Magic Trixie
$ 8.99
C$ 10.99
A$ 30.13
£ 16.54
Friends With Boys
$ 35.13
C$ 24.99
A$ 156.17
Alia's Mission: Saving the Books of Iraq
$ 7.99
C$ 10.99
A$ 17.26
£ 15.06
Ghost World
$ 12.49
C$ 19.99
A$ 19.21
£ 11.98
$ 10.00
C$ 14.00
A$ 21.45
£ 9.87
Supergirl: Cosmic Adventures in the 8th Grade
$ 10.00
C$ 15.49
A$ 57.34
£ 6.99
The Search
$ 17.99
C$ 28.13
A$ 43.20
£ 25.51
$ 7.98
C$ 16.99
A$ 22.44
£ 8.75
The Great Unexpected
$ 8.79
C$ 13.50
A$ 25.49
Courtney Crumrin: The Night Things
$ 9.13
C$ 12.50
A$ 27.95
£ 9.18
Hilda and the Midnight Giant
$ 10.22
C$ 14.39
A$ 16.99
£ 14.05
Pumpkin Moonshine
$ 10.29
C$ 21.99
A$ 18.25
£ 14.17
The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything
$ 15.19
C$ 24.99
A$ 39.99
£ 12.22
Too Many Pumpkins
$ 8.36
C$ 12.49
A$ 23.08
£ 6.42
Ghosts in the House!
$ 8.99
C$ 11.95
A$ 26.35
£ 15.64
Winnie and Wilbur: Winnie the Witch
$ 11.50
C$ 15.24
A$ 19.37
£ 6.79
Dorrie and the Halloween Plot
$ 17.99
C$ 23.56
A$ 38.99
£ 11.55
Only A Witch Can Fly
$ 9.93
C$ 20.25
A$ 22.96
£ 24.19
A Very Brave Witch
$ 6.99
C$ 8.50
A$ 22.17
£ 13.01
The Witches of Worm
$ 7.61
C$ 11.99
A$ 13.99
£ 6.41
Jennifer, Hecate, Macbeth, William McKinley, and Me, Elizabeth
$ 8.36
C$ 11.99
A$ 26.14
£ 13.65
Where Is Baby's Pumpkin?
$ 7.05
C$ 9.99
A$ 22.77
The Witches' Supermarket
$ 11.99
C$ 34.16
Me and the Pumpkin Queen
$ 5.99
C$ 7.25
A$ 24.53
£ 4.99
I Remember Abuelito: A Day of the Dead Story / Yo Recuerdo a Abuelito: Un Cuento del Dia de los Muertos
$ 8.50
C$ 10.99
A$ 28.65
£ 17.24
A Gift for Abuelita: Celebrating the Day of the Dead/ Un regalo para Abuelita: En celebración del Día de los Muertos
$ 11.80
C$ 20.95
A$ 38.16
£ 15.25
Mary's First Thanksgiving: An Inspirational Story of Gratefulness
$ 6.99
A$ 21.82
£ 13.92
Thanksgiving is Here!
$ 6.39
C$ 9.99
A$ 9.99
£ 8.10
Thanks for Thanksgiving
$ 5.30
C$ 9.99
A$ 9.99
£ 7.92
The Littlest Pilgrim
$ 7.99
A$ 91.14
Drita, My Homegirl
$ 7.43
C$ 10.99
A$ 17.38
£ 8.33
The Year of the Perfect Christmas Tree: An Appalachian Story
$ 15.00
C$ 24.99
A$ 40.89
£ 15.24
The Story of Holly and Ivy
$ 15.86
C$ 21.10
A$ 35.72
£ 17.03
The Miracle of the Poinsettia / Milagro de la Flor de Nochebuena
$ 12.17
C$ 18.52
A$ 32.43
£ 12.29
The Legend of Old Befana: An Italian Christmas Story
$ 6.99
C$ 22.80
A$ 24.48
£ 13.82
The Legend of the Poinsettia
$ 6.99
C$ 11.99
A$ 17.97
£ 17.22