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The Mighty Women Reading List for Adults

A Mighty Girl's top picks of new biographies about Mighty Women for adult readers.

It's been another incredible year of books celebrating mighty women! From a touching memoir by Anne Frank's best friend to the thrilling story of the two female scientists who first mapped the botany of the Grand Canyon to a fascinating memoir by the new Nobel Prize winner behind modern vaccine science, this year has seen a diverse range of new biographies for adult readers about extraordinary women. And, just as our Mighty Girls love reading books about books about smart, confident, and courageous girls and women, we know that our adult supporters love their stories too!

To make it easier to find the perfect title for someone (including yourself!) we've collected our top picks of adult book releases from 2023. These books offer unique perspectives on historical events, unveil little-known figures who changed history, and provide an insightful look at today's women — and how they're leading the way for a new generation of Mighty Girls. Whether you're looking for an empowering gift or a thought-provoking book to tackle in the new year, this list will provide plenty of ideas! And don't forget to check out last year's 2022 Mighty Women Reading List for even more possibilities. And don't forget to check out last year's 2022 Mighty Women Reading List for even more possibilities.

New Books about Mighty Women

Breaking Through: My Life in Science

Breaking Through: My Life in Science

Written by: Katalin Karikó
Recommended Age: Adults

When the world was desperate for a vaccine for COVID-19, mRNA ended up providing the solution — thanks to a little-known Hungarian-born scientist named Katalin Karikó. Karikó had grown up in postwar communism without running water, but had a love of science from an early age. She traveled to America to pursue her dream, but found a cold welcome, especially when she started focusing her research on messenger RNA. She was threatened with deportation, denied funding, and told her research was useless, but she believed it could save lives and proved herself right. This powerful memoir is a glimpse into a close-minded system that was defeated by one woman's determination.

C$38.99 (CAD)
A$49.98 (AUD)
$21.99 (USD)

Behind the Seams: My Life in Rhinestones

Behind the Seams: My Life in Rhinestones

Written by: Dolly Parton
Recommended Age: Adults

Global superstar and philanthropist Dolly Parton is famous for many things — but one of the first things that jumps to people's minds is fashion! Vivid color, giant wigs, and rhinestones for miles — she loves them all. In this gorgeous book, Parton tells stories from her life and career while revealing her stunning costume archive full of unforgettable looks. She remembers the clothing her mother sewed out of feed sacks (including the coat that inspired "Coat of Many Colors"), the bright makeup and bold dresses that announced to Nashville that she was a different kind of act, and the styles that she loves to wear today. This is a beautiful tribute to Parton's verve for life that celebrates the power of letting yourself sparkle.

C$39.70 (CAD)
A$58.04 (AUD)
$28.72 (USD)

Brave the Wild River

The Untold Story of Two Women Who Mapped the Botany of the Grand Canyon

Brave the Wild River

The Untold Story of Two Women Who Mapped the Botany of the Grand Canyon

Written by: Melissa L. Sevigny
Recommended Age: Adults

In 1938, no one had ever surveyed the plant life of the Grand Canyon — so when two women, botanists Elzada Clover and Lois Jotter, declared they were traveling the Colorado River to do just that, everyone proclaimed their expedition would fail, perhaps with the deaths of its leaders. Clover and Jotter, though, were up to the challenge, and they were determined to be the first. Drawing on the letters and diaries of these pioneering women, science journalist Melissa L. Sevigny follows them along all 43 days of their journey. It's a thrilling story of adventure, scientific discovery, and defying gendered expectations, all set in the American West just as it was being changed forever by human contact.

