Inspired by the 19th-century lives of artist and scientist Charles Willson Peale''s family, this is a tale of a girl and her favorite companion — a fossilized mastodon! Young Sybilla Peale has grown up playing around the exhibits, including an enormous mastodon skeleton. So she's furious when she learns her older brother Rembrandt will be taking the fossil on a tour! Where will she hold her tea parties except underneath its broad bones? But when her kind brother tells her he'll leave the bones behind if it matters that much to her, Sybilla reconsiders. She decides to let her mastodon choose... and its own way, it tells her that it is willing to travel, then return to her side.
Barbara Lowell has created a fascinating fictionalized peek into the lives of an important American scientific family wit this whimsical story! Sybilla's creativity and curiosity are encouraged by her family, helping her to finally feel comfortable in letting her mastodon go. With stunning illustrations by Antonio Marinoni that capture the scale and grandeur of the mastodon, this is a picture book that's sure to spark the imaginations of young readers.
Recommended Age | 4 - 8 |
Author | Barbara Lowell |
Illustrator | Antonio Marinoni |
ISBN | 1568463278 |
Publication Date | Feb 25, 2020 |
Publisher | Creative Editions |
Language | English |