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Manufacturer: K'NEX

Science Books for Mighty Girls
8 items
  1. K'Nex Click and Construct Value Tub K'Nex Click and Construct Value Tub
    $37.30 C$92.81 A$89.76 £29.99
  2. K'Nex Intro To Simple Machines: Levers and Pulleys K'Nex Intro To Simple Machines: Levers and Pulleys
    $33.06 C$47.12 £22.14
  3. Intro to Simple Machines: Wheels, Axles and Inclined Planes Intro to Simple Machines: Wheels, Axles and Inclined Planes
    $30.89 C$46.39 A$81.28 £30.53
  4. K'Nex DNA, Replications and Transcription Set K'Nex DNA, Replications and Transcription Set
  5. Kid K'Nex 131 Piece Set Kid K'Nex 131 Piece Set
    $46.21 C$127.79 A$175.99 £45.34
  6. K'Nex Education: Swing Ride Building Set K'Nex Education: Swing Ride Building Set
    $29.40 C$98.75 A$74.30 £25.99
  7. K'Nex 70 Model Building Set K'Nex 70 Model Building Set
    $41.83 C$116.14 A$100.78 £43.58
  8. Kid K'NEX 100-Piece Tub Kid K'NEX 100-Piece Tub
    $32.18 C$44.70 A$91.80 £27.10
8 items