A Mighty Girl's top picks of books for children and teens about real-life girls and women who fought for a more just, equal, and peaceful world.
When people think about what it means to love their country, some assume patriotism requires unwavering support, and that questioning or disagreeing with their government's choices is unpatriotic, disruptive, and even dangerous. But the truth is that dissent makes countries stronger: when citizens demand the best from their leaders and their countries — justice, accountability in government, and equal rights for all — everyone benefits. In fact, throughout history, progress for every country has come from people's willingness to stand up for what they believe in and insist on being heard, even if their beliefs counter those of the people in power. In other words, dissent isn't distracting or divisive: it's patriotic!
To explore this topic with children and teens, we've showcased our favorite books about girls and women who resisted — who dared to stand up against the laws and social norms of their day to fight for societies that were more just, tolerant, and equal. These people, from all walks of life, fought hard for causes they believed in, including women's suffrage, labor rights, civil rights, environmental protection, and more. They argued, they disagreed, and they protested — and today, we hail them as heroes whose courage and determination led to positive change and helped create a better future for everyone.
For hundreds of books about girls and women who have made an impact, visit our Role Model Biography section.
Books About Girls and Women Who Fought For Change
I Look Up To... Ruth Bader Ginsburg
I Look Up To... Ruth Bader Ginsburg
"I look up to Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Let me tell you why..." This detailed board book is a great way to introduce babies, toddlers, and preschoolers to a woman you admire! The book distills Ruth Bader Ginsburg's inspiring attributes into page spreads with vibrant illustrations that are appealing for babies and toddlers and text that's interesting enough for preschoolers. Each spread includes a quote from RBG herself! This book is from the I Look Up To... series that celebrates inspiring women; other volumes in the series feature Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Malala Yousafzai, Serena Williams, and Misty Copeland.
Susan B. Anthony: Her Fight for Equal Rights
Susan B. Anthony: Her Fight for Equal Rights
It's hard for today's kids to imagine a world in which women had no vote and no voice — and that's thanks to the efforts of suffragists like Susan B. Anthony! In this Step 2 biography reader from the Step Into Reading series, kids will learn why Anthony was so determined to fight for women's rights, from her battle for equal pay to her infamous "illegal" vote. Issued for both Anthony's 200th birthday and the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment, this book, with bold illustrations and fascinating facts about this trailblazing woman, will captivate young readers and remind them that, when it comes to justice, "failure is impossible"!
Brave Girl: Clara and the Shirtwaist Makers' Strike of 1909
Brave Girl: Clara and the Shirtwaist Makers' Strike of 1909
Clara Lemlich arrived in the US expecting a better future; she didn’t know that future meant long hours of labor, low pay, and no education. Rather than find the ample opportunities she had dreamed of on her voyage, she found a job at a sweatshop, the best she was told she could expect as an unschooled immigrant who didn't even speak English well. But she was undeterred, and spent hours taking night classes to pursue the education she had dreamed of. And when she got fed up with how she and her fellow laborers were treated, she organized the largest walkout of female workers in the country’s history, the Uprising of the 20,000. This inspiring picture book biography of the Ukrainian immigrant includes backmatter including a bibliography and more details about the garment industry of the day.
I Am Rosa Parks
I Am Rosa Parks
When kids hear about Rosa Parks' defiant refusal to move seats, they may think that it takes special courage to take that big a step — but the reality is that ordinary people can do incredible things! This title from Brad Meltzer's Ordinary People Change The World series shows how Parks' willingness to stand up for justice began with small moments from childhood, but became a driving force in her life that made her a major figure for the Civil Rights Movement. Rosa Parks dared to stand up for herself and other African Americans by staying seated, and as a result she helped end public bus segregation and launch the country's Civil Rights Movement. For more books for all ages about Parks, visit our Rosa Parks Collection.
Marching With Aunt Susan: Susan B. Anthony and the Fight for Women's Suffrage
Marching With Aunt Susan: Susan B. Anthony and the Fight for Women's Suffrage
All Bessie wants is to go hiking with her father and brothers... but girls don't get to go hiking in 1896, so she's left behind at home. Soon after, however, she gets to meet an intriguing visitor: Susan B. Anthony, in town for a rally in hopes of passing the first referendum on women's suffrage. Inspired by Anthony's speech, Bessie recruits a friend to join her as she helps at the suffrage headquarters. There may be lots of things that Bessie can't do, but perhaps, someday, those restrictions will finally be lifted. Although the 1896 referendum did not pass, this inspiring story hints at the change to come thanks to the efforts of the suffragists: Bessie's mother learns to ride a bicycle and her father decides to take her hiking after all. For more books for all ages about this trailblazer for women, visit our Susan B. Anthony Collection.
Child of the Civil Rights Movement
Child of the Civil Rights Movement
You don't have to be an adult to make your opinions known! Paula Young Shelton, the daughter of Civil Rights activist Andrew Young, grew up in a world where everyone she knew was dedicated to the fight for equality. Even children knew the injustice of segregation — she recalls crying loudly when owners of a restaurant refused to seat her family in "my very first protest, my own little sit-in." And as she grew, her understanding of her father's cause grew, until it became her own and she too marched from Selma to Montgomery. In this unique child's eye view of the Civil Rights struggle, Shelton balances honesty about the struggles her father and his friends faced with the sense of hope that drove them forward.
Elizabeth Leads the Way: Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the Right to Vote
Elizabeth Leads the Way: Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the Right to Vote
From an early age, Elizabeth Cady Stanton was aware that women did not have equal rights with men — and she was determined to change that. Unlike many women of her time, she went to college and soon began gathering other like-minded women to demand equality. At the first ever women's right conference that she organized in Seneca Falls, New York, Stanton presented the Declaration of Rights and Sentiments, which included a demand for the women's right to vote. In this picture book biography, Tanya Lee Stone focuses on seeing the world through Stanton's eyes, without facts or dates, making her relateable for younger readers; an author's note at the end talks about Stanton's further accomplishments after the convention.
Harriet's Ruffled Feathers: The Woman Who Saved Millions of Birds
Harriet's Ruffled Feathers: The Woman Who Saved Millions of Birds
Harriet Lawrence Hemenway loved all things fashion — especially hats! What was more fun than a hat with ribbons or flowers or, best of all, feathers? But then she learned that millions of birds were killed every year to supply the feathers for her cap, and she was horrified: "To think this bird should be deprived of its own finery for someone else’s hat! A passion for fashion was one thing, but this was featherbrained!" So she set out to change fashion, pushing for laws making it illegal to sell wild bird feathers. And in 1896, that newfound love for birds led her and her friends to found the Massachusetts Audubon Society, which later grew into the country's largest national bird conservation organization! This lively picture book biography is a celebration of how one pioneering conservationist's love of fashion led to a crusade that saved millions of birds.
