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Manufacturer: Faber and Castell

Science Books for Mighty Girls
8 items
  1. Young Artist Texture Painting Set Young Artist Texture Painting Set
    $19.80 C$70.32 A$55.45
  2. Create Your Own 3 Little Books Create Your Own 3 Little Books
  3. Gel Crayons (Set of 12) Gel Crayons (Set of 12)
    $12.96 A$129.18
  4. Metallic Gel Sticks Metallic Gel Sticks
  5. Watercolor Crayons Watercolor Crayons
  6. Watercolor Ecopencils Watercolor Ecopencils
  7. Young Artist Smock Young Artist Smock
    $12.95 £40.38
  8. Color By Number Octopus Color By Number Octopus
8 items