C$40.00 (CAD)
£21.73 (GBP)
A$38.47 (AUD)
$20.86 (USD)

Don't Say a Thing: A Predator, a Pursuit, and the Women Who Persevered

Don't Say a Thing: A Predator, a Pursuit, and the Women Who Persevered

Written by: Tamara Leitner
Recommended Age: Adults

Tamara Leitner's peace in her Arizona apartment was shattered when she woke up to discover an active crime scene outside — her neighbor had been sexually assaulted. Then she learned that the suspect had been identified: Claude Dean Hull II. Hull, it turned out, was a serial rapist who had attacked over a hundred women. Tamara couldn't let the thought drop: how did the system fail these women so badly? How could a man evade justice for decades? And if her own life was rattled, how had the women who had survived Hull's attacks managed to carry on? This is more than a true crime story; it's an exploration of how victims of sexual violence find a way to persevere even when the odds against them are so overwhelming.

C$20.20 (CAD)
£14.78 (GBP)
A$52.21 (AUD)
$23.19 (USD)

My Friend Anne Frank

The Inspiring and Heartbreaking True Story of Best Friends Torn Apart and Reunited Against All Odds

My Friend Anne Frank

The Inspiring and Heartbreaking True Story of Best Friends Torn Apart and Reunited Against All Odds

Recommended Age: Adults

In 1933, Hannah Pick-Goslar and Anne Frank met for the first time. Hannah's family had fled Nazi Germany, but the two girls knew little of that rising worry; they only knew that they were the best of friends. Then, in 1942, Anne and her family disappeared, leaving unmade bed and unwashed dishes... and Hannah wondering if her beloved friend was safe, or gone for good, for two long years. It wasn't until her own family was transported to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp that the two friends had an all too short reunion. In this long-awaited memoir, readers see the Holocaust through the eyes of a child who had no idea that her beloved friendship would become an icon of hope in the midst of an unspeakably tragic time.

C$26.40 (CAD)
£16.41 (GBP)
A$55.21 (AUD)
$9.30 (USD)

The Dress Diary: Secrets from a Victorian Woman's Wardrobe

The Dress Diary: Secrets from a Victorian Woman's Wardrobe

Written by: Dr. Kate Strasdin
Recommended Age: Adults

After receiving a diary as a wedding gift in 1838, Anne Sykes decided to use it as a scrapbook — of textiles and fashion. She took a sample of fabric from each of her own garments, plus ones donated by family and friends, and annotated each. For her, it was a personal record of her life and the lives of the people she loved. But two centuries later, for fashion historian and museum curator Kate Strasin, it became a fascinating glimpse into Victorian life. Through these snippets, Strasdin follow Anne from Lancashire to Singapore and then back to England, capturing details that expressed themselves uniquely in cloth, from poisonous dyes to Victorian mourning practices to the brutal cost of the cotton industry. The clothes we wear tell stories we don't think of; in this unique book, Strasdin peels back the layers to show them to us.

C$33.60 (CAD)
£26.64 (GBP)
A$55.82 (AUD)
$16.39 (USD)

You Could Make This Place Beautiful: A Memoir

You Could Make This Place Beautiful: A Memoir

Written by: Maggie Smith
Recommended Age: Adults

Maggie Smith's stunning poem "Good Bones" has touched the heart of millions: "I am trying/ to sell [my children] the world. Any decent realtor/... chirps on about good bones: This place could be beautiful, right?/ You could make this place beautiful." Now, in her lyrical memoir, she explores how the end of her marriage affected her art — and how her personal heartbreak relates to the experiences of today's women, struggling with entrenched gender roles that seem impossible to root out. Touching on her love for her children, her determination to love herself, and the power of possibility, this book is a tribute to the empowerment that comes with writing your truth and living your own life — a beautiful one.

C$32.56 (CAD)
£18.99 (GBP)
A$28.28 (AUD)
$16.79 (USD)

The Watchmaker's Daughter

The True Story of World War II Heroine Corrie ten Boom

The Watchmaker's Daughter

The True Story of World War II Heroine Corrie ten Boom

Written by: Larry Loftis
Recommended Age: Adults

By the beginning of World War II, Corrie ten Boom was already a trailblazer: the first female licensed watchmaker in Holland, who spent her off hours running a youth club for girls and helping children with disabilities. But after the Nazis invaded, she and her family made the dangerous decision to defy the Nazis: they transformed their home into the Hiding Place, with a secret room that could conceal Jews and other refugees. Their "watches" all made it out safely — an estimated 800 people — but the ten Booms weren't so lucky: the family was arrested, and everyone but Corrie died in prison or in a concentration camp. Corrie survived, though, and not only told her story, but began an astonishing new mission: teaching people around the world about the power of forgiveness. Bestselling author Larry Loftis has written the first major biography of ten Boom, capturing her inspiring story for a new generation.

