Disney's Moana tells the story of the daughter of the chieftain of Motonui, who has always felt the ocean's call, despite her father's warnings. When her island home of Motonui's natural resources start to crumble, she defies her father's warnings and sets out on a quest to stop the corruption from destroying her home. Moana sings How Far I'll Go as she wrestles between her desire to explore the ocean and her responsibilities as the chieftain's daughter to stay and be a good leader to her people.
Notes for Parents: Moana's struggles between parental expectation and a need to follow her own path will be familiar to many kids — and adults! Auli'i Cravalho, who voiced Moana, imbues this song with emotion and heart, concluding with an inspiring decision to follow her own heart, even if it contradicts tradition. The song and video are suitable for all ages, but teens facing the beginnings of their own life journeys will discover additional meaning in it.
Lyrical Notes: None Video Notes: None
Album | Moana Original Motion Picture Soundtrack |
Artist | Auli'i Cravalho |
Duration | 2:43 |
Release Date | Nov 18, 2016 |
Genre | Soundtrack |
Music Themes | Growing Up, Individuality/ Independence, Inspirational |
Label | Walt Disney Records |
Recommended Age | All Ages |