In an Oscar-winning performance, Sally Field is unforgettable as Norma Rae, the Southern mill-worker who revolutionizes a small town and discovers a power in herself she never had. Under the guidance of a New York unionizer (Ron Leibman) and with increasing courage and determination, Norma Rae organizes her fellow factory workers to fight for better conditions and wages.
Based on a true story, Norma Rae is the mesmerizing tale of a modern day heroine. Beau Bridges co-stars.
Ritt's typical, socially conscious story uses the politics of Norma Rae's struggle and also its emotions to build the film to a rousing climax. -- Robert Lane
Media Type | Movie |
Recommended Age | 12 and up |
Actors | Sally Field, Beau Bridges, Robert Broyles, John Calvin, Booth Colman |
Director | Martin Ritt |
Running Time | 110 minutes |
Studio | 20th Century Fox |
Release Date | Apr 17, 2001 |
Language | English |