An Equal Shot: How the Law Title IX Changed America
An Equal Shot: How the Law Title IX Changed America
"It just takes three world to say, 'It isn't fair,'" this book begins, "And only four to say, 'We'll fight for you.'" As three modern girls look at the founding documents of the United States, they notice how there's no protection against discrimination based on sex... until Title IX. In this simple but powerful introduction to the landmark legislation, best-selling team Helaine Becker and Dom Phumiruk introduce young readers to the history and impact of Title IX — and how adding a few simple words can do so much to protect and uplift the vulnerable and ignored. With extensive back matter about the women behind Title IX — and the work that remains to be done — this picture book is a reminder of the work it took to give girls and women an equal shot.
Coretta Scott
Coretta Scott
Many people know her only as Coretta Scott King, but she holds her own place in civil rights history for her work both before and after her husband's death. In this poetic picture book, Ntozake Shange captures her childhood to the marches at Selma and Washington, and ends with stirring images of protesters set to lines from the gospel song "Ain't Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Round." A prose biography at the end encourages kids to learn more. This evocative picture book is a powerful way to introduce this important leader of the Civil Rights Movement. Kids can learn more in Coretta Scott King: I Kept On Marching (ages 7 to 10).
Before She Was Harriet
Before She Was Harriet
She began her life as Minty, a slave whose spirit would not be broken, despite the abuse heaped upon her. When she escaped to freedom, she called herself Harriet Tubman. And then when she returned, over and over, to help others through the Underground Railroad, she was called Moses because she was leading her people home. This evocative poetic telling of Tubman's life is accented with luminous illustrations for an unforgettable portrait. For more resources about this inspiring figure, visit our Harriet Tubman Collection.
Greta Thunberg (Little People, Big Dreams)
Greta Thunberg (Little People, Big Dreams)
When Greta Thunberg learned about how human activity was affecting our environment, she was so shocked she couldn't speak. Why weren't people pushing for change? Then she realized that if other people weren't, she could... and she started protesting outside the Swedish Parliament. Today, her "School Strike for Climate" protest includes millions of people around the world, including many children and teens — a reminder that "No one is too small to make a difference." This exciting book from the Little People, BIG DREAMS series introduces kids to a young woman who is changing the world — right now — helping them see how they too could become trailblazers and history makers.
Ruby Bridges Goes To School
Ruby Bridges Goes To School
For a young reader, few things are as inspiring as learning that children just like them are a part of history! Ruby Bridges was just six years old when she walked through an angry crowd, escorted by federal marshals, to integrate an all-white school in New Orleans. In this early chapter book, Bridges aptly tells her story to her young audience and accents it with historical photographs, allowing emerging readers to explore an iconic moment in the struggle for civil rights. Readers who are ready for a more complex telling can check out Through My Eyes, which is also written by Bridges and is suitable for ages 6 to 12. For more books about this civil rights pioneer, visit our Ruby Bridges Collection.
Fight of the Century: Alice Paul Battles Woodrow Wilson for the Vote
Fight of the Century: Alice Paul Battles Woodrow Wilson for the Vote
When Woodrow Wilson was inaugurated as President, Alice Paul was waiting — and knew he would meet his match! Paul was determined to win the battle for women's suffrage, and she battered Wilson with clever protests, articulate arguments, and a ferocious refusal to quit. In this thrilling picture book biography, author Barb Rosenstock captures the struggle between Paul and Wilson as a four-round boxing match — in which Paul's clever strategy defeats him at every turn! With colorful, period-inspired illustrations from Sarah Green, and extensive back matter providing additional detail about Paul's work and legacy, this compelling book highlights just how fierce the fight for the vote was.
A Vote for Susanna: The First Woman Mayor
A Vote for Susanna: The First Woman Mayor
When the state of Kansas gave women the right to vote in municipal elections in 1887, some of the men in the city of Argonia disagreed. They didn't think women deserved to have a say in their next mayor. As a joke — and without telling her — some of them put the name of a local woman, Susanna Salter, on the ballot. But when she found out, she said she would serve if the people elected her. Several supporters of another candidate approached her and offered to campaign on her behalf... and Susanna won by a landslide! Told in the voice of a grandmother recalling the events of that election day to her granddaughter, this book from the She Made History series shows kids the obstacles women faced to vote and run for office — and the determined women who refused to give up.
Fall Down Seven Times, Stand Up Eight: Patsy Takemoto Mink and the Fight for Title IX
Fall Down Seven Times, Stand Up Eight: Patsy Takemoto Mink and the Fight for Title IX
As a child, Patsy Takemoto Mink learned a Japanese proverb: fall down seven times, stand up eight. She took that spirit to heart, and refused to give up on her dreams. When she found out that the medical school she wanted to attend wouldn't admit women, ending her dream of becoming a doctor, she regrouped and made a new plan. First, she went to law school — and became the first Asian American woman licensed to practice law in Hawaii; then, she ran for Congress and became the first woman of color to be elected to a seat. And in Congress, she became a champion for Title IX, the groundbreaking legislation that required federally funded schools to treat girls and boys equally. This rousing picture book biography celebrates the resilience and determination of this pioneering American politician!
What Do You Do With A Voice Like That?
The Story of Extraordinary Congresswoman Barbara Jordan
What Do You Do With A Voice Like That?
The Story of Extraordinary Congresswoman Barbara Jordan
Even as a child, Barbara Jordan's voice made people stand up, take notice, and listen! But what do you do with a voice like that? In Jordan's case, she used it to carry her to places that African American women didn't usually go in the 1960s: to law school, to the Texas state senate, and to the United States Congress. She also used it to give voice to the marginalized people around her, fighting for civil rights and equality. This powerful picture book biography celebrates the power of raising your voice and owning your confidence.
I Dissent: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Makes Her Mark
I Dissent: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Makes Her Mark
The first children's picture book about Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg proves that disagreeing doesn't make you disagreeable! I Dissent tells the story of Ginsburg's many disagreements: arguments against the inequality, discrimination, and unfairness that she saw all around her. Equally importantly, though, Ginsburg's life and friendship show that you can oppose someone's opinion vocally, even ferociously, while still being friends. For another picture book about this groundbreaking lawyer and judge, check out Ruth Bader Ginsburg: The Case of R.B.G. versus Inequality for ages 6 to 9. And adult fans of Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg can now introduce their Mighty Girls to RBG with the Notorious RBG Young Readers Edition for ages 8 to 13.
