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Illustrator: David Small

Science Books for Mighty Girls
8 items
  1. That Book Woman That Book Woman
    $12.43 C$25.99 A$46.90 £18.08
  2. The Gardener The Gardener
    $7.02 C$12.99 A$19.78 £13.26
  3. The Quiet Place The Quiet Place
    $18.73 C$22.88 A$43.89 £15.28
  4. Bloom Bloom
    $12.95 C$19.50 A$46.65 £15.08
  5. The Christmas Crocodile The Christmas Crocodile
    $9.89 C$24.49 A$26.59 £15.80
  6. The Library The Library
    $11.18 C$24.49 A$35.52 £20.94
  7. Imogene's Antlers Imogene's Antlers
    $8.36 C$11.99 A$21.06 £6.99
  8. Long Road to the Circus Long Road to the Circus
8 items