Thanks for asking! There are several easy ways to help support A Mighty Girl.
A Mighty Girl makes it easy for you to locate what you are looking for among the over girl-empowering 4,500 products on the site. You can find items using either our detailed product directories or our search system. While we hope to upgrade to a more comprehensive search in the future, at the present time, to find the most comprehensive results, we recommend using our product directories accessible our main menu bar.
By creating A Mighty Girl account, you will be able to post product reviews and comments to the blog, save items and notes to the wishlist, and manage your reviews and tags. Accounts are free and may be created by selecting the button in the top-right corner of the site.
After creating an account, you will have the ability to use the site’s Wishlist tool. The Wishlist allows to track products of interest to you as you browse through the site. Each product page has an "Add to Wishlist" button. When you click this button, you will be taken to the Wishlist page and have the opportunity to add notes to yourself about the product.
At the bottom of the Wishlist page, you can save any changes you make to your Wishlist with the "Save Wishlist" button, as well as share your Wishlist with others using the "Share Wishlist" feature.
The Wishlist feature makes compiling gift buying lists simple. You can even ask your daughter or granddaughter to add items of interest to her to your wishlist to make birthday or holiday shopping easier.
We are continually adding new material to the site and would love to hear your recommendations for books and movies to add. And, we would like to expand to include toys in the future so please feel free to send your recommendations for toys as well. To send your recommendation to us directly, please use the "Contact Us" button.
If you are visiting the site from Canada or the U.K., the site will now automatically display two options on each A Mighty Girl product page -- one to purchase a particular item from either or and one from We've keep both options visible to you because you'll discover that, while the majority of items on the site will be available via your local Amazon, there are some that will only be found on In those cases, your local Amazon button will be grayed out and unclickable but you can still select the option.
If you'd like to browse via another country, for instance, if you are in the U.S. and would like to order a gift for a friend in Canada, you can also change your country location using the new location feature located on the top menu bar.
Using the new or buttons to purchase items that you discover on A Mighty Girl is also an easy way for you to help support the site. As with items brought using the button, by using your local Amazon button, at no added cost to you, A Mighty Girl receives a small commission from the sale which helps us to maintain and grow the site.