In 1944 a groundbreaking operation repaired the congenital heart defect known as blue baby syndrome. The operation's success brought the surgeon Alfred Blalock international fame and paved the way for open-heart surgery. But Blalock was only one of the people responsible for this pioneering operation, which was first proposed by Helen Taussig, the founder of the field of pediatric cardiology, and developed by Vivien Thomas, Blalock's African-American lab assistant.
The stories of this medical and social breakthrough and the lives of Thomas, Blalock, and Taussig are intertwined in this compelling nonfiction narrative.
Recommended Age | 10 - 14 |
Author | Jim Murphy |
ISBN | 0547821832 |
Publication Date | Dec 8, 2015 |
Publisher | Clarion Books |
Language | English |