C$33.51 (CAD)
£19.82 (GBP)
A$42.38 (AUD)
$17.45 (USD)

Sisters in Resistance

How a German Spy, a Banker's Wife, and Mussolini's Daughter Outwitted the Nazis

Sisters in Resistance

How a German Spy, a Banker's Wife, and Mussolini's Daughter Outwitted the Nazis

Written by: Tilar J. Mazzeo
Recommended Age: Adults

One of the most important documents of World War II was preserved thanks to the efforts of three very different women. One, Edda Mussolini, was the daughter of a tyrant determined to save her husband; Galeazzo Ciano: she threatened her father, Benito Mussolini, and Hitler himself with releasing her husband's journals, packed with details about their plans. German spy Hilde Beetz was sent to take the diaries; instead, she became a double agent, and joined forced with Edda. And when Ciano was executed, she helped Edda flee to Switzerland, where "accidental" American spy Frances De Chollet provided the final link in the chain, getting the journals to the Allies and making multiple Nuremberg convictions possible. Historian Tilar J. Mazzeo captures a tale worthy of a spy thriller in this little-known story of three courageous women.

C$23.99 (CAD)
£12.20 (GBP)
A$39.41 (AUD)
$15.08 (USD)

The Girls Who Fought Crime

The Untold True Story of the Country’s First Female Investigator and Her Crime Fighting Squad

The Girls Who Fought Crime

The Untold True Story of the Country’s First Female Investigator and Her Crime Fighting Squad

Written by: Mari K. Eder
Recommended Age: Adults

Mary "Mae" Foley was determined to combat crime as a police officer — and while women were still fighting for the right to vote, she pushed her way into the New York Police Department! Foley was one of the first women to be sworn in, and she took to her role with the same determination she pursued everything else in her life, targeting rapists, boot-leggers, and more. And as her career continued, she tackled something even bigger: creating her own auxiliary police force, over 2000 women know as the "Masher Squad" who proudly declared that they could protect their own! This meticulously researched biography by author, speaker, and retired U.S. Army Major General Mari K. Eder tells the story of a pioneer of women in public service.

C$5.00 (CAD)
£12.15 (GBP)
A$34.63 (AUD)
$12.66 (USD)

Driving Home Naked: And Other Misadventures of a Country Veterinarian

Driving Home Naked: And Other Misadventures of a Country Veterinarian

Written by: Melinda G. McCall DVM
Recommended Age: Adults

For Dr. Melinda McCall, a day at work means cattle, goats, sheep, pigs, llamas, and more — and all the challenges a large animal vet is likely to face serving client in rural Virginia! She's driven home wearing nothing but rubber boots; had her patients fracture her skull; identified rare zoonotic diseases; and much more. But she wouldn't have it any other way! Both light-hearted and deeply rooted in a love for animals and their care, Driving Home Naked is a fascinating glimpse at the life of a country vet and the wild ride she encounters every single day.

C$23.99 (CAD)
£11.45 (GBP)
A$25.40 (AUD)
$17.16 (USD)

Wifedom: Mrs. Orwell's Invisible Life

Wifedom: Mrs. Orwell's Invisible Life

Written by: Anna Funder
Recommended Age: Adults

When author Anna Funder found herself overwhelmed with family and household obligations, the works of George Orwell, as always, provided solace... but then she read about his wife. Eileen O’Shaughnessy, who married Orwell in 1936, was a gifted writer herself. She not only shaped her husband's work, but her practical nature kept him functional and able to write. And yet her role is nearly forgotten — both as a writer and as the support that allowed Orwell to shine. In this genre-bending biography, Funder uses O’Shaughnessy's newly discovered letters to explore life as a writer, life as a wife, and whether (and how) the two can coexist.

