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60 Mighty Girl Books About Standing Up for Others

A Mighty Girl's top picks of books for children and teens celebrating acceptance and the value of diversity.

For parents and educators concerned about fostering children's appreciation of diversity and acceptance of others, it can sometimes feel like an uphill battle in divisive times. From the subtle to the overt, discrimination based on sex, race, sexual orientation, religion, country of origin, appearance, and ability does exist, and tackling it can be a difficult conversation to have with kids regardless of their age.

Fortunately, thoughtful stories exploring these issues in sensitive and compassionate ways can help make such discussions a bit easier. To that end, in this blog post, we've collected our top picks of books for both children and teens that explore the ways in which our differences shape our views of the world, affect how we interact with one another, and influence our future — and how those differences are strengths to be celebrated. As well, many of these titles show kids how to stand up for their peers and others when they see discrimination happening right in front of them. By sharing books like these, kids will learn the most important lesson of living in a diverse world: by standing together, there's nothing we can't accomplish.

For over 200 titles that celebrate acceptance of differences, visit our Tolerance & Acceptance Collection. For more books that star Mighty Girls of all cultures, races, religions, sexual orientations, and abilities, visit our Multicultural Fiction Collection.

Mighty Girl Books About Diversity and Acceptance

Be Who You Are!

Be Who You Are!

Written by: Todd Parr
Illustrated by: Todd Parr
Recommended Age: 2 - 4

In his signature silly, colorful style, author / illustrator Todd Parr encourages kids to be proud of the things that make them special. Whether you're a different color or speak a different language or like wearing your hair a different way from everyone else, it's all part of what makes you, you! This lively companion to Parr's best-selling book It's Okay To Be Different is a great way to get kids talking about their own differences.

C$19.31 (CAD)
£14.71 (GBP)
A$23.09 (AUD)
$11.20 (USD)

Mommy, Mama, and Me

Mommy, Mama, and Me

Written by: Leslea Newman
Illustrated by: Carol Thompson
Recommended Age: 1 -3

Written by the same author as the groundbreaking Heather Has Two Mommies, this book reminds the reader that a day with a toddler and caring parents is much the same for every family! Whether at play with hide-and-seek and dress-up, splashing in the bath, or getting a kiss at bedtime, these books show the deep, loving bond between a lesbian couple and their treasured child. The same author/illustrator pair has written Daddy, Papa, and Me, also for age 1 - 3, which depicts a gay couple and their toddler in the same gentle, loving way.

C$11.99 (CAD)
£7.09 (GBP)
A$17.11 (AUD)
$7.99 (USD)

The Family Book

The Family Book

Written by: Todd Parr
Recommended Age: 1 - 5

This book celebrates the love we feel for our families — and all the different varieties they come in! Whether you have a big family or a small family, a neat family or a messy one, two moms or two dads, bestselling author / illustrator Todd Parr assures readers that every family is special in its own unique way. With his trademark bold, bright colors and silly scenes, this book will encourage children to embrace all the many families in their community. For another book from Parr about the value of uniqueness, check out It's Okay To Be Different for ages 1 to 5.

C$12.99 (CAD)
£7.35 (GBP)
A$12.74 (AUD)
$6.47 (USD)



Written by: Rosemary Wells
Illustrated by: Rosemary Wells
Recommended Age: 3 - 7

Yoko has her favorite lunch today: sushi! But her classmates reactions are enough to make her lose her appetite. Her thoughtful teacher arranges an International Food Day and tells all the students to try everything, but even that doesn't convince her classmates to give Yoko's sushi a try... except for one. It turns out, having one accepting friend makes all the difference in the world! Author Rosemary Wells realistically depicts just how painful it can be when peers don't respect differences, as well as the power of one kind act to make someone feel included.

C$11.99 (CAD)
£7.35 (GBP)
A$23.49 (AUD)
$8.09 (USD)

Who's In My Family?: All About Our Families

Who's In My Family?: All About Our Families

Written by: Robie H. Harris
Illustrated by: Nadine Bernard Westcott
Recommended Age: 3 - 7

Nellie and Gus are off for a trip to the zoo where they'll learn all about families — not just animal families, but also the human families around them! There are families with one parent or two, with two moms, two dads, or a mom and a dad. There are families with lots of children, and families with none. And within those families, there are people of every size, shape, color, and more! This empowering and accepting look at the diversity of families from best-selling author Robie H. Harris' preschool series Let's Talk About You and Me, which features a multiracial family, is the perfect way to celebrate all the world's wonderful families!

C$23.99 (CAD)
A$35.06 (AUD)
$15.99 (USD)

I Walk With Vanessa

A Story About A Simple Act of Kindness

I Walk With Vanessa

A Story About A Simple Act of Kindness

Written by: Kerascoët
Illustrated by: Kerascoët
Recommended Age: 4 - 8

Vanessa's first day at a new school is a little lonely, but on the way home, things get worse. A boy shouts at her, and she runs home upset — and one of her classmates sees the whole thing. Both girls are heartbroken, but the bystander realizes there are ways she can help... and the next morning, she invites Vanessa to walk to school alongside her. This wordless picture book's expressive images capture the helplessness that kids can feel when they see someone being bullied, as well as the power of simple acts of kindness and the strength that comes from standing together.

C$24.99 (CAD)
£12.65 (GBP)
A$35.94 (AUD)
$11.94 (USD)

The Sandwich Swap

The Sandwich Swap

Recommended Age: 4 - 8

Culture clashes can appear in surprising places — even inside a lunch box! Salma and Lily are best friends until they get into a fight over whose lunch is better, Salma's hummus or Lily's peanut butter and jelly. Soon, their argument has polarized the school and resulted in a very messy food fight! Fortunately Lily and Salma realize that their friendship can overcome such minor differences and, before long, they're helping organize a multicultural lunch swap that celebrates everyone.