Leave It To Abigail: The Revolutionary Life of Abigail Adams
Leave It To Abigail: The Revolutionary Life of Abigail Adams
When Abigail was born, girls were supposed to be meek and quiet — but she refused. She asked questions, and she married who she pleased: a country lawyer named John Adams. When the Revolutionary war broke out, she managed his farm and demanded that John and his fellow Founding Fathers "remember the ladies." And when it was time to represent their new country to the nobility of Europe, she didn't flinch from standing shoulder to shoulder with kings and queens! This exuberant tribute to a forward-thinking and independent-minded woman from early American history, filled with bold, energetic artwork, has plenty of verve — just like its subject.
Boycott Blues: How Rosa Parks Inspired A Nation
Boycott Blues: How Rosa Parks Inspired A Nation
Rosa Parks may have been the figure that launched the Montgomery Bus Boycott, but the work of the boycotts was done by thousands of tired workers who, rather than riding the bus, added hours to their day by walking home. In this blues-inspired tribute to those thousands of dissenters, Andrea Davis Pinkney and Brian Pinkney use lyrical writing to emphasize how a whole community came together to fight for equal rights. It took 382 days of walking to make their point, and this book will help young readers imagine every step and every exhausted mile that meant for those who were determined to make a sacrifice today to win a better future. For another story about the bus boycott, check out Rosa's Bus for ages 6 to 10.
Fearless: The Story of Daphne Caruana Galizia, Defender of Free Speech
Fearless: The Story of Daphne Caruana Galizia, Defender of Free Speech
Daphne Caruana Galizia grew up in Malta, and she dreamed of being a writer — one who shared important stories. When she got older, she was an activist, fighting to change things for the better through peaceful protest. She became a reporter for a national newspaper who exposed criminals and corruption... but that brought threats and danger. Still, she refused to back down: she was fearless. This beautiful picture book tribute by Gattaldo, a friend of Galizia's, explores the life, death, and legacy of this courageous journalist and shows young readers the power of freedom of speech and a free press.
Heart On Fire: Susan B. Anthony Votes for President
Heart On Fire: Susan B. Anthony Votes for President
In 1872, Susan B. Anthony made history — and broke the law — by casting a vote in the presidential election. Anthony was prepared to argue that the 14th Amendment, which had been ratified in 1868, extended voting rights to women. In this inspiring story, kids follow Anthony as she casts her vote, and then persists in arguing for women's suffrage even as she is arrested, tried, and convicted — what she called "[t]he greatest outrage history every witnessed." The story ends with the judge's infamous fine of $100, which Anthony refused to pay. This is a dramatic celebration of Anthony's tireless efforts on behalf of women's suffrage, which wouldn't be added to the US Constitution until 1920. For another excellent book that emphasizes Anthony's work as an orator and author, check out Susan B. Anthony for ages 5 to 8. For more resources this famous women's rights leader, visit our Susan B. Anthony Collection.
Lift as You Climb: The Story of Ella Baker
Lift as You Climb: The Story of Ella Baker
Ella Baker's grandfather was a preacher who questioned his flock: "What do you hope to accomplish?" Ella Baker's mother gave her the answer that everyone should "lift as you climb": use your own success and influence to help others. As an adult, Baker joined the Civil Rights Movement, and took both her relatives' words to heart, educating her fellow African Americans about their rights. She partnered with Martin Luther King, Jr. to create the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and worked with the NAACP and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, too. In this stunning biography in verse about Baker's little-appreciated influence in the fight for equal rights, kids are invited to consider how they, too, will lift others up.
The Youngest Marcher: The Story of Audrey Faye Hendricks, a Young Civil Rights Activist
The Youngest Marcher: The Story of Audrey Faye Hendricks, a Young Civil Rights Activist
Audrey was only 9 years old, but that didn't mean she didn't listen when the grown-ups talked about wiping out Birmingham's segregation laws. So when she heard them say that they were going to picket those white stores! March to protest those unfair laws! Fill the jails! — she stepped right up and said, "I'll do it!" This picture book biography of the youngest person to be arrested for a civil rights protest in Birmingham will provide kids with a chance to talk about how they can make a difference on the issues that matter to them.
The Only Woman In The Photo: Frances Perkins & Her New Deal for America
The Only Woman In The Photo: Frances Perkins & Her New Deal for America
Frances Perkins grew up at a time when girls weren't supposed to speak up, but her grandmother encouraged her to challenge herself: "when somebody opens a door to you, go forward." She discovered her passion in activism, and became a ferocious advocate for working people across America. And when the newly elected President Franklin Delano Roosevelt asked her to bring her wisdom to his cabinet — and hopefully pull the country out of the Great Depression — she answered that she would... if she could "do it her way." This empowering picture book biography of the first woman in a presidential cabinet — and the mastermind behind Roosevelt's New Deal — will encourage kids to imagine how their own voices could change the world.
I Dare! I Can! I Will! The Day the Icelandic Women Walked Out and Inspired the World
I Dare! I Can! I Will! The Day the Icelandic Women Walked Out and Inspired the World
Vera and her Mamma are going out on a very special march together. It's October 24, the anniversary of the 1975 Women's Day Off! On that day, 90% of the women of Iceland walked out of their jobs and homes to protest for equality. The men scrambled to handle the tasks that the women did every day, while the women walked down the street chanting "I dare! I can! I will!" That one march became an international movement — and its enduring effects resulted in Iceland being ranked number one in the world for gender equality for a decade. With extensive back matter about the Women's Day Off and the ongoing quest for women's rights, this is the perfect book to inspire a new generation to fight for equality.
She Persisted: Clara Lemlich
She Persisted: Clara Lemlich
When Clara Lemlich left Ukraine, she thought New York would be a safer place to live. But in the clothing factories on the Lower East Side, she discovered just how poorly workers were treated: low pay, long hours, and dangerous conditions. And many of the workers were women and girls, who weren't expected to stand up to their bosses. Lemlich refused to let that injustice stand, so she led the factory workers in a strike — winning a major victory for the labor rights movement! Inspired by the #1 New York Times bestselling series She Persisted by Chelsea Clinton and Alexandra Boiger, this chapter book biography introduces young readers to a hero of the American labor rights movement — and even includes a set of tips for kids who want to make a difference today.
Ida B. Wells: Let The Truth Be Told
Ida B. Wells: Let The Truth Be Told
There were many things that Ida B. Wells wanted to change: she wanted women to be able to vote, she wanted African-American people to have equal rights;,and she wanted to end the horrific practice of lynching. This book takes young readers through Wells' life, from her birth in slavery to her remarkable academic career, and then highlights her work as a teacher and crusader for equality on multiple fronts. Walter Dean Myers captures the determination and drive of this incredible woman, while Bonnie Christensen's historically accurate illustrations enhance the text. This book provides a useful way to discuss the role of women of color in the U.S. Suffrage Movement, while showing how one person can fight for many causes.