C$36.49 (CAD)
A$64.82 (AUD)
$27.71 (USD)

Poor Richard's Women

Deborah Read Franklin and the Other Women Behind the Founding Father

Poor Richard's Women

Deborah Read Franklin and the Other Women Behind the Founding Father

Written by: Nancy Rubin Stuart
Recommended Age: Adults

Benjamin Franklin is famous as a founding father, a scientist, and an inventor... but in his personal life, he depended on multiple women to support and sustain him. In Poor Richard's Women, Nancy Rubin Stuart introduces the world to these little-known figures. There was Deborah Read Franklin, his common-law wife, whose financial and political savvy was critical during their 44 years of partnership. But there was also Margaret Stevenson, the landlady and household organizer who supported him in London; Catherine Ray, a 23-year-old who exchange passionate love letter with him; and Madame Brillon and Madame Helvetius, who French women who matched wits with him at every turn. This compelling look at a group of fiercely determined women explores how they defied the social order to achieve their own independence.

C$35.95 (CAD)
£18.09 (GBP)
A$46.98 (AUD)
$21.48 (USD)

Walking With Gorillas: The Journey of an African Wildlife Vet

Walking With Gorillas: The Journey of an African Wildlife Vet

Recommended Age: Adults

As a child in Uganda, Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka loved animals — and that love offered her comfort as she survived tragedies, including her father's assassination during a military coup. Although she was discouraged from pursuing an education, she traveled to England to study to be a vet. Then, as Dr. Kalema-Zikusoka, she returned to Uganda to establish a veterinary department for the government. Her work has been integral in protecting the endangered Mountain Gorillas, as she protects them from everything from encroaching human development to COVID-19. In this fascinating memoir, Dr. Kalema-Zikusoka tells her own story, celebrating her determination to protect the world for both the gorillas and the humans who call it home.

C$33.50 (CAD)
£13.45 (GBP)
A$30.25 (AUD)
$16.60 (USD)

Fierce Ambition: The Life and Legend of War Correspondent Maggie Higgins

Fierce Ambition: The Life and Legend of War Correspondent Maggie Higgins

Written by: Jennet Conant
Recommended Age: Adults

When Marguerite Higgins started working for the New York Herald Tribune, a "girl reporter" was a novelty — and she certainly wasn't going to report on serious issues like war. But she defied those attitudes, and fought her way onto the front during World War II, catapulting herself to fame with her account of the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp. Her courage and knack for breaking news made her famous, even as her jealous rivals accused her of trading sexual favors for scoops. She even became the first woman to win a Pulitzer Prize for frontline reporting before her untimely death from leishmaniasis. Drawing on extensive research and never-before-published documents, Jennet Conant captures the daring and grit of this pioneer of women in journalism.

C$42.50 (CAD)
£47.76 (GBP)
A$61.11 (AUD)
$26.54 (USD)

Class: A Memoir of Motherhood, Hunger, and Higher Education

Class: A Memoir of Motherhood, Hunger, and Higher Education

Written by: Stephanie Land
Recommended Age: Adults

Millions of people have been inspired by Stephanie Land's memoir Maid — and the hit Netflix series adaptation — but that was only the first part of her story. In Class, Land takes us along on the next step: college. She faced barriers at every turn, including an unforgiving loan system, food insecurity, and financial stress, all the while dealing with judgments and misunderstandings from both professors and fellow students who couldn't understand what it was like to attend college while living under the poverty line. This searing and poignant book reveals our cultural assumptions about who gets to pursue education and create art; what kind of work we value and what kind of work we ignore; and the grinding difficulty that lies behind an against-all-odds success story.

