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American Panda
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When My Heart Joins the Thousand
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Positively Izzy
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Brave Enough for Two
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The Three Rules of Everyday Magic
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Goodnight, Anne: Inspired by Anne of Green Gables
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Made by Maxine
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My Heart
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Outsmarting Worry: An Older Kid's Guide to Managing Anxiety
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The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook For Kids
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When Worry Takes Hold
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A Heart in a Body in the World
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Song For A Whale
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Dress Like A Girl
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The 11:11 Wish
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Finding Sunshine After The Storm: A Workbook for Children Healing from Sexual Abuse
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LGBTQ: The Survival Guide for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning Teens
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Consent: The New Rules of Sex Education
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The Lost Girl
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Ruby in the Sky
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Chicks Rule!
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When You Are Brave
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Dory Fantasmagory: Dory Dory Black Sheep
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How High The Moon
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Raise Your Hand
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The Mighty Heart of Sunny St. James
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Pepper and Frannie
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Lucia Lacorte, Poor Sport
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