C$24.92 (CAD)
£13.97 (GBP)
A$39.70 (AUD)
$11.69 (USD)

Elena's Serenade

Elena's Serenade

Written by: Campbell Geeslin
Illustrated by: Ana Juan
Recommended Age: 3 - 8

In Mexico, a little girl named Elena watches her father blow glass and dreams of becoming a glassblower herself. But girl's can't be glassblowers — or so he says. Refusing to accept this arbitrary limitation, Elena disguises herself as a boy and travels to Monterrey, where she can learn her craft and prove that a girl can do anything a boy can do. Full of dreamy magical realism and a spirit of determination and justice, this special book is a unique way to tackle sex and gender prejudice in a gentle, thoughtful way.

C$21.99 (CAD)
£21.48 (GBP)
A$51.58 (AUD)
$10.80 (USD)

Whoever You Are

Whoever You Are

Written by: Mem Fox
Illustrated by: Leslie Staub
Recommended Age: 3 - 8

It's easy for kids to feel alone in their differences, especially if they don't know other people like themselves. But, as author Mem Fox reminds them, "whoever you are, / wherever you are, / there are little ones / just like you / all over the world." This book not only celebrates diverse cultures around the world, teaching kids that they are part of a global community, but also reminds the reader that we are more alike than different: "Joys are the same, / and love is the same. / Pain is the same, / and blood is the same."

C$23.99 (CAD)
£20.87 (GBP)
A$41.44 (AUD)
$17.09 (USD)

The Colors of Us

The Colors of Us

Written by: Karen Katz
Illustrated by: Karen Katz
Recommended Age: 4 - 7

Lena is painting a picture of herself and tells her mother that she needs brown for her skin — but her artist mother isn't going to let her get off that easily! She insists that there are many shades of brown, and to prove it, she takes Lena for a walk through the neighborhood, where she sees skin colors that look like honey, peanut butter, pizza crust, ginger, peaches, chocolate, and more. By the end of her walk, Lena has learned to see "brown" in a whole new way. This positive look at skin color will get kids finding and celebrating the unique color of their own skin tones.

C$10.25 (CAD)
£14.22 (GBP)
A$17.79 (AUD)
See website

The Name Jar

The Name Jar

Written by: Yangsook Choi
Illustrated by: Yangsook Choi
Recommended Age: 4 - 8

Unhei has just moved to America from Korea with little but clothes and a name stamp from her grandmother. She's already figured out that people in America struggle to pronounce her name, so rather than introducing herself on her first day at school, she announces that she wants suggestions for a new name. Her classmates are fascinated, and start filling a big glass jar with "proper" American names like Suzy and Amanda. But when one of her classmates overhears her Korean name, the Name Jar mysteriously goes missing, allowing Unhei to embrace introducing herself by her real name (complete with a pronunciation lesson, Yoon-hey) — and helps her classmate choose a Korean nickname: Chinku,which means friend. This touching story is also an empowering reminder that no one should have to give up their name or identity to fit in.

C$25.99 (CAD)
£18.80 (GBP)
A$27.99 (AUD)
$15.73 (USD)

Marisol McDonald Doesn't Match / Marisol McDonald no combina

Marisol McDonald Doesn't Match / Marisol McDonald no combina

Written by: Monica Brown
Illustrated by: Sara Palacios
Recommended Age: 4 - 8

Marisol doesn't look — or act — like anyone she knows: she has flaming red hair and nut-brown skin, enjoys peanut butter and jelly burritos, and loves being a soccer playing pirate princess! And for some reason, this confuses other people around her, who'd rather that she stop being herself so that she would fit into one of their boxes. But this Peruvian-Scottish-American girl doesn't mind, and she wouldn't give up her "mis-matched" life for anything. This English/Spanish bilingual picture book celebrate individuality and the power of being proud of your uniqueness.

C$27.42 (CAD)
£14.19 (GBP)
A$41.02 (AUD)
$13.68 (USD)

One Green Apple

One Green Apple

Written by: Eve Bunting
Illustrated by: Ted Lewin
Recommended Age: 4 - 8

Farah is a Muslim girl, recently immigrated to America, and her headscarf and minimal English make her feel like she’ll never belong. But when her class takes a field trip to an apple orchard, Farah discovers that many things are familiar in her new country, from the dogs looking for a bite to eat to the laughter of children playing together. And when Farah selects a green apple to go in the cider press, instead of red apples like all the other children choose, she teaches her classmates that there is great value in intermingling different things. With a powerful message of hope and acceptance, this story will remind both immigrant children and children born to their countries that kids are more similar than different.

C$23.99 (CAD)
£14.90 (GBP)
A$42.49 (AUD)
$15.19 (USD)

Stella Brings The Family

Stella Brings The Family

Written by: Miriam B. Schiffer
Illustrated by: Holly Clifton-Brown
Recommended Age: 4 - 8

Everyone in class is excited about the big Mother's Day party... except Stella. She has two daddies, who help her with homework, tuck her in at night, and make her feel more loved than anyone else could. She also has lots of other people who love her: a large extended family who support her and encourage her in everything she does. But she doesn't have a mom to bring to the party. In the end, though, thanks to that same supportive crowd — and a little inspiration from a classmate — Stella finds the perfect solution to celebrate her very special family. This book provides a starting point for talking about the subtle ways that our assumptions about families can exclude people.

C$21.83 (CAD)
£12.97 (GBP)
A$24.99 (AUD)
$10.49 (USD)

This Is Me: A Story of Who We Are and Where We Came From

This Is Me: A Story of Who We Are and Where We Came From

Written by: Jamie Lee Curtis
Illustrated by: Laura Cornell
Recommended Age: 4 - 8

Imagine what it would be like to travel to a new country, miles from home, with nothing but the things that fit in a small suitcase. In this story, a teacher talks about her great-grandmother's long journey to a new country, and gives her class a challenge: what would you pack if it were you? What things do you own that say, "This is me"? Thought-provoking and lively, this timely book about immigration includes an interactive component: a pop-up suitcase on the back cover that kids can imagine filling with the things that would really matter if they were moving to a new country and a new life.