C$30.00 (CAD)
£13.96 (GBP)
A$41.13 (AUD)
$13.89 (USD)

White House Wild Child

How Alice Roosevelt Broke All the Rules and Won the Heart of America

White House Wild Child

How Alice Roosevelt Broke All the Rules and Won the Heart of America

Written by: Shelley Fraser Mickle
Recommended Age: Adults

Theodore Roosevelt famously said, "I can do one of two things, I can be President of the United States or I can control Alice. I cannot possibly do both." The free-spirited and determined Alice Roosevelt fascinated the world with her antics, from carrying a gun and a green snake in her purse, to climbing to the top of the White House to light up a cigarette when her father told her not to smoke under his roof. She was beautiful, smart, witty, and utterly determined to live life as she pleased. This compelling biography explores Alice Roosevelt's life as one of the most famous women in the world at a time when women were expected to stay quiet, not speak up.

C$32.99 (CAD)
£18.65 (GBP)
A$44.83 (AUD)
$21.72 (USD)

After the Miracle: The Political Crusades of Helen Keller

After the Miracle: The Political Crusades of Helen Keller

Written by: Max Wallace
Recommended Age: Adults

Most tellings of Helen Keller's story focus on her inspirational teacher Annie Sullivan and the "miracle" of her learning to communicate and that's not an accident. In this first major biography of Keller in decades, best-selling author Max Wallace explores how the narrative about Keller was crafted by the media to avoid the way that she constantly challenged the status quo. She fought against Jim Crow laws, spoke out against fascists and Apartheid, challenged Joseph McCarthy's witch hunts, and deliberately drew the connection between ableism and capitalism's insistence on production at all costs. This fascinating biography captures the true miracle of Keller's life: not that she was able to speak, but how determined she was to speak up for justice even when all other voices tried to drown her out.

C$25.50 (CAD)
£10.86 (GBP)
A$31.53 (AUD)
$21.82 (USD)

Women We Buried, Women We Burned: A Memoir

Women We Buried, Women We Burned: A Memoir

Written by: Rachel Louise Snyder
Recommended Age: Adults

Rachel Louise Snyder has devoted her career in journalism to advocating for women — including through her groundbreaking book, No Visible Bruises — but few people know that she has personal experience with fighting to survive. After her mother died when Snyder was 8, her father dragged the family into an evangelical, cult-like community across the country. When she rebelled as a teen, she was kicked out, forced to live out of her car at the age of 16. Through sheer determination and good luck, she got into college and became a reporter, traveling to India, Tibet, Niger, and Cambodia to chronicle those who survived domestic violence and patriarchy... then brought her own family back to America to find a home and, surprisingly, healing. This powerful memoir is a reminder of the incredible resilience it takes to survive, and thrive, when everything seems against you.

C$25.00 (CAD)
£8.60 (GBP)
A$24.05 (AUD)
$14.04 (USD)

No Ordinary Assignment: A Memoir

No Ordinary Assignment: A Memoir

Written by: Jane Ferguson
Recommended Age: Adults

Growing up during The Troubles of Northern Island in the 1980s and '90s, Jane Ferguson found refuge in books by journalists like Martha Gellhorn — and she dreamed of following in their footsteps. After studying Arabic in Yemen, she fought her way into a role as a one-woman reporting team, despite networks' attitudes that she had the wrong look and voice to be a war reporter. But time after time — in Yemen during the Arab Spring, in rebel-held Syria during the civil war, and in Kabul, Afghanistan as the Taliban took over in 2021 — she showed what it was like for the civilians caught up in headline-making conflicts. This powerful and honest memoir is a celebration of a woman who has given voices to the forgotten victims of war.

C$24.49 (CAD)
£18.78 (GBP)
A$32.73 (AUD)
$9.63 (USD)

Ashes and Stones

A Journey Through Scotland in Search of Women Hunted as Witches

Ashes and Stones

A Journey Through Scotland in Search of Women Hunted as Witches

Written by: Allyson Shaw
Recommended Age: Adults

In the 17th century, witch panic stalked Scotland — and women just like those who live today became the targets. In this stunning narrative, Allyson Shaw travels across modern-day Scotland in search of the stories of the women accused. She examines the myths of witchcraft, the folklore that fed them, and the political forces that drove them. She finds standing stones, hidden caves, and modern memorials that stand as a reminder of the women the panic destroyed. And she captures the stories of the women who survived, and how their courage and resilience can support women today. This unique book is a tribute to the power of reclaiming those previously destroyed or forgotten.

