The Sloth Who Slowed Us Down
$ 16.13
C$ 21.99
A$ 49.55
£ 16.51
This Noble Woman: Myrtilla Miner and Her Fight to Establish a School for African American Girls in the Slaveholding South
$ 15.34
C$ 26.99
A$ 51.39
£ 18.39
Me, Myselfie & I: A Cautionary Tale
$ 17.97
C$ 30.64
A$ 21.59
LEGO Women of NASA: Space Heroes
$ 9.98
A$ 17.38
Truly Devious
$ 9.49
C$ 19.99
A$ 15.39
£ 8.27
Me, Frida, and the Secret of the Peacock Ring
$ 9.30
C$ 23.99
A$ 32.89
£ 16.60
$ 17.85
C$ 23.99
A$ 40.59
£ 18.70
And She Was
$ 4.08
C$ 36.93
A$ 25.71
£ 26.67
Coco Chanel: Pearls, Perfume, and the Little Black Dress
$ 15.40
C$ 8.94
A$ 20.79
£ 11.59
Chaotic Good
$ 11.71
C$ 22.00
A$ 10.64
£ 3.99
Hurricane Child
$ 7.39
C$ 9.99
A$ 28.28
£ 6.40
The Parker Inheritance
$ 7.49
C$ 9.99
A$ 27.63
£ 6.99
Izzy Gizmo
$ 15.99
C$ 24.49
A$ 44.13
£ 19.05
$ 9.99
C$ 11.99
A$ 21.66
£ 3.70
Midnight in the Piazza
$ 13.59
C$ 21.00
A$ 37.90
The Girl With More Than One Heart
The Pirates of Scurvy Sands
$ 15.43
C$ 22.99
A$ 45.11
£ 32.59
Nanna's Button Tin
$ 15.99
C$ 21.99
A$ 41.48
£ 19.02
Ella and Monkey at Sea
$ 15.26
C$ 31.61
A$ 40.90
£ 17.74
A Gift From Abuela
$ 14.53
C$ 23.99
A$ 24.99
£ 22.91
The Girl With A Mind For Math: The Story of Raye Montague
$ 13.16
C$ 22.95
A$ 24.99
£ 16.09
Strong Girls Gift Set
$ 38.62
C$ 65.11
A$ 89.08
£ 40.52
Buried Beneath the Baobab Tree
$ 11.99
C$ 14.99
A$ 35.19
£ 14.90
Sweep: The Story of a Girl and Her Monster
$ 8.94
C$ 14.23
A$ 14.99
£ 7.35
$ 9.59
C$ 12.50
A$ 15.39
£ 7.99
$ 9.99
C$ 12.50
A$ 15.40
£ 14.13
The Orphan Band of Springdale
$ 23.17
A$ 43.91
£ 20.11
Secret Sisters of the Salty Sea
$ 6.99
C$ 7.00
A$ 22.33
£ 7.56
Girl Made of Stars
$ 10.43
C$ 19.19
A$ 14.73
£ 7.99
$ 7.99
C$ 12.50
A$ 19.99
£ 8.27
$ 6.29
C$ 7.50
A$ 24.90
£ 7.04
The Unforgettable Guinevere St. Clair
$ 8.99
C$ 16.33
A$ 13.69
£ 11.12
Why Can't I Be You?
$ 13.59
C$ 21.00
A$ 38.72
£ 13.50
My Plain Jane
$ 12.79
C$ 19.99
A$ 20.14
£ 8.99
The Loneliest Girl in the Universe
$ 13.94
C$ 19.99
A$ 27.11
£ 15.13
My Year In The Middle
$ 8.36
C$ 21.99
A$ 30.05
£ 13.21