C$26.98 (CAD)
£20.71 (GBP)
A$31.31 (AUD)
$8.49 (USD)

The Other Side

The Other Side

Written by: Jacqueline Woodson
Illustrated by: E. B. Lewis
Recommended Age: 5 - 8

In Clover’s 1950s town, a fence runs down the middle: one side is for young Clover's African American community, while the other side is where the white people live. But one day, Clover meets a little girl named Annie who lives on the other side of the fence. Cautiously, the two girls approach each other, wondering how they can play together without breaking the rules. Finally, the solution occurs to them — and they spend the day sitting on the fence together. Elegant watercolor illustrations by E.B. Lewis pair perfectly with Woodson’s thoughtful text to effectively communicate the deep truth behind Annie’s comment: “Someday somebody's going to come along and knock this old fence down.”

C$24.99 (CAD)
£11.55 (GBP)
A$36.71 (AUD)
$9.51 (USD)

Come With Me

Come With Me

Written by: Holly M. McGhee
Illustrated by: Pascal Lemaître
Recommended Age: 5 - 8

After seeing stories full of hate and fear on the news, a little girl wonders what she can do to make the world a better place. "Come with me," says her father, and shows her how friendly greetings on that subway can make people feel happy and welcome on their commute; "come with me," says her mother, and shows her how their diverse community comes together at the local grocers. Finally, the little girl is ready to try herself: "come with me," she says to the boy next door while walking the family dog, and together, the two kids see how small actions make a big difference. This hopeful book provides a powerful reminder that each of us can do our part to create a kinder, more accepting world.

C$20.30 (CAD)
£17.68 (GBP)
A$32.99 (AUD)
$12.45 (USD)

She's a Mensch! Jewish Women Who Rocked the World

She's a Mensch! Jewish Women Who Rocked the World

Illustrated by: Arielle Trenk
Recommended Age: 5 - 9

Whether they were judo champions, chess grandmasters, astronauts, or spies, these women weren't just history makers: they were menschen! This colorful and exuberant picture book includes capsule biographies of Jewish women, past and present, from around the world and in every field from science to the arts to activists. Each biography begins with a four-line poem about the woman featured, and includes an illustration of the woman at work, plus "fun facts to mensch'n" and questions to readers about how they might change the world just like the mensch they're reading about. With additional materials including a timeline and a list of 18 honorable menschen, this is a bold celebration of Jewish women's role in history.

C$25.19 (CAD)
£15.93 (GBP)
A$39.70 (AUD)
$17.69 (USD)

In Our Mothers' House

In Our Mothers' House

Written by: Patricia Polacco
Illustrated by: Patricia Polacco
Recommended Age: 6 - 9

Marmee and Meema and their three children love each other, and they act just like any other family. So why do some of the other families where they live not want to speak to them? What’s so strange about a family that has two moms and no dad? Patricia Polacco tackles the difficult topic of discrimination against same-sex families with understanding and confidence, showing that different doesn’t mean wrong — and that love is what makes a family strong. This story is also a good choice for discussing adoption and multi-racial families with children, creating a broader view of what it means to be a family.

C$24.99 (CAD)
£17.24 (GBP)
A$43.63 (AUD)
$10.59 (USD)

Molly's Pilgrim

Molly's Pilgrim

Written by: Barbara Cohen
Illustrated by: Jennifer Bricking
Recommended Age: 6 - 9

Molly is a Russian Jew, a new immigrant to America, and her classmates mock her for everything from her accent to her dress to her customs. Before Thanksgiving, Molly's teacher assigns a unique project: each child will make a clothespin doll for a diorama. But when Molly tells her mother that pilgrims are people who came to America to be free from persecution, the resulting doll looks more like a Russian immigrant than a traditional black-clad Pilgrim! Fortunately, Miss Stickey explains that, since Thanksgiving is based on the Jewish holiday of Tabernacles, Molly's pilgrim is probably the most appropriate of all. This charming story, which features the little-known origin of the Thanksgiving holiday, also provides a moving lesson about acceptance and individuality.

C$8.50 (CAD)
A$15.70 (AUD)
$5.39 (USD)

The Junkyard Wonders

The Junkyard Wonders

Written by: Patricia Polacco
Illustrated by: Patricia Polacco
Recommended Age: 6 - 10

Tricia, who has dyslexia, is horrified to discover that the special education classroom at her new school is called "the Junkyard" — the kids, including a student with Tourette's Syndrome, a mute girl, and a boy with a visual impairment, are the misfits of the school. But their teacher, Mrs. Peterson, teaches them to adopt the name with pride, taking them to an actual junkyard and showing them the potential that lies within it — and them. And when one of their classmates dies, the Junkyard Wonders pay special tribute to him with something that most people would write off as trash. This heartfelt book will teach readers to seek the unique talents in every person.

C$26.99 (CAD)
£14.85 (GBP)
A$39.90 (AUD)
$14.22 (USD)

Hidden: A Child's Story of the Holocaust

Hidden: A Child's Story of the Holocaust

Written by: Loic Dauvillier
Illustrated by: Marc Lizano, Greg Salsedo
Recommended Age: 6 - 10

When Elsa's grandmother Dounia has trouble sleeping after a nightmare, Elsa begs her to share why she is so sad. In response, Dounia shares a story even her own son has never heard about her childhood before World War II. The story begins with seemingly little hurts, like being ostracized by former friends and being forced to wear the yellow star. But when police break into her home, her parents hide her behind a secret panel to keep her from being arrested along with them. Thus began her hidden life, as friends and neighbors risked their lives to keep her safe from the concentration camps. This powerful graphic novel handles a difficult topic in an age appropriate way, without concealing the hard truths of history.

C$24.99 (CAD)
£19.94 (GBP)
A$38.79 (AUD)
$17.17 (USD)

The Hundred Dresses

The Hundred Dresses

Written by: Eleanor Estes
Illustrated by: Louis Slobodkin
Recommended Age: 6 - 10

Maddie's classmates sneer at Wanda, a Polish immigrant, for her strange surname, for her unusual ways, and especially for wearing the same faded dress every day — and while Maddie never joins in, she never steps in to stop it, either. Wanda’s obvious lie that she has a hundred beautiful dresses at home only provokes more mockery from her peers. But one day, her father sends a letter to her teacher that they’re leaving town because of the discrimination the whole family has suffered. In that moment, Maddie realizes that she can never apologize for what people said to Wanda and resolves that she is “never going to stand by and say nothing again.”

