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A Mighty Girl's book section features over 4,000 girl-empowering books starring stellar Mighty Girl characters. With over 200 book categories to explore, the best way to discover what this section has to offer is by browsing our detailed book menu -- just mouse over the 'Books' button on the menu bar above. From there you can choose the categories of interest to you and then use the filters on the left-menu to further refine your search.
3961–3996 of 5380 items
  1. Hope At Sea: An Adventure Story Hope At Sea: An Adventure Story
  2. The Woman All Spies Fear: Code Breaker Elizebeth Smith Friedman and Her Hidden Life The Woman All Spies Fear: Code Breaker Elizebeth Smith Friedman and Her Hidden Life
  3. Dear Mr. Dickens Dear Mr. Dickens
    $15.31 C$23.99 A$38.30 £26.87
  4. Welcome Back, Maple Mehta-Cohen Welcome Back, Maple Mehta-Cohen
  5. Scribbles, Sorrows, and Russet Leather Boots: The Life of Louisa May Alcott Scribbles, Sorrows, and Russet Leather Boots: The Life of Louisa May Alcott
    $15.84 C$32.00 A$23.09 £18.84
  6. Little Monster (Ten Minutes to Bed) Little Monster (Ten Minutes to Bed)
  7. Garlic and the Vampire Garlic and the Vampire
  8. The Legend of the Christmas Witch The Legend of the Christmas Witch
    $9.49 C$24.99 A$29.22 £18.14
  9. The Lost Language The Lost Language
  10. Why Is Everybody Yelling? Growing Up in My Immigrant Family Why Is Everybody Yelling? Growing Up in My Immigrant Family
  11. Red and Green and Blue and White Red and Green and Blue and White
  12. What Can You Do with a Rock? What Can You Do with a Rock?
  13. Whispering Alaska Whispering Alaska
  14. The Outlaws Scarlett and Browne The Outlaws Scarlett and Browne
  15. The Monsters of Rookhaven The Monsters of Rookhaven
    $6.99 C$11.99 A$17.99 £7.35
  16. Not a Unicorn Not a Unicorn
    $16.14 C$11.87 A$21.71 £2.68
  17. Faceless Faceless
    $6.39 C$8.99 A$5.38 £4.99
  18. Salt Magic Salt Magic
  19. A Queen to the Rescue: The Story of Henrietta Szold, Founder of Hadassah A Queen to the Rescue: The Story of Henrietta Szold, Founder of Hadassah
    $15.24 C$7.02 A$42.92 £18.59
  20. Audrey L and Audrey W: Best Friends-ish Audrey L and Audrey W: Best Friends-ish
    $14.99 C$16.64 A$39.86 £13.43
  21. Shelter Shelter
  22. Planting Peace: The Story of Wangari Maathai Planting Peace: The Story of Wangari Maathai
    $11.61 C$27.95 A$45.23 £31.02
  23. A Seat at the Table: The Nancy Pelosi Story A Seat at the Table: The Nancy Pelosi Story
  24. Signs of Survival: A Memoir of the Holocaust Signs of Survival: A Memoir of the Holocaust
    $16.53 C$23.99 A$14.70 £12.79
  25. Lilah Tov Good Night Lilah Tov Good Night
  26. I Want a Boat! I Want a Boat!
  27. Stitch by Stitch: Elizabeth Hobbs Keckly Sews Her Way to Freedom Stitch by Stitch: Elizabeth Hobbs Keckly Sews Her Way to Freedom
    $11.66 C$24.99 A$49.84 £14.03
  28. A Unicorn Named Sparkle and the Perfect Valentine A Unicorn Named Sparkle and the Perfect Valentine
  29. Samira Surfs Samira Surfs
  30. My Little Golden Book About Betty White My Little Golden Book About Betty White
    $3.98 C$7.99 A$5.99 £4.99
  31. My Little Golden Book About Dolly Parton My Little Golden Book About Dolly Parton
  32. Lotería Lotería
  33. The Girl Who Could Fix Anything: Beatrice Shilling, World War II Engineer The Girl Who Could Fix Anything: Beatrice Shilling, World War II Engineer
  34. The Baby-Sitters Club: Kristy and the Snobs The Baby-Sitters Club: Kristy and the Snobs
  35. Dulcinea in the Forbidden Forest Dulcinea in the Forbidden Forest
  36. Thankful Thankful
3961–3996 of 5380 items