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Second Star to the Right

Leslie Hiller is a bright, attractive, talented teenager who leads a privileged life in New York City. She is also a perfectionist. When Leslie starts to diet, she finds herself becoming obsessed, getting thinner and thinner, until she is forced to realize that her quest for perfection is killing her.

First published in 1981, this groundbreaking novel has been lauded by countless librarians, educators, and teenaged readers. This new edition features an afterword by the author in which she discusses her own struggle with the disease, the difficult road toward recovery, and the lasting effects on her life.


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Description Review

Author Deborah Hautzig, who recounts her own painful battle with anorexia in a very personal and heartfelt afterword, gives Leslie a frighteningly realistic voice that will ring true to teens everywhere. First published in 1981, Second Star to the Right has risen again to give a new generation of young adults valuable insight into the addictive world of anorexia, and hope for getting out from under the cruel thumb of the disease. --Jennifer Hubert

Product Details

Recommended Age 10 - 15
Author Deborah Hautzig
ISBN 0141305800
Publication Date Sep 13, 1999
Publisher Puffin
Language English