogh. The headpieces also light up for safe trick or treating at night!
Shuri, princess of wakanda

Shuri, the tech genius princess from
Black Panther.
Author and Activist Helen Keller

She was inspired by Helen Keller's books and how she overcame adversity and reached her goals.
Animal Scientist Dr. Temple Grandin

Our school has a biography day on Halloween. Kids research a famous person and present clues to the audience. My little
Dr. Temple Grandin stumped the audience
Soccer Star Megan Rapinoe

9 year old Lydia as her soccer hero Megan Rapinoe — so inspired by Rapinoe's amazing World Cup success and leadership as a strong woman professional athlete and person in the public eye.
Leah As An Evil Mad Scientist

An emergency appendectomy didn't stop this Evil Mad Scientist from celebrating Halloween!
Knitting anyone?

My mighty girl recently learned to knit, so she wanted to be a basket of yarn.
Strong woman

This is my mighty strong girl!
Avery the Pediatrician

My Mighty Girl has wanted to be a nurse or doctor since was three. She loves setting up clinics for all her toys!
CandyLand Board Game

Persephone and Cerberus

Persephone, Queen of the underworld, and her ferocious three headed dog, who guards the gates to the world of the living and makes sure no souls escape to the daylit lands, unless they have treats or give tummy rubs.
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl

She is "Doreen Green, age 14. She eats nuts and kicks butts!" Our Mighty Girl, Scootaloo, has fallen in love with the comics of
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl! Squirrel Girl is an amazing Marvel character that you rarely hear about but she is amazing at what she does and has so much Girl Power that everyone should know about her!

She told everyone, "I'm Halle Berry as Catwoman". Representation matters!
These Justices Rule!!

Morrigan Crow from Nevermoor

Dressed up like Morrigan Crow from
Nevermoor. Complete with gold wun pin and brolly.
Thor and Loki

My two daughters age 8 and 6 as Thor and Loki from the Marvel movies.
Wonder Woman

Grace is only 3 years old but she is so strong and fearless. That's why
Wonder Woman was a perfect choice for her.
Hilda from Hildafolk

Hilda is a brave, intelligent, and empathetic girl who goes on amazing adventures in her realistic and magical world — a very enticing role model for our 6 year old Sylvie. She's been waiting months to color her hair blue and dress as Hilda!
Mighty Captain America!

14-year-old Norah made this Captain America, including the shield, all by herself. She researched cosplay tutorials online, sourced materials, cut, painted, and sewed. Who says Captain America has to be a boy?
Wednesday Addams

Everyone has always said that Clementine, who turns 12 the day after Halloween, reminds them of Wednesday Addams. This year, she finally went for it!
Zita the Spacegirl

My Madeline

My six year old fell in love with the
Madeline stories after watching a narrated version online. She wanted to be Madeline this year, so my sister (a talented seamstress) whipped this costume up!
Princess Mononoke

My daughter Luci's favorite movie has long been the Studio Ghibli classic,
Princess Mononoke. Here she is as San, wolf warrior princess, and protector of the forest.
Fear and Disgust from Inside Out

Fear and Disgust from
Inside Out. My oldest daughter (Fear) sewed both costumes herself.
Nancy Drew

Cleopatra in Space

7 year old E and her aunt designed and made this costume based on the graphic novel series
Cleopatra in Space by Mike Maihack.
Star Trek Science Officer

Taking down the Klingons!

Neil Gaiman's
Coraline escaping from the Other Mother.
Imogen as Princess Leia

Jareth the Goblin King

8 year old Violet dressed as Jareth the Goblin King (a.k.a. David Bowie) from one of her favorite movies,
Princess Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind

Princess Nausicaa is a courageous warrior based on Japanese animator Hayao Miyazaki's manga and film.
Who ya gonna call?

When my daughter saw the most recent
Ghostbusters movie, she thought Patty Tolan (played by Leslie Jones) was funny, smart and strong. She knew she wanted to be her for Halloween.
Lucille Ball

Spider-Gwen from Into the Spider-verse

This Mighty Girl ballerina couldn't wait to dress as her ultimate superhero,
Spider-Gwen — what's better than a superhero who fights villains in pointe shoes?
Lady Marine

Embracing her toughness as a Marine.
Eleven and the Demogorgon from Stranger Things.

My daughter as Eleven, riding the fully motorized Demogorgon scooter we built from scratch.
Lydia Deetz from Beetlejuice

Our daughter hadn't seen Beetlejuice until a week before Halloween; her whole costume changed so she could be Lydia Deetz.
Carmen Sandiego

Francesca identifies with this super smart, bilingual, foreign-born spy!
Carmen is brave, quick on her feet and has a witty sense of humor.
Mighty Merida from Brave

When we asked V what she wanted to be this year, she immediately responded, "
Princess Merida!" We told her okay, but we wanted to know why. She said, "Merida is brave, kind smart and caring, just how a princess should be!" So, here is our brave, kind Merida!
Alice in Wonderland

Danielle de Barbarac (from the film Ever After)

One of our 8 year old daughter Maile's favorite movies is the 1998 film
Ever After, starring Drew Barrymore. Danielle de Barbarac is a "Cinderella" ahead of her time (she's friends with Leonardo da Vinci, after all). She's independent, intelligent, fiercely dedicated to the those around her, believes that all people should be treated with dignity and respect, and ultimately "rescues" herself and her prince. This costume was an all-hands-on-deck project. An incredibly talented seamstress helped us with the beautiful gown. My husband and I had guidance from a local cosplayer on how to create the wings; hopefully da Vinci would be proud!
Alicia as Totoro

Alicia has fallen in love with Studio Ghibli films this year and decided no costume would be more comfy than
Three Black Queens

These three sisters pay homage to the history-making Black women who simultaneously wear crowns for Miss America, Miss Teen USA and Miss USA.
Elsa & Anna from Frozen

Ariadne (3) and Lyra (1) experience the ups and downs of sisterhood, just like the characters in
Emma the zombie girl

She made the costume entirely herself and did her own makeup! She's only 6!
Kiki and Gigi from Kiki's Delivery Service

Mary Poppins

Marlee is a fan of the original
Mary Poppins in all her whimsical ways. She is a believer in the theory that Mary Poppins and The Doctor (Doctor Who) are one in the same.
Marie Antoinette

Elise has been very obsessed with Marie Antoinette since we visited France a few years ago. And as a fashion designer and a mother, I had been waiting for my daughter to ask me to make her costume for Halloween!
She-ra and Glimmer

My 4 year old wanted to be cute, strong, and brave.
Sophie as Rey from Star Wars

Sophie takes Karate and loves that
Rey carries a quarter staff and can take care of herself!
Solar System

When my daughter Keira, age 4, asked to be the solar system for Halloween I knew I had to figure out a way to make it happen. Keira is very interested in learning about the solar system and we love reading books together about the planets. If she had to pick one planet to be her favorite she'd say Earth since that's our planet. This year for Christmas she's asking for a telescope so she can explore the galaxy from her own backyard.
Boudica, the Fierce warrior queen

Emma (aged 8) has always loved the warrior queen
Boudica — so much so that she also named our dog Boudica too (that's a different photo!)