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Iron Hearted Violet
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Crafty Chloe
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Anne Frank
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Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
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The Upstairs Room
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History's Witches
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When Grandmama Sings
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Summer of the Mariposas
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Revolution Is Not A Dinner Party
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A Girl Called Problem
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Lacey Walker, Non-Stop Talker
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The Song of the Lioness Quartet Box Set
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All The Truth That's In Me
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The Golden Day
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Crown of Midnight
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Ms. Marvel Volume 1 - No Normal
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The Long Shadow of Little Rock: A Memoir
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A Dance Like Starlight
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Growing Up With A Bucket Full Of Happiness
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Bigger Than A Breadbox
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Floating on Mama's Song / Flotando en la canción de mamá
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Selma, Lord, Selma: Girlhood Memories of the Civil Rights Days
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Little Red Riding Hood: A Newfangled Prairie Tale
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Equal Rites
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Ellen's Broom
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The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes
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Ninja Red Riding Hood
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Who Was Clara Barton?
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Who Was Marie Curie?
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One Is Not A Lonely Number
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£ 20.84