C$10.99 (CAD)
£12.99 (GBP)
A$22.22 (AUD)
$14.39 (USD)

My Name Is Maria Isabel

My Name Is Maria Isabel

Written by: Alma Flor Ada
Illustrated by: K. Dyble Thompson
Recommended Age: 7 - 10

Maria's name is long and important — Maria Isabel Salazar Lopez, from both her grandmothers, her grandfather, and her father. But when she arrives in her new class after moving from Puerto Rico, her teacher declares that there are too many Marias, so she’ll be called Mary. How can Maria explain to her teacher that her special name is a reminder of where she came from? Fortunately, when the class is assigned a paper titled “My Greatest Wish,” Maria finally finds the words to tell everyone how special her name is — and why she will always be proud to be Maria Isabel. Spanish-speaking Mighty Girl fans can read the Spanish-language version of the book, Me llamo Maria Isabel.

C$7.99 (CAD)
£8.30 (GBP)
A$16.99 (AUD)
$5.57 (USD)

Amina's Voice

Amina's Voice

Written by: Hena Khan
Recommended Age: 9 - 12

Pakistani American Amina prefers to stay in the background, hanging out with her friend, Soojin. But with the start of middle school, things are changing fast: Soojin is hanging out with one of the "cool" girls, and is even talking about picking an "American" name, while Amina's uncle believes that her love of music is un-Islamic. Then, Amina's mosque is vandalized, leaving her heartbroken. She's never spoken out before, but when she finds the courage and support she needs to make her voice heard, maybe she can bring her whole community together. This book celebrates the complexity and joys to be found in multicultural communities, as well as the power of one person's voice to change those around her. Amina's story continues in the sequel, Amina's Song.

C$10.99 (CAD)
£6.99 (GBP)
A$17.19 (AUD)
$7.35 (USD)

Rain Reign

Rain Reign

Written by: Ann M. Martin
Recommended Age: 9 - 12

Rose Howard's Asperger's syndrome manifests in a love of homonyms and anxiety about changes to routine. When her struggling single father brings home a dog, though, it's a change Rose adores, and she quickly chooses the name Rain — which, since it has two homonyms (reign, rein) is one of the most special names of all. But when Rain goes missing in a storm, Rose has to break all of her familiar patterns to find her beloved pet... and when she learns that Rain may already have a home, Rose will face a very difficult decision. This heartfelt novel about justice, courage, and love is sure to touch your Mighty Girl's heart.

C$11.99 (CAD)
£18.81 (GBP)
A$19.12 (AUD)
$7.00 (USD)

Drita, My Homegirl

Drita, My Homegirl

Written by: Jenny Lombard
Recommended Age: 8 - 12

10-year-old Drita is a Muslim Albanian refugee, struggling with the transition from war-torn Kosovo to Brooklyn, New York; she doesn’t speak any English, and her mother is falling into depression. Maxie is an African-American girl who still wrestles with grief after her mother died in an accident, and as one of the “cool kids,” she doesn’t want anything to do with this strange new girl. But when their teacher assigns a project to Maxie, interviewing Drita about her life in Albania and her move to the US, the two girls slowly develop a friendship as they discover unexpected connections between their lives. This unique novel alternates between both girls’ perspectives, creating a poignant and powerful tale of bridging cultural divides.

C$10.99 (CAD)
£8.33 (GBP)
A$17.41 (AUD)
$7.43 (USD)

Ruby Lee and Me

Ruby Lee and Me

Written by: Shannon Hitchcock
Recommended Age: 8 - 12

There's plenty of talk about the new sixth-grade teacher at Shady Creek. Mrs. Smyre is the first African American teacher in the town; it's 1969, and while black folks and white folks are cordial, having a black teacher at an all-white school is a strange new happening. For 12-year-old Sarah Beth, there are so many unanswered questions. What is all this talk about Freedom Riders and school integration? Why can't she and Ruby become best friends? And who says school isn't for anybody who wants to learn — or teach? This story exploring racial tensions at a key point during the Civil Rights Movement highlights the new possibilities that emerge when we work together.

C$9.99 (CAD)
A$14.75 (AUD)
$7.99 (USD)

El Deafo

El Deafo

Written by: Cece Bell
Illustrated by: Cece Bell, David Lasky
Recommended Age: 8 - 12

After a serious illness at the age of four, CeCe discovers that she’s no longer able to hear. Hearing aids and lip reading provide unexpected challenges, and as she goes out into the wider world she realizes how little people understand about living with hearing loss. All she wants is a friend, but that seems impossible when she struggles to do something as simple as watch a TV show with hearing kids. To succeed in school, she gets a bulky device called a Phonic Ear that allows her to hear her teachers — even when they forget she's listening. Perhaps El Deafo can be a superhero to her peers after all... This delightful graphic novel, a 2015 Newbery Honor book, provides an uplifting and humorous glimpse into life of a hard of hearing child, and even provides tips for how hearing people should interact with those who lip read or use hearing aids.

C$19.99 (CAD)
£8.99 (GBP)
A$17.25 (AUD)
$7.59 (USD)

Making Friends With Billy Wong

Making Friends With Billy Wong

Written by: Augusta Scattergood
Recommended Age: 8 - 12

It's 1952, and Azalea is dreading a summer helping her Grandmother Clark — she struggles to make friends at the best of times, and now she'll spend months in an unfamiliar town. When Billy Wong, a local Chinese-American boy, shows up to help in her grandmother's garden, Azalea is startled that her grandmother encourages her to talk to him. Billy is easy to befriend despite their different backgrounds and experiences, and introduces Azalea to perspectives she'd never considered — including what it's like to be the only Chinese student at the local school, especially when not everyone is welcoming. This novel, which is told with Billy and Azalea's voices side by side, is inspired by true accounts of Chinese Americans living in the South during the civil rights era, and explores the power of befriending someone different than you.

C$22.99 (CAD)
A$153.00 (AUD)
$4.75 (USD)

When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit

When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit

Written by: Judith Kerr
Recommended Age: 8 - 12

Anna is growing up in Berlin, and thinks of herself as a German like everyone else she knows. Hitler’s face on posters around the city doesn’t mean anything to her — until one night her father disappears. Her mother explains that he had to leave, and soon, they will join him. Escaping Nazi Germany means a life as a refugee, leaving everything Anna knows behind, but at first it just seems like an adventure. Soon, though, Anna realizes the move is permanent, complete with new languages to learn, financial struggles, and a new realization: the most important thing of all is that their family is together. Kids will empathize with Anna's confusion as this book provides a gentle introduction to World War II and Holocaust history.