C$35.94 (CAD)
£19.99 (GBP)
A$59.28 (AUD)
$24.03 (USD)

The Power of Days

A Story of Resilience, Dignity, and the Fight for Women's Equity

The Power of Days

A Story of Resilience, Dignity, and the Fight for Women's Equity

Written by: Celeste Mergens
Recommended Age: Adults

Celeste Mergens was working at an orphanage in Kenya in 2008 when she was shocked to learn that menstruating girls couldn't attend school or work — because they didn't have access to menstrual products. Instead, they were trapped in their rooms, sitting on cardboard to absorb the blood. Taboos against talking about periods seemed insurmountable, but she was determined to try. She combined the development of a washable pad with a movement for health education in her nonprofit Days for Girls; today, it has helped nearly 3 million women and girls in 145 countries! This inspiring story explores the determination it took to fight for equity — and the power of changing the world for a new generation.

C$33.76 (CAD)
£17.59 (GBP)
A$39.10 (AUD)
$20.31 (USD)

Woman, Captain, Rebel: The Extraordinary True Story of a Daring Icelandic Sea Captain

Woman, Captain, Rebel: The Extraordinary True Story of a Daring Icelandic Sea Captain

Written by: Margaret Willson
Recommended Age: Adults

In the late 1700s and early 1800s, one captain was renowned for huge catches, wise weather-reading, and a borderline miraculous record of never losing a single crewmember to the sea. Her name was Captain Thurídur, and she defied expectations on both land and sea! From her early days on the water, wearing pants at age 11 in an open rowboat, it was clear she would not stand for prejudiced restrictions or injustice. As an adult, she solved one of Iceland's most notorious robberies, and used the biased court system to fight for women's rights. And even in her sixties, her adventures weren't over: she started hiking the mountains, walking where no one else had dared. Margaret Willson reveals this remarkable story of a woman of courage, intelligence, and independence who refused have her future defined for her.

C$19.68 (CAD)
£11.25 (GBP)
A$32.99 (AUD)
$10.99 (USD)

The Hard Parts: A Memoir of Courage and Triumph

The Hard Parts: A Memoir of Courage and Triumph

Written by: Oksana Masters
Recommended Age: Adults

Oksana Masters' parents turned her over to the orphanage system in Ukraine shortly after she was born: the aftermath of the Chernobyl disaster had left her with multiple birth defects, including no tibia in either leg, and there was no way they could afford her care. She suffered terrible abuse until, at age 7, an unmarried American professor named Gay Masters became determined to adopt her. After a two year battle, Oksana moved to America, where she endured years of operations, including a double leg amputation. But nothing was going to slow her down, and she became a world-class athlete in not just one sport, but four: rowing, biathlon, cross-country skiing, and road cycling. Today, she has seventeen Paralympic medals, making her the most decorated American winter Olympian! In this powerful memoir, she speaks to anyone who feels like they don't fit in, reminding them that everyone has a place where they can excel.

C$31.50 (CAD)
£32.65 (GBP)
A$41.49 (AUD)
$19.28 (USD)

The First Lady of World War II

Eleanor Roosevelt's Daring Journey to the Frontlines and Back

The First Lady of World War II

Eleanor Roosevelt's Daring Journey to the Frontlines and Back

Recommended Age: Adults

In 1943, the war in Europe was slowly turning in the Allies' favor... but in the Pacific, it continued to be a grueling, traumatic affair, with many US troops desperately short on supplies and unable to get a reprieve from combat zones. So First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt set out on a daring mission: she would travel to the Pacific frontlines to boost the troops' morale and bring news home to America. It was a closely guarded secret until the news finally broke on August 27, stunning a nation that had believed she was secluded at home. In the first book to fully tell this astonishing story, author Shannon McKenna Schmidt captures yet another story of Roosevelt's inspiring compassion, determination, and courage.

