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Posts matching: science
  • A Mighty Girl's top picks of new biographies about Mighty Women for adult readers.

    Nothing is more exciting than discovering an intriguing new biography or memoir — especially when it tells the story of a mighty woman! From thrilling stories about women war heroes, to engaging biographies about the pioneering suffragists who won women the vote, to searing accounts of overcoming harassment and abuse, these books provide an important perspective that's often missing in mainstream history books. And, just as our Mighty Girls love reading books about smart, confident, and courageous girls and women, we know that our adult supporters love their stories too! Continue reading Continue reading

  • From women's history to outer space, artsy cats to world maps, we've featured puzzles to reflect the wide range of Mighty Girls' interests!

    There's something soothing about putting together a puzzle. Especially during such a stressful time, many people — kids and adults alike — are finding puzzles to be a welcome distraction, and a fun way to occupy their hands and calm their minds. Plus, a larger scale puzzle can be a terrific family activity: working on one together, chatting all the while, can be a cherished tradition for the whole family to enjoy. Continue reading Continue reading

  • These Mighty Girls have designed a cheap ventilator out of car parts to help with the pandemic fight in a country with only 12 working ventilators in its main coronavirus hospitals.

    The Afghan girls’ robotics team has joined the fight against coronavirus by designing an inexpensive ventilator out of automobile parts! The team members from Herat created the prototype after the governor of the Afghan province sent out a public plea for ventilators. The region is expecting an explosion in coronavirus cases due to a huge surge in Afghan migrant workers returning to the country from neighboring Iran, one of the disease's global hotspots. The impoverished nation is ill-prepared for any significant outbreak; as of April 2, the country's two hospitals designated for coronavirus cases had only 12 working ventilators between them. In response to this desperate need, the Afghan Dreamers robotics team developed a ventilator prototype which costs under $300 to make from parts that can be easily sourced in the country. "The only thing that we all want to do is help our people and our community," says tech entrepreneur Roya Mahboob, who founded the Afghan Dreamers program. "I work with the girls, but mostly to coordinate. They are the real heroes." Continue reading Continue reading

  • The top ten journals for Mighty Girls of all ages!

    There is something about an empty journal that invites you to dive in: all of those blank pages just waiting to be filled! Whether you're keeping a record of special events in your life, investigating your emotional world, experimenting with writing, or even sharing your innermost thoughts with someone special in your life, journals provide a safe space to experiment, explore, and create. It's no wonder that journaling is such a popular activity — for both kids and adults! Continue reading Continue reading

  • Every day, this mom draws a famous woman from history alongside an inspiring quote for her daughter's lunch - all on a napkin.


    Meaghan Elderkin from Glocester, Rhode Island, has always left little notes in her 9-year-old daughter Holden’s lunchbox: “They’ve progressed over the years from hearts and silly drawings to bad jokes and groan-worthy puns,” she says. But this month, Elderkin decided to give her napkin art a girl-empowering twist -- by drawing images of famous women, past and present, and including one of their powerful quotes. After sharing the images on the private Facebook group Pantsuit Nation, she was met with such a tremendous response that she decided to share them publicly. As one group member wrote: “You are a star. Thank you for the reminders of how strong women ARE!”
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  • A Mighty Girl's top picks of girl-empowering books for children and teens about making friends and coping with friendship challenges.

    Whether they are in the midst of making new friends or renewing old ones, learning to navigate the complexities of friendship is an important part of growing up. In this blog post, we've showcased our favorite fictional stories and non-fiction guides that can help children and teens learn how to form and keep positive, healthy friendships. From the first introduction to the first big fight, these timely stories will help your Mighty Girl learn how to be a great friend at every age! Continue reading Continue reading

  • doctor costumeBy Katherine Handcock, A Mighty Girl Senior Research Intern

    “Play is the work of childhood.” — Jean Piaget

    Today is Take Our Daughters and Sons To Work Day, a day in which children all over the world will shadow parents or other mentors through a day at their jobs. Carolyn McKecuen, the president of the Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day Foundation, shares the value of these experiences:

    “Exposing girls and boys to what a parent or mentor in their lives does during the workday is important, but showing them the value of their education, helping them discover the power and possibilities associated with a balanced work and family life, and providing them an opportunity to share how they envision the future and begin steps toward their end goals in a hands-on and interactive environment is key to their achieving success.... By bringing girls and boys together, we will continue to create a more equitable world — at home, at school, in the workplace, and in the community.”

    For children younger than 8, however, a day of job shadowing probably isn’t feasible. How can you provide them with some of the benefits that older kids get from a day at work? One great way is to give them pretend play toys that allow them to roleplay different careers. With that in mind, A Mighty Girl has selected ten toys from our Career / Jobs Collection of pretend play toys to feature. Each toy represents a different career that your Mighty Girl might aspire to, from astronaut to veterinarian. So, let her get down to work with some serious play! Continue reading Continue reading

  • By Lili Sandler, A Mighty Girl Senior Research Intern

    As we prepare for Earth Day, we’re excited to share a selection of ecologically-focused toys, kits, and gear for the young environmentalist in your life. Whether she’s interested in science, prefers artistic pursuits, enjoys a game or puzzle, or shows her Earth pride by choosing reusable products, we at A Mighty Girl are thrilled to support every girls’ dedication to protecting the Earth. And, for those children who aren't yet sure what it means to 'go green,' there are plenty of toys and games to help them learn about protecting the environment -- all while having fun!

    For the first part of our Earth Day series on environmental-themed stories, visit our post on Ten Mighty Girl Books to Inspire Young Environmentalists.


    THA-626114[1]If you haven’t yet heard of Snap Circuits, you’re in for a treat. Consistently very highly-rated by parents and teachers alike, Snap Circuits are like Legos in that they’re plastic shapes that snap together, but unlike Legos, the goal is to create an electrical circuit or device. With the Snap Circuits Alternative Energy Kit, young electrical engineers can experiment with creating 125 project focused on learning about electricity and alternative energy. Highly recommended for ages 8 and up, Snap Circuits are sure to be a hit!

    With the Power House: Green Essentials Edition, young environmentalists can learn all about alternative energy, sustainable living, and replenishing resources by building energy-related models and conducting experiments. Projects include, but are not limited to: a greenhouse, a wind turbine, a hydrometer, a lemon battery, and the power house itself. Recommended for ages 10 and up, this kit also includes a diary with entries from a young group of explorers on an island who are learning to live a sustainable existence. Continue reading Continue reading

  • A Mighty Girl's favorite stories for young children starring black Mighty Girls.

    All children love seeing faces like theirs within the pages of their picture books. While for many years it was often challenging to find books starring kids of color, there has been an explosion in the number of diverse books published in recent years. A study by the Cooperative Children’s Book Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison found that 14.2% of children's books starred African American characters in 2022 compared to only 3.3% of children's books in 2012— a percentage now higher than the African American share of the population in the United States at 13.6%. Greater diversity in books not only gives children of color an opportunity to see themselves in stories but also helps broaden the perspective of all children by fostering children's sense of empathy and connection with characters who might look different from themselves. Continue reading Continue reading

  • A Mighty Girl's top picks of new biographies about Mighty Women for adult readers.

    It's been another incredible year of books celebrating mighty women! From a touching memoir by Anne Frank's best friend to the thrilling story of the two female scientists who first mapped the botany of the Grand Canyon to a fascinating memoir by the new Nobel Prize winner behind modern vaccine science, this year has seen a diverse range of new biographies for adult readers about extraordinary women. And, just as our Mighty Girls love reading books about books about smart, confident, and courageous girls and women, we know that our adult supporters love their stories too! Continue reading Continue reading

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