Nutcracker Night
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Our Flag Was Still There: The True Story of Mary Pickersgill and the Star-Spangled Banner
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Pokko and the Drum
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Portrait of an Artist: Frida Kahlo
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Run The Show Like CEO Oprah Winfrey
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Boss the Bestseller List Like J. K. Rowling
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A Race Around The World: The True Story of Nellie Bly and Elizabeth Bisland
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Think Big, Little One
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£ 10.23
Frida: My First Frida Kahlo (Little People, Big Dreams)
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Lucy Maud: My First L.M. Montgomery (Little People, Big Dreams)
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Jane: My First Jane Austen (Little People, Big Dreams)
Audrey: My First Audrey Hepburn (Little People, Big Dreams)
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Frida Kahlo (Little People, Big Dreams)
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On The Come Up
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All the Greys on Greene Street
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Parker Looks Up: An Extraordinary Moment
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Ordinary Hazards
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The Spacesuit: How a Seamstress Helped Put Man on the Moon
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Mary's Blair's Unique Flair: The Girl Who Became One of the Disney Legends
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Ready to Fly: How Sylvia Townsend Became the Bookmobile Ballerina
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Dear Ally, How Do You Write a Book?
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The Line Tender
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We Walked The Sky
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Broken Strings
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Brave Ballerina: The Story of Janet Collins
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The PLAIN Janes
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Catherine's War
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Joni: The Lyrical Life of Joni Mitchell
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Women Artists A to Z
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On Wings of Words: The Extraordinary Life of Emily Dickinson
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£ 11.75