Eily and her father live in Ireland, three fields from the sea, within sight of the enchanted isle of Lisnashee. The fairy folk who live there cause mischief and harm to any who trespass, but once a year at Midsummer, Eily’s father, the Fog Catcher, rows out to collect magic from the fog around the island. His sole protection is a charm tucked in his pocket.
When Eily finds the lost charm in a hedgerow after he departs, she knows at once what she must do. The brave young girl rows out to bring it to her father — and meet her destiny — in a stunning original tale, steeped in fairy lore, from a traditional Irish storyteller. Haunting watercolor paintings evoke the beauty of the Irish coastline in an imaginative coming-of-age tale about honoring the past and taking courage with an open heart.
Recommended Age | 5 - 8 |
Author | Marianne McShane |
Illustrator | Alan Marks |
ISBN | 1536211303 |
Publication Date | Jun 28, 2022 |
Publisher | Candlewick |
Language | English |