Elizabeth Started All The Trouble
Elizabeth Started All The Trouble
This unique picture book takes readers on a journey through the seven decades of the Women's Suffrage Movement. From Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott at the Seneca Falls convention, to Alice Paul and Lucy Burns' protests that finally led to the 19th Amendment, this book presents a capsule history of the movement, its key figures, and the most important moments on the quest to get women the vote. With enough detail to satisfy a newly independent reader, but an accessible tone that creates a sense of excitement to the story, this enticing book is sure to become a favorite resource on women's history. For a book that focuses specifically on Stanton's role, check out Elizabeth Leads The Way: Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the Right to Vote for ages 4 to 8. For more books about this heroic activist for women's rights, visit our Elizabeth Cady Stanton Collection.
Lizzie Demands A Seat! Elizabeth Jennings Fights for Streetcar Rights
Lizzie Demands A Seat! Elizabeth Jennings Fights for Streetcar Rights
Elizabeth Jennings lived in New York, a "free state" where slavery was outlawed — but that didn't mean she was equal. That truth became shockingly clear one day in 1854 when she was in a rush for church. She boarded a streetcar, only to be ordered off by the conductor because it was a "Whites only" car. When she refused to leave, she was thrown off the streetcar. Jennings decided to take her case to court — complete with testimony from a White witness — and won the first legal victory for equal rights on public transportation. This compelling picture book about Jennings' famous case also features back matter about how Jennings' case set a precedent for future battles, including Rosa Parks' future transit protest.
Helen's Big World: The Life of Helen Keller
Helen's Big World: The Life of Helen Keller
Helen Keller had to overcome some big obstacles in her life, and learning to communicate — first by sign, and then by writing and actually speaking her own words — was considered a miracle for a girl who was both deaf and blind. But Keller soon realized too many people in the world only considered her an intriguing oddity. As a person with a disability, she was considered lesser than those who could see and hear, and as a woman, she was considered innately less capable than a man. In this beautifully illustrated picture book, kids will learn not just Keller's inspiring story as a child, but also the amazing advocacy work she did as an adult, both for the Women's Suffrage Movement and for people with disabilities. It's a fascinating portrait of a woman who firmly defied every expectation and used her fame to fight for those whose voices weren't being heard. For more books about Keller, visit our Helen Keller Collection.
She Persisted: Harriet Tubman
She Persisted: Harriet Tubman
This first volume of an early chapter book biography series inspired by Chelsea Clinton and Alexandra Boiger's bestselling She Persisted series introduces newly independent readers to an American hero! Harriet Tubman was born enslaved, but with her family's love to support her, she knew she deserved to be free. Not only did she escape herself, but she rose up to become a successful and famous "conductor" on the Underground Railroad — and to fight in the Civil War, helping to ensure freedom for everyone. Written by bestselling and award-winning author Andrea Davis Pinkney, with black and white illustrations by Gillian Flint, this is the perfect book for young readers eager to learn more about Tubman's courage and persistence — and how it changed the world.
Separate Is Never Equal: Sylvia Mendez and Her Family's Fight for Desegregation
Separate Is Never Equal: Sylvia Mendez and Her Family's Fight for Desegregation
Although kids may think of school segregation as being an issue exclusive to African-American civil rights, they weren't the only group affected by separated schools. In the 1940s, Sylvia Mendez, an American citizen of Mexican and Puerto Rican heritage, was told that she couldn't attend a "Whites Only" school: no matter how well she spoke, read, and wrote in English, she had to go to a "Mexican school" because "that's how things are done." Her family, though, refused to accept that, and fought the issue in court — resulting in a 1947 ruling that desegregated California's schools and paved the way for Brown vs. Board of Education. This fascinating true story not only highlights how many battles have been involved in fighting for civil rights, but also how different groups of people can build on one another's successes to achieve equality.
Dolores Huerta: A Hero to Migrant Workers
Dolores Huerta: A Hero to Migrant Workers
Observant teacher Dolores Huerta wanted to know why her students were so hungry that they couldn’t learn, and why many of them didn’t have shoes to wear to school. She learned that migrant workers picking grapes work long hours for unlivable wages, but when she confronted their bosses, they ignored her. Huerta refused to let it go: she not only encouraged the workers to strike, but also convinced customers to boycott grapes until the workers were treated fairly. This compelling picture book biography captures the determination and courage of the woman who devoted decades of her life to fighting for workers’ rights. For another excellent picture book about Huerta, check out Side By Side / Lado a lado: The Story of Dolores Huerta and Cesar Chavez / La historia de Dolores Huerta y Cesar Chavez for age 4 to 8.
Malala: Activist for Girls' Education
Malala: Activist for Girls' Education
Education was so important to Malala Yousafzai that she was willing to speak out against the oppressive Taliban regime, sharing the story of her fight to go to school with the world. Her voice was so powerful that the world took note — and the Taliban attempted to kill the young teen. But even that would not stop her, and she continued her fight for girls in Pakistan and around the world to have access to education from the UK, eventually becoming the youngest person ever to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. In this beautiful new release, kids will learn about Malala's life in the Swat Valley and her work since, helping fulfill her wish: "I don't want to be remembered as the girl who was shot. I want to be remembered as the girl who stood up." For more books about Malala for all ages, visit our Malala Yousafzai Collection.
My Name Is Truth: The Life of Sojourner Truth
My Name Is Truth: The Life of Sojourner Truth
For some, the call to speak truth to power is so compelling that it makes them leave their previous lives behind. Former slave Isabella Baumfree transformed herself into the orator Sojourner Truth, speaking out for equal rights on behalf of both the Abolitionist Movement and Women's Rights Movement. Her remarkable speeches swayed many people to her cause, proving her axiom that "Truth is powerful, and it prevails. "This beautifully illustrated picture book biography is written in the voice of Truth herself, like a monologue in dialect, giving young readers a sense of the power of the spoken word to influence people. This moving and passionate story is a fitting tribute to a dedicated and inspirational figure from American history. For more resources about Truth, visit our Sojourner Truth Collection.
Her Fearless Run: Kathrine Switzer's Historic Boston Marathon
Her Fearless Run: Kathrine Switzer's Historic Boston Marathon
Kathrine Switzer loved to run: it felt like magic! But when she grew up, girls weren't supposed to sweat, or push themselves to run mile after mile: they were "too weak, too fragile." Switzer knew that wasn't true, and she continued to challenge her limits. The ultimate test was the Boston Marathon — but would a woman be allowed to register? Kathrine Switzer might not be admitted... but K. Switzer was. Wearing race number 261, Switzer became the first woman to officially run the marathon and changed the history of women's sport. This compelling picture book biography with energetic collage art that makes it feel like Switzer is really racing across the page will inspire kids with her love of running and her passion for equal treatment.
