Express Yourself: A Teen Girl's Guide to Speaking Up and Being Who You Are
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None Of The Above
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Stella Brings The Family
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Heather Has Two Mommies
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Beyond Magenta: Transgender Teens Speak Out
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Inside Out: Driven By Emotions
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Inside Out Big Golden Book
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My Many Colored Days
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The Feelings Book
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Today I Feel Silly: And Other Moods That Make My Day
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Taking A Bath With The Dog and Other Things That Make Me Happy
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The Feel Good Book
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The Red Tree
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Emily's Tiger
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Sometimes I'm Bombaloo
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Wemberly Worried
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What To Do When You Worry Too Much: A Kid's Guide To Overcoming Anxiety
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Eliza's Kindergarten Surprise
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The Specific Ocean
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A Ball For Daisy
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The Panic Workbook for Teens: Breaking the Cycle of Fear, Worry, and Panic Attacks
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Waiting for Normal
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Grandmother's Dreamcatcher
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The Anxiety Survival Guide for Teens: CBT Skills To Overcome Fear, Worry, and Panic
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The Teen Girl's Survival Guide: Ten Tips for Making Friends, Avoiding Drama, and Coping with Social Stress
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Below Your Belt: How To Be Queen of Your Pelvic Region
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Taking Care Of Your "Girls": A Breast Health Guide for Girls, Teens, and In-Betweens
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The Gutsy Girl: Escapades for Your Life of Epic Adventure
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Riding the Potty Train: Better Bathroom Behavior for Little Girls On The Go!
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A Smart Girl's Guide: Cooking
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Communications Skills for Teens: How to Listen, Express, and Connect for Success
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In My Heart: A Book of Feelings
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