Genuine Sweet
$ 6.99
C$ 8.50
A$ 21.64
Swan: The Life and Dance of Anna Pavlova
$ 17.29
C$ 25.64
A$ 34.81
£ 11.19
The Little Leftover Witch
$ 6.99
C$ 8.99
A$ 12.70
A Christmas Spider's Miracle
$ 14.80
C$ 23.95
A$ 25.12
£ 18.29
The Kid's Guide to Service Projects: Over 500 Service Ideas for Young People Who Want to Make A Difference
$ 12.60
C$ 22.95
A$ 38.31
£ 19.95
I Will Always Write Back
$ 7.52
C$ 12.70
A$ 28.11
£ 10.65
Boxes for Katje
$ 16.51
C$ 26.99
A$ 44.95
£ 17.84
The Christmas Boot
$ 14.40
C$ 24.99
A$ 46.91
£ 17.68
Hanukkah Cookies with Sprinkles
$ 11.50
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A$ 37.59
£ 20.43
A Hat for Mrs. Goldman: A Story About Knitting and Love
$ 13.68
C$ 25.99
A$ 35.00
£ 13.45
The Library
$ 11.18
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A$ 35.02
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Dangerous Jane
$ 8.99
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A$ 28.89
£ 12.97
$ 12.95
C$ 22.99
A$ 58.04
£ 24.13
Wolf in the Snow
$ 11.39
C$ 24.99
A$ 19.99
£ 19.43
I Got The Christmas Spirit
$ 10.10
C$ 24.50
A$ 24.99
£ 15.85
Eliza: The Story of Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton
$ 8.99
C$ 54.91
A$ 56.43
I Look Up To... Michelle Obama
$ 7.99
C$ 10.99
A$ 16.99
£ 5.99
Eliza Hamilton: Founding Mother
$ 4.99
C$ 6.99
A$ 9.99
£ 4.04
Thank You, Omu!
$ 11.57
C$ 24.92
A$ 23.09
£ 13.65
Ernestine's Milky Way
$ 26.71
C$ 23.99
A$ 66.92
Madeline Finn and the Shelter Dog
$ 16.27
C$ 17.95
A$ 48.41
Audrey Hepburn (Little People, Big Dreams)
$ 8.79
C$ 19.99
A$ 15.59
£ 9.19
The Red Bicycle: The Extraordinary Story of One Ordinary Bicycle
$ 15.33
C$ 19.99
A$ 22.25
£ 14.93
Up The Mountain Path
$ 36.87
C$ 26.95
A$ 94.91
Eleanor Roosevelt, Fighter For Justice: Her Impact on the Civil Rights Movement, the White House, and the World
$ 9.00
C$ 109.99
A$ 13.99
The Someone New
$ 11.80
C$ 23.99
A$ 36.47
£ 13.29
$ 7.49
C$ 12.50
A$ 27.75
£ 13.27
Audrey: My First Audrey Hepburn (Little People, Big Dreams)
$ 11.26
C$ 34.08
A$ 57.90
£ 25.94
Jumping Mouse: A Native American Legend of Friendship and Sacrifice
$ 17.13
C$ 25.07
A$ 29.99
£ 18.65
Dog Days in the City
$ 7.99
C$ 12.50
A$ 28.09
£ 12.34
The Only Woman In The Photo: Frances Perkins & Her New Deal for America
$ 18.77
C$ 26.99
A$ 42.01
£ 15.30
Louder Than Words
$ 7.41
C$ 12.04
A$ 17.99
£ 11.82
Dolly: My First Dolly Parton (Little People, Big Dreams)
$ 7.41
C$ 12.99
A$ 26.38
The Light in Hidden Places
$ 10.23
C$ 16.99
A$ 34.84
£ 13.72
A Friendship Yarn
$ 16.99
C$ 23.99
A$ 45.67
£ 17.47
From a Small Seed: The Story of Eliza Hamilton
$ 9.49
C$ 26.88
A$ 34.26
£ 17.06