Dangerous Jane
Dangerous Jane
Even as a child, Jane Addams' compassion drove her to help others. As an adult, she created Hull House, a settlement house in Chicago — and for 25 years, she helped people from many countries learn to live and work together. When World War I broke out, it only made sense to her to work for peace on a global scale, but many considered her efforts tantamount to treason and she was branded "the Most Dangerous Woman in America." This energetic picture book biography of the activist and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate provide an excellent introduction to the woman who became 'dangerous' for the sake of peace. For a picture book about Addams' work at Hull House, check out The House That Jane Built for ages 5 to 9.
Red Bird Sings: The Story of Zitkala-Sa, Native American Author, Musician, and Activist
Red Bird Sings: The Story of Zitkala-Sa, Native American Author, Musician, and Activist
One of the most important Native American reformers of the early 20th century was Gertrude Simmons, also known by her Yankton Sioux name, Zitkala-Sa. She found strength during her time at a residential school from an unexpected source: music classes. The story of how Zitkala-Sa learned new ways to sing — both through playing the violin and the piano and through her many writings and speeches in support of preserving Native American rights and culture — is sure to inspire. Older readers can learn more in Doreen Rappaport’s The Flight of Red Bird: The Life of Zitkala-Sa (age 10 and up.)
Malala: My Story of Standing Up for Girls' Rights
Malala: My Story of Standing Up for Girls' Rights
I Am Malala, Malala Yousafzai's memoir about risking her life for the right to go to school, has now been abridged and adapted for chapter book readers. Raised by a father from a poor background who dared to defy tradition by ensuring his daughter was educated, and an illiterate but determined mother, Malala was taught to stand up for what she believed in. When the Taliban started restricting girls' access to education in Pakistan, Malala's determination to go to school set her on a path that would make her an inspiration to the world. For more resources about this inspiring education advocate, visit our Malala Yousafzai Collection.
Wangari Maathai: The Woman Who Planted Millions of Trees
Wangari Maathai: The Woman Who Planted Millions of Trees
Nobel Prize winner Wangari Maathai saw many problems with her beloved home country of Kenya, including the need for equality for women and for protection of the environment. So she found a way to combine both with her Green Belt Movement, which taught women how to engage in sustainable growing practices, while also pushing for democracy to ensure that the peoples' needs were considered by government. Unlike many biographies of this remarkable women, this exquisitely illustrated book not only talks about Maathai's important environmental and women's rights legacy, but also about the political and social upheavals that influenced her — and the resistance that she faced as she worked to change Kenya's physical and social landscape. For more books about this pioneering leader, visit our Wangari Maathai Collection.
How Women Won the Vote: Alice Paul, Lucy Burns, and Their Big Idea
How Women Won the Vote: Alice Paul, Lucy Burns, and Their Big Idea
When Alice Paul and Lucy Burns met in a London jail after being arrested in UK suffrage protests, the two American women knew they wanted to reinvigorate the American suffrage battle! The pair organized the DC Women’s March of 1913, a stunning and attention-grabbing parade right before the inauguration of President Woodrow Wilson, and that was just the beginning of their protests. Author Susan Campbell Bartoletti tells the story of the final push towards the 19th Amendment with verve, including archival images, sidebars, and other fascinating details, while illustrator Ziyue Chen captures the feeling of the early 20th century. Filled with captivating storytelling, photos, and artwork, this fascinating book, published for the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, is the perfect introduction to the Suffrage Movement for young readers!
Who Was Susan B. Anthony?
Who Was Susan B. Anthony?
The indomitable Susan B. Anthony gets her own entry in the popular Who Was...? biography series! From her time working as a schoolteacher in New York — where her refusal to accept lower pay than her male colleagues marked the beginning of a career advocating for women's rights — to her speaking tours in the US and Europe, kids will follow Anthony as she devotes the majority of her life to winning the vote for women, even though she didn't live to see the 19th Amendment ratified. Additional information in sidebars and back matter, including a timeline of Anthony's life and of the world, will inspire kids to learn more about the women's suffrage movement.
Let It Shine: Stories of Black Women Freedom Fighters
Let It Shine: Stories of Black Women Freedom Fighters
Ten women who contributed to the fight for equal rights, from Sojourner Truth and Harriet Tubman during the time of slavery to Rosa Parks and Fannie Hamer during the Civil Rights era, each get their own profile in this inspiring book. In order to achieve their goals, these women had to defy notions about what African Americans and women should be, and they often faced scorn, threats, and even violence for doing so. Andrea Davis Pinkney's text bursts with admiration for these dedicated campaigners for abolition, desegregation, and women's rights, while her use of colloquialisms and vivid description will have kids flipping the pages to find out what happens. Each profile is accented by a dramatic, stylized portrait from Alcorn. This lively book will bring history to life for young readers.
Who Was Harriet Beecher Stowe?
Who Was Harriet Beecher Stowe?
Harriet Beecher Stowe knew that slavery was wrong, and she didn't just speak up about her position: she also joined the Underground Railroad and helped people escape towards the north, even though she risked a fine and jail time if she were caught. But the author and playwright had another gift to offer the abolitionist movement: her writing. Stowe's anti-slavery novel Uncle Tom's Cabin became an instant success, focusing her country's attention on the issue and helping prompt the Civil War and the abolition of slavery in the United States. This book from the Who Was...? biography series goes beyond Stowe's book to show just how much she risked in the fight to end slavery.
She Stood For Freedom: The Untold Story of a Civil Rights Hero, Joan Trumpauer Mulholland
She Stood For Freedom: The Untold Story of a Civil Rights Hero, Joan Trumpauer Mulholland
By the time she was 19, Joan Trumpauer Mulholland had been arrested more than once for her work to support the Civil Rights Movement. She joined the Freedom Riders — and was sent to the notorious Parchman Penitentiary. She was the first white person to join the Woolworth's lunch counter sit-ins in Jackson, Mississippi. And she joined Martin Luther King, Jr.'s March on Washington and Selma voting rights marches. But her dedication didn't end there, and Mulholland has gone on to devote her life to teaching children about the Civil Rights movement — and how they can stand up for what they believe in today. This picture book biography sheds light on a little known leader of the Civil Rights Movement whose story is now being told. Younger readers can learn her story in the picture book edition, which is suitable for ages 6 to 9.
