Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me lots of BUGS to eat! Follow along as a young bat takes flight on Halloween night on the hunt for her favorite treat — delicious insects of every kind. She and her friends bravely fly out from the cave together, soaring through the sky and using their echolocation to track down their prey: flies, crickets, and beetles. And when she's eaten enough, she returns home to her cave, flying past the jack o'lanterns that hint that there are plenty of kids with full bellies tonight, too!
This rollicking rhyming story is packed with fascinating information about bats (and the bugs they love to snack on!) Kids will love how the female bat who leads the way repeats a familiar trick-or-treat chant with a twist. Backmatter with extra bat facts also reminds young readers that, even though people often think bats are spooky, they are important to keep insects under control and deserve respect. With its adorable illustrations, it's sure to appeal to young animal-lovers!
Recommended Age | 3 - 6 |
Author | Tracy Gold |
Illustrator | Nancy Leschnikoff |
ISBN | 1728233291 |
Publication Date | Aug 1, 2021 |
Publisher | Sourcebooks Explore |
Language | English |