Little Witch Hazel is a tiny witch who lives in the forest, helping creatures big and small. She's a midwife, an intrepid explorer, a hard worker and a kind friend. In this four-season volume, Little Witch Hazel rescues an orphaned egg, goes sailing on a raft, solves the mystery of a haunted stump and makes house calls to fellow forest dwellers. But when Little Witch Hazel needs help herself, will she get it in time?
With beautiful illustrations and a gentle, evocative view of the natural world, Little Witch Hazel is a beautiful ode to nature, friendship, wild things and the seasons that only award-winning author-illustrator Phoebe Wahl could create: an instant classic and a book that readers will pore over time and time again.
"Refreshingly, nothing is sanitized: Little Witch Hazel is not gaunt and whimsical; she’s curvaceous, sturdy, and strong. She even has hairy legs; she has more important things to do than shave, such as serve as midwife to Mrs. Rabbit. The writing is lush and lyrical ('milky clouds… hung low'), and the textured, earth-toned illustrations expertly capture Hazel’s world, both cozy (her tiny home) and gloriously wild (the forest she tends to)." — Kirkus Reviews
Recommended Age | 4 - 8 |
Author | Phoebe Wahl |
Illustrator | Phoebe Wahl |
ISBN | 0735264899 |
Publication Date | Sep 21, 2021 |
Publisher | Tundra Books |
Language | English |