School Strike for Climate
School Strike for Climate
When Greta Thunberg skipped school in August 2018, she had a purpose: she was going to sit outside the Swedish parliament to demand action on climate change. She was alone at first, but before long, other students began to join her in her School Strike for Climate. Soon, she had created a movement called Fridays for Future with even more students protesting — and by September of 2019, millions of activists were joining her! In this book from the Graphic Library's Movements and Resistance series, young readers will learn about Greta's determination to take action to protect our planet, and how her example has inspired people around the world. With an overview of what science says about climate change, a guide to where to read more and what internet sites to use to find climate information, and more, this book is the perfect inspiration for young environmentalists.
Who Is Gloria Steinem?
Who Is Gloria Steinem?
She started as a field reporter in the 1960s, but Gloria Steinem had big plans. She used her position to go undercover, exposing the realities of gender discrimination in America — and as she revealed more and more, her following grew. She would become one of the spokeswomen for the women's liberation movement and a staunch advocate for women's rights. And when the opportunity presented, she founded one of the first mainstream feminist publications, Ms. Magazine. In this accessible biography from the Who Was...? biography series, tween readers can learn more about Steinem's work in the 1960s and 1970s, as well as her ongoing work to achieve equality for women.
Rachel Carson and Ecology for Kids
Her Life and Ideas, with 21 Activities and Experiments
Rachel Carson and Ecology for Kids
Her Life and Ideas, with 21 Activities and Experiments
American biologist Rachel Carson helped spark the modern environmental movement with her compelling writing about ecological damage — particularly her famous book Silent Spring. Now, budding ecologists can learn about Carson and her work in this biography from the For Kids series! Kids will read about Carson's life, then explore 21 hands-on activities, from collecting a seed bank to modeling bioaccumulation to building a worm farm. This inspiring book is sure to give kids new appreciation for the delicate balance of our planet's ecosystems.
Voice of Freedom: Fannie Lou Hamer, Spirit of the Civil Rights Movement
Voice of Freedom: Fannie Lou Hamer, Spirit of the Civil Rights Movement
"I am sick and tired of being sick and tired", Hamer once famously proclaimed, and that sentiment drove her to be a champion of civil rights for over two decades. Her booming oratorical voice and her signature song "This Little Light of Mine" became a key part of the movement, including the Freedom Summer of 1964; her speech at the Democratic National Convention aired on national news despite interference from President Johnson and spurred people to action. Told in the first person, this book's lyrical text and collage illustrations capture the perseverance and courage of this heroic woman.
Fannie Never Flinched: One Woman's Courage in the Struggle for American Labor Union Rights
Fannie Never Flinched: One Woman's Courage in the Struggle for American Labor Union Rights
When Fannie Sellins was born, business owners like the Carnegies and the Morgans lived lives of luxury, while their employees barely had enough to feed themselves and their families. So she became a union activist, first helping to create a chapter of the United Garment Workers of America in St. Louis, then traveling the nation speaking out on behalf of workers' rights. She would give her life for her cause, but her influence lives on today in the laws and unions that protect workers from abuse. This well-researched book includes plenty of additional information for those curious about Sellins and the labor movement — including its discussion of the real risks that have faced organizers in the past — is well suited to draw in tween readers.
Rightfully Ours: How Women Won the Vote
Rightfully Ours: How Women Won the Vote
In this lively narrative, Kerrie Logan Hollihan provides an overview of the Women's Suffrage Movement for tweens and teens. Hollihan looks at several heroes of the movement, including Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Sojourner Truth, Lucy Burns, and Alice Paul, as well as the events and people that stood in the way of getting women in America the vote. Along with the history, the book provides 21 activities that give girls a sense of what life was like during the lives of these remarkable women, from making a protest banner with coat hangers to baking a cake with suffrage frosting. This entry in the For Kids book series is sure to get kids thinking differently about the decades of work it took to guarantee women's right to vote.
Rosa Parks: My Story
Rosa Parks: My Story
Tweens can learn Rosa Parks' story in her own words in this compelling autobiography! Parks' words provide a fresh take on both her famous act of defiance on a Montgomery bus and the many other contributions she made to the Civil Rights movement. In her stirring story, she tells of a childhood listening warily for members of the Ku Klux Klan in the night; time as a secretary for the NAACP; and the experience of becoming a symbol to a nation-wide movement.This book provides a more complex picture of both Parks herself and of the Civil Rights movement as a whole. For more resources about Parks, visit our Rosa Parks Collection.
The Woman's Hour: Our Fight for the Right to Vote (Young Readers Edition)
The Woman's Hour: Our Fight for the Right to Vote (Young Readers Edition)
In August 1920, women's right to vote is at a tipping point. Suffragists have been fighting for the vote for over 70 years, and one more state needs to ratify the 19th Amendment for it to finally be enshrined in the Constitution. Tennessee is about to make their decision, but the road isn't easy. Many people oppose the amendment, including the "Antis": women who don't want women to be able to vote and racists who oppose the fact that its passage would give black women the right to vote. As suffragist leaders Carrie Catt, Sue White, and Alice Paul agitate for the amendment's ratification, they face blackmail, betrayal, and more. Elaine Weiss told this nail-biting story for adults in The Woman's Hour; now, this young readers edition, which includes an 8-page photo insert, will teach kids about the power of activism, the importance of equal rights, and just how close the passage of the 19th Amendment really was.
Rolling Warrior
The Incredible, Sometimes Awkward, True Story of a Rebel Girl on Wheels Who Helped Spark a Revolution
Rolling Warrior
The Incredible, Sometimes Awkward, True Story of a Rebel Girl on Wheels Who Helped Spark a Revolution
When Judy Heumann was 5, she was told she couldn't attend grade school — because her wheelchair made her a "fire hazard." But her parents, who had survived the Holocaust, and Judy, who had survived polio, weren't going to be stopped. In this powerful young readers’ edition of her acclaimed memoir, Being Heumann, Judy explains how she went from a child who just wanted to go to school to one of America's most prominent disability advocates and activists. She tells the story of suing New York City when she was denied a teacher's license, and of holding the longest sit-in protest in US history in San Francisco. Fans of the Oscar-nominated documentary Crip Camp will love this memoir that captures Judy's courage, persistence, and the rebellious streak that keeps her fighting for equal access.
Kids On Strike!
Kids On Strike!
At the beginning of the 20th century, nearly two million children in America were working — everywhere from coal mines to cotton mills, and often under brutal conditions. Eventually, individual groups of kids started to rally together, demanding safer working conditions, shorter hours, better pay... and eventually, the right not to work so that they could go to school. This award-winning book tells the story of a variety of different children's strikes, some of which were successful and some of which were not. Their stories are a reminder that America's industries were often built by children's hands as much as by adults' — and that children today owe a debt of gratitude to the working kids who stood up and said, "No more."