C$21.91 (CAD)
£9.09 (GBP)
A$17.99 (AUD)
$8.33 (USD)



Written by: Deborah Wiles
Recommended Age: 10 and up

In Greenwood, Mississippi in 1964, the adults all say they're "being invaded" — by people from up north coming to help voter registrations in something called the Freedom Summer. At first, Sunny doesn't even worry about that; she's caught up in her own invasion, a new stepmother and siblings pushing their way into her life. But a moment at a public pool opens her eyes to the racism that pervades her hometown, and soon Sunny is trying to figure out how she too can fight for what's right and fair. Real source materials — including an actual KKK pamphlet from the time period — drive home the viciousness that civil rights campaigners faced during the time period. Deborah Wiles, award-winning author of Countdown, tells a riveting story of kids who, in a world where everyone is choosing sides, must figure out how to stand up for themselves and fight for what's right.

C$21.99 (CAD)
£21.76 (GBP)
A$46.82 (AUD)
$12.99 (USD)

How to Find What You're Not Looking For

How to Find What You're Not Looking For

Written by: Veera Hiranandani
Recommended Age: 10 - 13

12-year-old Ariel Goldberg's life feels like it's falling apart: her family's bakery is in financial trouble (in part because of anti-Semitism in their Connecticut town), her mother thinks her struggles with writing are laziness, not a disability, and after the 1967 Loving vs. Virginia Supreme Court decision striking down bans on interracial marriage, her older sister Leah has eloped with a man from India. Ariel knew Leah was in love with Raj, but she never expected her to run off with him — especially not without even leaving her a note. Now Ariel feels on her own as she wrestles with both the anti-Semitism she faces regularly and her dawning realization of her own family's prejudices. But along the way, she starts discovering her own voice, through poetry and public speaking. Inspired in part by the author's parents' interracial marriage, this heartfelt historical fiction novel explores the power of defining your own beliefs.

C$23.99 (CAD)
£16.65 (GBP)
A$43.89 (AUD)
$9.71 (USD)

Sylvia & Aki

Sylvia & Aki

Written by: Winifred Conkling
Recommended Age: 9 - 12

Sylvia Mendez didn't want to be the center of a legal battle; she just wanted to go to school. Aki Munemitsu just wanted to stay on her family farm; instead, she's been relocated to a Japanese internment camp. It's 1943, and racism is changing the lives of both girls: Sylvia is being denied admission to a "white" school because she is Hispanic American, and Aki is being declared a potential traitor after Pearl Harbor because her family is Japanese. Their lives were tied together by coincidence: Sylvia's family rented the home that Aki was forced to leave behind. Through extensive interviews with both women, author Winifred Conkling has created a unique story about two Mighty Girls who faced their own struggles with racial discrimination. Younger kids can learn Sylvia's story in the picture book Separate Is Never Equal: Sylvia Mendez and Her Family's Fight for Desegregation for ages 6 to 9.

C$10.99 (CAD)
£6.28 (GBP)
A$19.86 (AUD)
$6.49 (USD)

It Ain't So Awful, Falafel

It Ain't So Awful, Falafel

Written by: Firoozeh Dumas
Recommended Age: 9 - 12

Zomorod Yousefzadeh is the new kid — again. Her family's most recent home is California's Newport Beach, where she's going to start fresh; she's even picked a perfect new, and very American, name, Cindy. But in the late 1970s, with Iran making headlines in the U.S. with protests, revolution, and finally the taking of American hostages, even mood rings and puka shell necklaces can't protect Cindy from anti-Iran sentiments that are way too close to home. The first middle grade novel by the author of the best-selling adult memoir Funny in Farsi, this story shows middle grade leaders what it's like to bridge the gap between beloved traditions and new customs.

C$12.50 (CAD)
£8.71 (GBP)
A$24.11 (AUD)
$6.99 (USD)

Last in a Long Line of Rebels

Last in a Long Line of Rebels

Written by: Lisa Lewis Tyre
Recommended Age: 9 - 13

When 12-year-old Lou learns that her Civil War-era home, in the family for 176 years, is slated to be torn down, she's determined to find a way to save it — maybe by having it declared a historic landmark, or by finding the gold that, rumor has it, was hidden nearby in the war. As she digs into her family's past, which is full of slave owners, renegades, thieves, and abolitionists, she finds that history is more complicated than history books sometimes let on... and when she learns that Isaac, the best player on the high school football team, lost out on a scholarship because of the coach's prejudice, she discovers that the attitudes that prompted the Civil War are still influencing people in the present. This complex story about a girl who confronts racism and demands justice highlights how events of the past are still hurting people today.

C$46.50 (CAD)
£9.74 (GBP)
A$23.00 (AUD)
$13.39 (USD)

Minnie McClary Speaks Her Mind

Minnie McClary Speaks Her Mind

Written by: Valerie Hobbs
Recommended Age: 9 - 13

Minnie McClary is struggling: her family had to move after her father "blew the whistle" and lost his job, her uncle lost his leg in the Iraq War, and she doesn't know who she is any more. Her only friend is Amira, a Muslim girl whose headscarf isolates her as much as Minnie. Then a new teacher, Miss Marks, arrives. Minnie and Amira love her for her thought-provoking assignments that challenge prejudice and the status quo, while the rest of the community spreads rumors about her unconventional looks and methods. When Miss Marks' job is at stake, though, Minnie finds the courage to speak up: for Miss Marks and against prejudice of all kinds. Inspiring and powerful, Minnie's story will encourage middle grade readers to find their own voices.

