A Smart Girl's Guide: Worry
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How To Like Yourself: A Teen's Guide to Quieting Your Inner Critic and Building Lasting Self-Esteem
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The Way I Used To Be
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Tallulah's Solo
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The First Time She Drowned
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Being Jazz: My Life as a (Transgender) Teen
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Symptoms of Being Human
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Inside Out: Welcome to Headquarters
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Lola Knows A Lot
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Hensel and Gretel: Ninja Chicks
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Sticks & Stones
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Some Kind Of Happiness
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Self-Esteem For Teens: Six Principles for Creating the Life You Want
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The Sexual Trauma Workbook for Teen Girls: A Guide to Recovery from Sexual Assault and Abuse
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You Got This!: Unleash Your Awesomeness, Find Your Path, and Change The World
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Little Frog and the Scary Autumn Thing
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Madeline Finn and the Library Dog
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Fuchsia Fierce
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My New Best Friend
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Beautiful Blue World
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Lucky Few
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Be Light Like A Bird
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My Body! What I Say Goes!
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Tell Me Something Real
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Lily and Dunkin
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The Museum of Heartbreak
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Be Who You Are!
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Girl In Pieces
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Positive: A Memoir
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All Heart: My Dedication and Determination to Become One of Soccer's Best
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The Cranky Ballerina
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Ella and Penguin Stick Together
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The Memory of Light
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The Hair Book: Care and Keeping Advice for Girls
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Soldier Sister, Fly Home
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Farewell to Manzanar
$ 6.39
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£ 8.18