Eleanor Roosevelt, Fighter For Justice
Her Impact on the Civil Rights Movement, the White House, and the World
Eleanor Roosevelt, Fighter For Justice
Her Impact on the Civil Rights Movement, the White House, and the World
As a child and a young woman, Eleanor Roosevelt was deeply insecure about her looks, and hesitant to raise her voice. But she realized that her politically important family — and later, her president husband — gave her a forum to push for positive change. As she fought her insecurities and her own prejudices, she also learned to speak out for those in less privileged positions, drawing attention to many causes, including the Civil Rights movement. Ilene Cooper's biography provides a new perspective on Roosevelt's life that will speak to many tweens and teens, and a reminder that anyone can be an advocate, and activist, and a crusader for justice.
We Will Not Be Silent: The White Rose Student Resistance Movement that Defied Adolf Hitler
We Will Not Be Silent: The White Rose Student Resistance Movement that Defied Adolf Hitler
Sophie Scholl and her brother Hans grew up as members of Hitler Youth, but they grew disillusioned with the unquestioning obedience the group demanded and began questioning the widespread anti-Semitism in their society. Along with several friends, they formed a non-violent, anti-Nazi resistance group called the White Rose to run a leafleting campaign calling on their fellow Germans to resist Hitler's regime. The risks were high, but to Sophie Scholl and her fellow members of the White Rose, the greater risk was to stay silent in the face of oppression and hate. In this powerful middle grade book about the White Rose resistance, Freedman captures the power of a determined group of young people to make a difference in the world. Although aspects of the story are sobering -- including the arrest, interrogation, and execution of Sophie Scholl and her brother -- Freedman handles them with care, not shying away from the realities but conveying an overall tone of defiant, triumphant resistance.
Freedom's Children: Young Civil Rights Activists Tell Their Own Stories
Freedom's Children: Young Civil Rights Activists Tell Their Own Stories
Kids and teens may not always think about it, but in most social change movements people their age played a role, too! In every civil rights battle, children and teens took their parts too. This book collects the stories of thirty African Americans who were children or teens during the 1950s and 1960s. Each of them describes what it was like to grow up in a segregated America, how it felt to participate in protests, sit-ins, and school integrations, and the realities of the hatred, violence, and legal threats they faced as they did so. These powerful stories serve as a reminder that it took everyone, from the youngest to the oldest, to fight for the rights African-American people deserved.
I Am Malala Young Readers' Edition
How One Girl Stood Up For Education And Changed The World
I Am Malala Young Readers' Edition
How One Girl Stood Up For Education And Changed The World
Tweens and teens can learn Malala's story in her own words in this youth edition of her bestselling memoir. Through her own eyes, young adult readers will learn how Malala's life changed when the Taliban took control of her once-peaceful region of Pakistan, and how she had to adjust to their oppressive rules. And yet, with the support of her family — particularly her father — Malala started writing for the BBC about her life under Taliban rule, and continued to advocate for the right to education even after they tried to silence her by taking her life. Older teens and adults can check out the original edition of the memoir, I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up For Education and was Shot By the Taliban; you can find more books about Malala in our Malala Yousafzai Collection.
Becoming RBG: Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Journey to Justice
Becoming RBG: Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Journey to Justice
Today Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a feminist icon — but how did she get there? In this graphic biography, Debbie Levy, author of the best-selling picture book I Dissent, highlights how Ginsburg evolved over time, from her shy childhood to a passionate advocate and activist to a celebrated Supreme Court Justice. Expressive illustrations from Whitney Gardner capture both Ginsburg's life and the world around her that helped shape her beliefs. Compelling and empowering, this graphic novel is a detailed introduction to the life of the inspiring RBG!
With Courage And Cloth: Winning the Fight for Women's Right to Vote
With Courage And Cloth: Winning the Fight for Women's Right to Vote
When Alice Paul helped design the banners for the Women's Suffrage Movement, she suggested three colors: purple for justice, white for purity of purpose, and gold for courage. The colors were apt, because facing the angry opponents of women's suffrage required an ample helping of all three! In this book, Ann Bausum melds archival photographs with a compelling narrative telling of the history of women's suffrage to create a history book that reads like a thriller. Bausum doesn't shy away from the consequences that these brave activists faced, from prisons full of rats to force-feeding when they went on hunger strikes. Her book serves as an apt reminder that women were not given the vote — they won it, through blood, sweat, and tears, the price they paid for defying those in power.
Rad Women Worldwide: Artists and Athletes, Pirates and Punks, and Other Revolutionaries Who Shaped History
Rad Women Worldwide: Artists and Athletes, Pirates and Punks, and Other Revolutionaries Who Shaped History
The authors of the best-selling book Rad American Women A-Z set their sights on the world with this inspiring collection of 40 biographical profiles of women who challenged the status quo! Well researched and intriguing biographies are paired with expressive cut-paper portraits that capture the power and strength of their subjects. This book features figures as diverse as Hatshepsut, the Egyptian pharaoh who ruled for two decades; Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani girls' rights activist; and Liv Arnesen and Ann Bancroft, the first women to cross Antarctica. Every page provides a new dose of inspiration, both to learn more about the women of history and to go forth and do your own amazing things — even if people say you shouldn't.
Alice Paul and the Fight for Women's Rights
Alice Paul and the Fight for Women's Rights
Alice Paul not only helped win the battle for women's suffrage in the US, she remained active as a women's rights activist for decades during the "second wave" of feminism as women fought for full equality with men across society. At the beginning of the 20th century, Paul reignited the Women's Suffrage Movement with dramatic new protests, finally bringing sufficient pressure on elected officials that the 19th Amendment was passed in 1920. Then, she set her sights on other laws that discriminated against women. Her proposed Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) may not have been passed — yet — but her continued fight for equality for women has inspired the generations after her to take up the banner. This compelling biography provides an excellent introduction for tweens and teens to the life and work of one of the greatest champions of women's rights in U.S. history.
Claudette Colvin: Twice Towards Justice
Claudette Colvin: Twice Towards Justice
Nine months before Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat, fifteen-year-old Claudette Colvin did the same — but instead rather than receiving support, she found herself shunned by classmates and dismissed by community leaders. An unwed teenaged mother, they said, was not the right person to rally the country to the cause of ending segregation. And yet she remained determined to effect change, and a year later, she challenged Jim Crow laws again by becoming one of the key plaintiffs in Browder vs. Gayle, a landmark court case. This National Book Award winner shines a light on an important but little-known figure from Civil Rights history.