C$24.50 (CAD)
£11.99 (GBP)
A$33.32 (AUD)
$14.47 (USD)

Front Desk

Front Desk

Written by: Kelly Yang
Recommended Age: 9 - 13

10-year-old Mia Tang has a lot of secrets. She lives in a motel, not a house, and while her immigrant parents clean the rooms, Mia manages the front desk. Her parents hide immigrants — and if the mean motel owner, Mr. Yao, finds out, the Tangs will be doomed. And she wants to be a writer, even though her mom thinks English being her second language means Mia should stick to math. With enough courage, determination, and kindness, however, Mia might be able to help out her family and the other immigrants and pursue her dreams. Based on author Kelly Yang's own experiences in the 1980s and 1990s, this engaging story offers young readers an eye-opening look at the immigrant experience and the power of one girl to make a difference. The story of Mia, her family, and the Calivista Motel continues in Three Keys.

C$11.99 (CAD)
£7.35 (GBP)
A$17.99 (AUD)
$7.08 (USD)

The Witch of Blackbird Pond

The Witch of Blackbird Pond

Recommended Age: 9 - 13

Kit Tyler is heartbroken when she has to leave her beloved Barbados to join an aunt and uncle she's never met in 1687 Connecticut. And from the moment she arrives, she is the topic of disapproval and suspicion: in their Puritan community, a girl like Kit who swims and dares to talk back to her elders might get labeled a witch. And when Kit finds a kindred spirit in Hannah Tupper, a Quaker woman known as the Witch of Blackbird Pond, she suddenly finds herself facing witch hysteria and a mob mentality with nothing but a sense of truth and justice. This Newbery Medal-winning novel provides a stirring exploration of witch hysteria in early colonial America and the power of courageous individuals to stand up to mob mentality.

C$12.50 (CAD)
£6.85 (GBP)
A$16.92 (AUD)
$6.99 (USD)

The Lost Kingdom of Bamarre

The Lost Kingdom of Bamarre

Written by: Gail Carson Levine
Recommended Age: 9 - 13

15-year-old Peregrine is proud of her people, the strong and courageous Latki, and she strives to be the best: she runs the fastest, fights the hardest, and always speaks her mind. And, like her beloved father, Lord Tove, she has nothing but disdain for the Bamarre who serve as the castle’s servants, a weak, cowardly people who are only fit to be ruled. But when the fairy Halina reveals a shocking truth — Perry isn't Latki-born, she is Bamarre — she is forced to flee when her father learns of her origins. As she confronts her deeply rooted prejudices, there is only one thing that Perry knows for sure: to free her newfound people from tyranny, she must find a way to heal her broken country. This prequel to The Two Princesses of Bamarre provides middle grade readers with a powerful story about self-examination and redefining what it means to be strong.

C$21.00 (CAD)
£14.33 (GBP)
A$44.28 (AUD)
$13.59 (USD)



Written by: Karen Hesse
Recommended Age: 9 and up

It's 1924, and there's a new organization placing pressure on this small Vermont town: the Ku Klux Klan. At first, the Klan's "all-American" mindset seems to fit the Prohibition-era conscience of the community — and if important men like Constable Parcelle Johnson and retailer Harvey Pettibone are joining, then surely it can't be so bad. But when someone shoots at a 6-year-old Jewish girl and her father in broad daylight, the town is faced with the true bigotry and hate that the Klan represents. Now they have to figure out who would commit such a horrible crime — and whether or not they can purge the Klan's influence from their community. Told in free verse in 11 different voices, this intriguing story is part mystery and part social commentary.

C$9.99 (CAD)
A$32.64 (AUD)
$3.00 (USD)

Number the Stars

Number the Stars

Written by: Lois Lowry
Recommended Age: 9 and up

It’s Denmark in 1943, and word is leaking out that the Nazis intend to detain the Danish Jews before shipping them to concentration camps. 10-year-old Annemarie doesn’t know why anyone would want to hurt her neighbors, including her best friend, Ellen Rosen, who Annemarie’s family conceals as one of their own. With the efforts of the Danish Resistance — and the entire community — Annemarie looks on as the Jewish population of Denmark, nearly seven thousand people, is seen to safety on Sweden’s shores. This beautiful story of the heroism of ordinary people is sure to be thought-provoking. Younger readers can learn about this inspiring moment of resistance and defiance in The Whispering Town for ages 6 to 9.

C$12.50 (CAD)
A$20.03 (AUD)
$6.25 (USD)

Stella by Starlight

Stella by Starlight

Written by: Sharon M. Draper
Recommended Age: 9 and up

In Bumblebee, North Carolina, Stella is used to segregation: some stores she can go into, some she can't, and that's just the way it is. But she's never thought as racism as dangerous before. Until one day, Stella and her brother see something they aren't supposed to: a Ku Klux Klan meeting, practically right in their backyard. It's the beginning of many frightening and unpleasant changes to come. But Stella's community decides to draw together and stand up against the injustices around them, and as they do, Stella will not only learn that hope can come from strange places — even ashes — but also discover an unexpected talent and purpose. This historical novel featuring a warm, lively main character is inspiring and touching.

C$12.99 (CAD)
£7.35 (GBP)
A$13.85 (AUD)
$6.39 (USD)

One True Way

One True Way

Written by: Shannon Hitchcock
Recommended Age: 10 - 13

After Allie's older brother died, she and her mother left New Jersey and moved to a conservative North Carolina town. Allie hopes to make at least one friend, and she soon does: Sam, who is friendly and fun. And then, their friendship starts developing into more. But in the 1970s, Allie worries that admitting she likes girls will cause "the kind of pain that Eric’s death [did]" — and Sam's parents' aren't any more likely to be accepting. Fortunately, they have some adult role models who urge them to be true to themselves — and give them hope that, some day, their love will be accepted. This emotionally honest middle grade novel also provides an opportunity to discuss the history of gay rights in America.

C$11.99 (CAD)
£7.25 (GBP)
A$28.39 (AUD)
$8.99 (USD)

The Lions of Little Rock

The Lions of Little Rock

Written by: Kristin Levine
Recommended Age: 10 - 13

It's 1958, and twelve-year-old Marlee is struggling: the Governor of Arkansas has shut all high schools to avoid the federal order to integrate schools, so her sister has been sent away so she doesn't miss a year. Always shy, Marlee responds to the chaos by retreating even more... until she meets Liz, the new girl at her middle school. Fearless and determined, Liz knows just what to say to encourage Marlee to find her voice. Then, one day, Liz is gone; rumor has it that she was actually black, and pretending to be white. Liz's friendship helps Marlee understand the damage that segregation does — and the value of fighting it. As racial tensions rise, danger looms for both the girls and their families as they stand up for integration, but their friendship helps them stand strong. Heartfelt and satisfying, this story of friendship and the fight for justice will make young readers cheer.