C$30.59 (CAD)
£21.20 (GBP)
A$39.13 (AUD)
$13.49 (USD)

Undaunted: How Women Changed American Journalism

Undaunted: How Women Changed American Journalism

Written by: Brooke Kroeger
Recommended Age: Adults

Journalism has often been considered a "man's job" — but throughout American history there have been bold women who insisted on getting a scoop and defying the status quo! In this representative history, Brooke Kroeger examines the lives and work of journalists from the 1840s to the present day, from Margaret Fuller's groundbreaking career, to famous investigative reporters Nellie Bly and Ida B. Wells, and onward to Martha Gellhorn, Cokie Roberts, and Charlayne Hunter-Gault, each of these figures has fought to be taken seriously in the newsroom and to bring her much-needed perspective to the page. This is a compelling look at the critical role women have played in journalism — and to the role that they are still playing today, as they fight for racial and gender equity.

C$39.77 (CAD)
£15.11 (GBP)
A$34.21 (AUD)
$7.60 (USD)

The Fly Girls Revolt

The Story of the Women Who Kicked Open the Door to Fly in Combat

The Fly Girls Revolt

The Story of the Women Who Kicked Open the Door to Fly in Combat

Written by: Eileen A. Bjorkman
Recommended Age: Adults

Beginning in World War II, daring women pilots starting to be allowed to fly in the military — but there was a condition: they weren't allowed to fly in combat. Never mind that they were still flying dangerous missions, or as the decades went by, that they were top of their class at pilot schools; less-qualified men were assigned combat aircraft instead. To win their right to fly for their country, the women pilots of the American military had to fight a law of Congress, decades of discrimination, and even other military women. This meticulously researched book tells the stories of the women who campaigned until the prohibition against female combat pilots was dropped in 1993. Although they never had the chance to fly in combat themselves, they paved the way for future women in the US military to soar.

C$53.14 (CAD)
£16.49 (GBP)
A$46.11 (AUD)
$18.99 (USD)

Burnt: A Memoir of Fighting Fire

Burnt: A Memoir of Fighting Fire

Written by: Clare Frank
Recommended Age: Adults

Clare Frank was 17 years old and five foot two when she signed up to become a firefighter. She was inspired by her brother's love of the service, and while she was technically too young, she opted to leave her birthdate blank and keep her fingers crossed that no one would notice! That casual curiosity became a lifelong calling, and Clare rose to become chief of fire protection, one of the highest-ranking women in California Fire history. Along the way, she dealt with prejudice, tragedy, scandals, and some of the worst fires ever to strike her state. With a combination of wit and wisdom, she gives readers an inside peek at what it's really like to look at raging infernos that most people flee... and charge into them instead.

C$33.48 (CAD)
£11.15 (GBP)
A$40.30 (AUD)
$14.12 (USD)


The Life and Afterlives of Shakespeare's First Tragic Heroine


The Life and Afterlives of Shakespeare's First Tragic Heroine

Written by: Sophie Duncan
Recommended Age: Adults

Many people claim that Romeo and Juliet is the greatest love story ever told — but the character of Juliet is more complex than she first appears. For the time, her story was one of defiance: marrying the man she fell in love with despite the attitude that she was her father's property. And yet she ends up dead, with even Romeo fixated on the beauty of her corpse. Shakespeare scholar Sophie Duncan explores Shakespeare's play, its most immediate source, and the many interpretations of the story, as well as the part Juliet has played in cultures across time and around the world. This is an intriguing and thought-provoking exploration of the character — and of the impact she has made on real-life girls and women around the world.

