In the early 1940s, during World War II, Germany's Nazi regime expanded into neighboring European countries, committing horrific crimes against Jewish people and other groups. Enter: Virginia Hall. Born on a small Maryland farm, this brilliant woman's worldly ambitions led her to a clerical position at the U.S. embassy in Warsaw, Poland. While there, a hunting accident caused Hall to lose her leg. After being fitted with a wooden prosthetic leg, she was told she wouldn't be able to work in the field — but she persevered.
Hall soon became a spy for Allied forces, serving behind enemy lines in France. With cleverness and courage, Hall, who the Nazis nicknamed the "Limping Lady," eventually became one of the Allies' greatest assets and one the German Gestapo's most feared spies. In this action-packed, full-color graphic novel from the Women Warriors of World War II series, learn more about this daring woman who took risks, defied expectations, and confronted the enemies of World War II.
Recommended Age | 8 - 11 |
Author | Rebecca Langston-George |
Illustrator | Samantha F. Chew |
ISBN | 1669013650 |
Publication Date | Aug 1, 2023 |
Publisher | Capstone Press |
Series Name | Women Warriors of World War II |
Language | English |