C$13.99 (CAD)
A$25.83 (AUD)
$5.69 (USD)

Forget Me Not

Forget Me Not

Written by: Ellie Terry
Recommended Age: 10 - 13

Ever since her father died, Calliope June has faced rejection from peers every time her mother moves yet again; her Tourette's syndrome causes facial tics and noises that she can't control. In St. George, Utah, Calli finds friendship with her neighbor Jinsong, the student body president and a sports star. But will he be brave enough to make their friendship public when Calli fails to blend in? And what if Calli's mom decides to move again just as she's beginning to feel like her differences aren't the end of the world? Told in Calli and Jinsong's dual perspectives, in prose poetry and free verse, this touching story celebrates the power of acceptance and being true to who you are.

C$12.99 (CAD)
£8.02 (GBP)
A$24.80 (AUD)
$6.99 (USD)

Wolf Hollow

Wolf Hollow

Written by: Lauren Wolk
Recommended Age: 10 and up

Even Annabelle's small Pennsylvania town has been touched by the two world wars that ravaged the world, but day to day life there has been quiet until the day a new student, Betty Glengarry, comes to her school. Betty is cruel and delights in bullying the vulnerable people around her — including reclusive World War I veteran Toby. Annabelle knows that Toby is kind, but the other people in town see nothing but his odd behavior. As Betty agitates the town against Toby, Annabelle will have to find the courage to be a voice of justice... even if she's standing alone. This poignant novel asks questions about right and wrong, as well as how the dark parts of history mark us all. Annabelle's story continues in the sequel, My Own Lightning.

C$25.99 (CAD)
£7.99 (GBP)
A$30.97 (AUD)
$7.99 (USD)

Things Too Huge To Fix By Saying Sorry

Things Too Huge To Fix By Saying Sorry

Written by: Susan Vaught
Recommended Age: 10 - 14

Dani's Grandma Beans hasn't spoken to Avadelle Richardson for decades, and no one seems to know why — until Grandma Beans tells Dani to find an envelope and a key that she's hidden. Dani decides to investigate, and with the help of her friends she uncovers a whole history of their hometown in Oxford, Mississippi that they'd never heard before: segregation, violence, race riots, and a betrayal that cut Grandma Beans to the bone. For kids who usually hear a sanitized version of the Civil Rights struggles of the 1960s, this book will open their eyes to the brutality of the process — and to the injustices that linger to this day.

C$9.53 (CAD)
£9.90 (GBP)
A$29.07 (AUD)
$8.99 (USD)



Written by: Cynthia Kadohata
Recommended Age: 10 - 14

Sumiko was used to being teased as the only Japanese girl in her class, but after Pearl Harbor, things go from taunts to outright suspicion. Suddenly, she and her family have to leave her beloved home and flower farm for an internment camp in the middle of a hot, barren desert. But Sumiko and her family aren't the only ones facing discrimination: the camp is on a Mohave reservation. At first, the Mohave residents and the Japanese detainees are at odds, but as the get to know one another, they realize that they have much in common — including being viewed as second-class citizens. Through a friendship with Frank, a Mohave boy, and her own garden, Sumiko starts to see hope for a better future. Complex and emotional, this novel will get young adult readers thinking about the divisions we don't always see.

C$11.99 (CAD)
£6.88 (GBP)
A$15.89 (AUD)
$8.99 (USD)

Out of My Mind

Out of My Mind

Written by: Sharon M. Draper
Recommended Age: 10 and up

Melody's classmates and teachers dismiss her as mentally challenged, because her cerebral palsy means she's unable to walk or speak. But the truth is that Melody's mind is remarkable: deeply intelligent and with a photographic memory, she's capable of much more than anyone expects. And while she's been repeating the same preschool-level ABCs year after year, she's also been planning exactly what she'll say whenever she figures out how to communicate. Then her parents get a computer — one which has a special keyboard that will allow Melody to talk. Melody has found her voice; are people ready to hear what she has to say? Complex and thought-provoking, this novel will open middle readers' eyes to the misconceptions about people with disabilities. Melody's story continues in the much-anticipated sequel, Out of My Heart.

C$12.99 (CAD)
£7.85 (GBP)
A$13.09 (AUD)
$7.33 (USD)

I Shall Wear Midnight

I Shall Wear Midnight

Written by: Terry Pratchett
Recommended Age: 10 and up

Tiffany Aching of the Chalk and her fellow Discworld witches might be a little... eccentric, and their magic isn't sparkly or impressive, but they help the people that others don't see: the needy, the sick, and the forgotten. So when dark rumors and angry words about witches start spreading — and the persecution and witch hunts begin — Tiffany knows she has to find a way to stop whatever's behind it. If she fails, she'll lose her life — and her beloved Chalk will fall with her. In this book four of the exceptional Tiffany Aching series, readers young and old alike will enjoy author Terry Pratchett's mix of humor and clever wordplay as he explores weightier topics of religious persecution and overcoming hatred.

C$27.26 (CAD)
£33.06 (GBP)
A$35.92 (AUD)
$12.37 (USD)

Fish In A Tree

Fish In A Tree

Written by: Lynda Mullaly Hunt
Recommended Age: 10 and up

Ally is clever — she knows that, if she's enough of a disruption in class, no one will figure out just how little she can read. But how can she be smart if she can't even read the simplest things? Her newest teacher, Mr. Daniels, seems to see past her brash, troublemaking exterior, and even puts a name to her reading problems: dyslexia. Lynda Mullaly Hunt provides a compassionate look at life with a learning disability, with an ending that's realistic: Ally's happy ending will involve small changes and a lot of hard work! Her book serves as a reminder that struggles with literacy can affect surprising aspects of a person's life — and that great minds don't always think alike.