C$27.74 (CAD)
A$40.71 (AUD)
$16.80 (USD)

Coffee First, Then the World

One Woman's Record-Breaking Pedal Around the Planet

Coffee First, Then the World

One Woman's Record-Breaking Pedal Around the Planet

Written by: Jenny Graham
Recommended Age: Adults

Jenny Graham was an amateur cyclist when she set herself an ambitious — some would say foolhardy — goal: become the fastest woman to cycle around the world. She set off from Scotland in 2018; 124 days, 16 countries, and 18,000 miles later, she smashed the women's record by 3 weeks! In Coffee First, Then the World she tells her own story with wit, wisdom, and honestly. She shares the physical challenges, like bike repairs, riding through the night, and extreme weather, as well as the mental ones, including the desire to give up and head home. And she celebrates the moments when she realized that following her impulses — talking to people, embracing new cultures, and accepting the joy of her adventure — were what would power her to success.

C$28.50 (CAD)
£16.48 (GBP)
A$51.47 (AUD)
$26.00 (USD)

First to the Front

The Untold Story of Dickey Chapelle, Trailblazing Female War Correspondent

First to the Front

The Untold Story of Dickey Chapelle, Trailblazing Female War Correspondent

Written by: Lorissa Rinehart
Recommended Age: Adults

From World War II to Vietnam, photojournalist and war correspondent Dickey Chapelle declared, "I side with prisoners against guards, enlisted men against officers, weakness against power." At a time when people sneered at female journalists, she took on dangerous stories that her colleagues wouldn't dare pursue, from capturing the conditions in Eastern Europe after the war to being the first reporter accredited with the Algerian National Liberation Front to marching down the Ho Chi Minh Trail with the South Vietnamese Army. And she suffered consequences for her determination: imprisonment, torture, and eventually, her death in 1965 while covering combat in Vietnam, all while also enduring mockery from male journalists. The first authoritative biography of Chapelle is a tribute to this determined and nearly forgotten woman, and to her determination to document the humanity of those oppressed by power.

C$31.08 (CAD)
£19.15 (GBP)
A$39.34 (AUD)
$11.25 (USD)

The Odyssey of Phillis Wheatley: A Poet's Journeys Through American Slavery and Independence

The Odyssey of Phillis Wheatley: A Poet's Journeys Through American Slavery and Independence

Written by: David Waldstreicher
Recommended Age: Adults

Her birth name has been forgotten, but the child who would become famous as Phillis Wheatley was born in West Africa before she was kidnapped into slavery around the age of 7. After being sold to a merchant family in Boston, they named her after the ship that brought her to America — the Phillis — and gave her their own last name. She soon demonstrated a keen mind and a gift for writing, becoming the first African-American poet to publish a book of poetry. Her writing defied the prejudiced notion that African people were lesser intellects, and her searing words demanded people reconsider the very notion of slavery: "Can I then but pray / Others may never feel tyrannic sway?" This new biography draws on the latest research to reconstruct her story and give Wheatley her full voice.

C$29.89 (CAD)
A$37.27 (AUD)
$10.56 (USD)

Before Mrs Beeton

Elizabeth Raffald, England's Most Influential Housekeeper

Before Mrs Beeton

Elizabeth Raffald, England's Most Influential Housekeeper

Written by: Neil Buttery
Recommended Age: Adults

Elizabeth Raffald was famous in 18th century England: she transformed the business community in Manchester with two innovations: an A to Z directory and a domestic service registry office — essentially the first temping agency. She was a renowned midwife, and her cookery book The Experienced English Housekeeper ran to over twenty editions and earned her a fortune. And then that fortune was spent by her alcoholic husband, leaving her bankrupted (twice) and forced to spend the rest of her days barely sustaining herself in a seedy coffeehouse. Her book, though, became a must-have title for any British kitchen. In this compelling rise-and-fall story, historian Neil Buttery explores the many forces at play in Raffald's life and subsequent obscurity, from publishing law to the agricultural revolution to the defeminization of midwifery, and pointedly asks why Mrs. Beeton became a household name, while Raffald was forgotten.

C$38.02 (CAD)
£15.82 (GBP)
A$50.94 (AUD)
$29.44 (USD)


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