C$12.49 (CAD)
£6.39 (GBP)
A$11.85 (AUD)
$7.00 (USD)



Written by: Ursula K. Le Guin
Recommended Age: 12 and up

Before the invasion, Ansul was a peaceful town that celebrated knowledge and books — but the conquerors have made reading and writing punishable by death. For Memer, though, Oracle House — a supposedly demon-infested building that houses the last books — is a safe haven. Then an Uplands poet named Orrec and his wife, Gry, arrive, and Memer's life is turned upside down. Perhaps there is a reason the conquerors consider words to be so dangerous.... This novel, with parallels to both ancient and modern history, will provoke intriguing discussions about oppression, religious fervor, the power of words, and the importance of the freedom to read.

C$14.99 (CAD)
A$27.30 (AUD)
$9.59 (USD)

To Kill A Mockingbird

To Kill A Mockingbird

Written by: Harper Lee
Recommended Age: 12 and up

In a Southern US town, 8-year-old Scout Finch grows up carefree — until her father becomes involved in the legal defense of a black man accused of raping a white woman. Caught up in her own summer games and explorations (including efforts to sneak a look at the town bogeyman, Boo Radley), Scout doesn't fully understand why her father's decision is considered so shocking. But as the trial comes to a head, through the eyes of a child, the reader sees the worst of Maycomb — racism, violence, and injustice — but also the best — compassion, determination, and, above all, the importance of standing up for what you believe is right. Lee’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel is the perfect opening to talk about prejudice, hope, and the importance of empathy.

C$12.99 (CAD)
£8.27 (GBP)
A$29.46 (AUD)
$10.98 (USD)

The Skin I'm In

The Skin I'm In

Written by: Sharon Flake
Recommended Age: 13 and up

Maleeka is used to the taunts she gets daily from her classmates; if they're not teasing her about her homemade clothes or her good grades, they're mocking her dark black skin. Maleeka would trade anything to be part of the in-group, rather than on the outside. But when a new teacher comes to the school — whose face bears a giant blotch of white — Maleeka is shocked but intrigued to realize that Miss Saunders doesn't really care what people say; she loves the skin she's in. Perhaps Maleeka can learn to love her own, too. Teens will appreciate Flake's realistic depiction of the pain this kind of criticism can cause and empathize with Maleeka's struggle to find her confidence and self-assurance.

C$16.99 (CAD)
£6.96 (GBP)
A$19.99 (AUD)
$8.65 (USD)

Does My Head Look Big In This?

Does My Head Look Big In This?

Written by: Randa Abdel-Fattah
Recommended Age: 13 and up

When 16-year-old Australian Muslim Amal decides to wear the hijab as an expression of her religious devotion, she discovers how much prejudice can be wrapped up in a piece of cloth. Suddenly, her head covering is all anyone wants to talk about, and classmates who used to have no problem with Amal now see her as a “towel-head” instead of a peer. And strangers in the street — and even prospective employers — seem to feel free to judge her on her choice as well. This novel counters the idea that young women only wear headscarves because of family pressure, and provides an intriguing opportunity to talk about how people's opinions of a person can change depending on how well they blend in to the majority culture.

C$15.99 (CAD)
£15.41 (GBP)
A$36.31 (AUD)
$7.46 (USD)

The Black Witch

The Black Witch

Written by: Laurie Forest
Recommended Age: 14 and up

Elloren Gardner is the granddaughter of the last Black Witch, but unlike her ancestor, she has no mystical power in a society that prizes magical ability above all else. When she has the opportunity to pursue her lifelong dream of becoming an apothecary at Verpax University, which admits all manner of people, including many of sworn enemies of the Gardnerians, she quickly learns how difficult it is to escape her family's legacy. As Elloren seeks out other outcasts for company, which forces her to confront the stereotypes and xenophobia she's been taught, she begins to realize that there may be good reasons for their opposition to her government. This complex, rich fantasy conveys powerful messages about prejudice and extremism; Elloren and her friends return in the further books of The Black Witch Chronicles.

C$21.99 (CAD)
£7.85 (GBP)
A$30.64 (AUD)
$9.48 (USD)

The Hate U Give

The Hate U Give

Written by: Angie Thomas
Recommended Age: 15 and up

Starr Carter feels trapped between two worlds: her poor and crime-ridden neighborhood on one hand, her wealthy prep school on the other. When Starr witnesses her friend Khalil's death at the hands of a police officer, things get even tougher. Khalil's death becomes a national headline, with some calling him a thug and others calling him an innocent. With both cops and drug lords exerting influence on her to tell the story as they want it told, Starr realizes that both her own life and the comparative peace of her community all depend on what she does or doesn't say. Powerful and poignant, this book tackles a teenage girl's struggles to understand why her society undervalues her life and the lives of those she loves.

C$19.28 (CAD)
£7.70 (GBP)
A$15.39 (AUD)
$9.09 (USD)

Girls Like Us

Girls Like Us

Written by: Gail Giles
Recommended Age: 15 and up

Quincy and Biddy are "speddies," graduates of high school special education programs, and now they're taking on a new challenge: life in a supervised apartment space. Quincy is suspicious of everyone — no one has ever been kind to her before, so why would they start now? — while Biddy is terrified of everything beyond their front door. After being paired as roommates, though, what seems to be a poor fit turns into a deep friendship — particularly when Quincy goes through a traumatic experience that Biddy understands all too well. This novel opens young adult readers' eyes to the challenges facing people with intellectual disabilities — including high risk of sexual assault — and highlight the importance of support and understanding to their success in life.

C$12.99 (CAD)
A$24.90 (AUD)
$7.99 (USD)

We Should All Be Feminists

We Should All Be Feminists

Recommended Age: 14 and up

In this personal, eloquently-argued essay — adapted from her much-admired TEDx talk of the same name — Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, the award-winning author of Americanah, offers readers a unique definition of feminism for the twenty-first century. Drawing extensively on her own experiences and her deep understanding of the often masked realities of sexual politics, here is one remarkable author's exploration of what it means to be a woman now — and an of-the-moment rallying cry for why we should all be feminists. Thought-provoking and inspiring, this is a timely read for both teens and adults.

C$11.95 (CAD)
£6.97 (GBP)
A$8.49 (AUD)
$7.90 (USD)

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