We Are All Greta: Be Inspired to Save the World
We Are All Greta: Be Inspired to Save the World
Greta Thunberg founded the School Strike for Climate movement — but we can all be part of making it a success! This inspiring, in-depth illustrated book mixes biographical information about Greta with a detailed introduction to how climate changes relates to everything from biodiversity to sustainable development. Kids will learn about how Greta founded the School Strike for Climate movement, and how they can fight for change in their own cities, states, and countries. For more books about Greta's life and activism, we recommend Greta and the Giants for ages 4 to 8, Our House Is On Fire: Greta Thunberg's Call to Save the Planet for ages 6 to 9, and Greta's Story: The Schoolgirl Who Went On Strike to Save the Planet for ages 8 to 12.
Roses and Radicals
The Epic Story of How American Women Won the Right to Vote
Roses and Radicals
The Epic Story of How American Women Won the Right to Vote
It's easy to say that the 19th Amendment "gave" women the right to vote, but the truth is that women had to fight to win that right — for almost eighty years, with literal blood, sweat, and tears. In this exciting volume, author Susan Zimet captures just how complicated the quest for women's suffrage in the United States was, and paints vivid portraits of the women who endured mockery, arrest, and even torture to achieve it, in some cases knowing that the Amendment wouldn't pass in their lifetimes. With portraits, period cartoons, and other archival images, Zimet highlights just how controversial the notion of votes for women was. Tween and teen readers will be shocked to learn the details of this epic women's rights battle — and inspired to use their votes well in future!
Ten Days A Madwoman: The Daring Life and Turbulent Times of the Original "Girl" Reporter, Nellie Bly
Ten Days A Madwoman: The Daring Life and Turbulent Times of the Original "Girl" Reporter, Nellie Bly
Nellie Bly knew she wanted to be a journalist, but it was hard for a woman reported to be taken seriously. To make her dream a reality, she pulled an incredible stunt: she had herself committed to a notorious asylum on Blackwell's Island and wrote an expose of the appalling treatment directed at its patients. She went on to expose political corruption, abuses of human rights, and grinding poverty, and she even proved it was possible to travel around the world in 80 days — by doing it in 72! And even when she retired from journalism, she wasn't done: after her millionaire husband died, she took over running his company. Nellie Bly's incredible true story is sure to fascinate young readers, and inspire them with their own ideas for living a bold life.
She Takes A Stand: 16 Fearless Activists Who Have Changed the World
She Takes A Stand: 16 Fearless Activists Who Have Changed the World
In this collection of capsule biographies, teens will learn the stories of sixteen different women who changed the world for themselves and others through activism! From anti-lynching crusader Ida B. Wells to education activist Malala Yousafzai to Gulabi Gang founder Sampat Pal Devi, these women refused to accept that the world had to stay as it was and worked hard — often at great personal risk — to change things for the better. This inspiring volume from the Women of Action series also includes a list of activist organizations young readers can explore.
Ida M. Tarbell: The Woman Who Challenged Big Business — And Won!
Ida M. Tarbell: The Woman Who Challenged Big Business — And Won!
In the late 1800s, Ida M. Tarbell became one of the first investigative journalists — and she used her knowledge from growing up in oil country to take on John D. Rockefeller, one of the wealthiest people in the country. Her diligent investigation and incisive articles about Rockefeller's Standard Oil Trust revealed underhanded and illegal practices that he had used to achieve his success. Tarbell decried the idea that journalists like her were "muckrakers," instead arguing that they were the ones who could ensure that business was conducted fairly and that the wealthy didn't exploit the rest of the country. This biography captures the importance and complexity of this trailblazing woman, highlighting the power of the press and of one woman who refused to be silenced.
March Forward, Girl: From Young Warrior to Little Rock Nine
March Forward, Girl: From Young Warrior to Little Rock Nine
As a child, Melba Pattillo Beals saw Klansmen hang a man from the rafters during a prayer meeting; as a teen, she was almost raped when she was unknowingly taken to a KKK meeting. And throughout, she asked tough questions: why should she have to drink from a separate fountain, or live her life feeling unsafe? The adults in her life wanted her to keep quiet out of fear, but she refused: she knew there was a future where she could live free — and as one of the famous Little Rock Nine who integrated Central High School, she made her mark on history. This new biography captures the courage and determination of Beals and the other child activists like her who pushed for change.
Chasing the Truth: A Young Journalist's Guide to Investigative Reporting
(She Said Young Readers Edition)
Chasing the Truth: A Young Journalist's Guide to Investigative Reporting
(She Said Young Readers Edition)
When Pulitzer Prize winning journalists Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey broke the Harvey Weinstein case, they showed the world that investigative journalism can make a real difference. Now, in the young readers adaptation of their bestselling book She Said, they take teens behind the scenes of their investigation, and give them an inside look at what it takes to uncover the truth. In this inspiring volume, would-be journalists — or anyone who wants to fight for change — will learn how to bring secrets to light, how to make the powerful face justice, and how the power of the pen can make the world a better place.
Turning 15 on the Road to Freedom: My Story of the Selma Voting Rights March
Turning 15 on the Road to Freedom: My Story of the Selma Voting Rights March
Lynda Lowery was the youngest marcher in the 1965 Selma protest, but her youth never protected her; she had been arrested eleven times, and sent to jail nine times, before her fifteenth birthday. This gripping memoir captures the experience of being a teenage protester in Selma, from the constant threats of violence to the inhumane "sweatbox" steel cell where she and twenty other girls were imprisoned until they all passed out. And yet, Lowery's memoir is one of home and optimism: while she doesn't shy away from the realities of what protesters faced, she highlights that she suffered these ordeals in order to change American history for the better.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony: A Friendship That Changed The World
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony: A Friendship That Changed The World
Elizabeth Cady Stanton was the married mother of four boys; Susan B. Anthony was a former school teacher who was resolved never to marry. And yet these two women shared a deep conviction in the need for women's rights — and particularly the right to vote. Together, they worked tirelessly to change attitudes and laws, despite ferocious opposition from outside the movement and betrayals from friends and family. Penny Colman's excellent narrative has been reprinted in a paperback edition, ensuring that today's young readers will have the opportunity to read about this influential friendship.
The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks (Young Readers)
The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks (Young Readers)
You probably think you know Rosa Parks' story: on a day when she was tired, she refused to give up her seat on a segregated bus, setting off the Montgomery bus boycott and a critical Civil Rights Movement win. But that's not the real story! Parks was a long-time activist who made a deliberate, strategic decision... and paid the price for her public defiance of Jim Crow laws. In this young readers edition of the award-winning The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks, young people can learn the true story of Parks' lifelong devotion to equality — and be inspired to fight for it themselves.
If you're going to fight for rights that others would deny you, you have to show some audacity! In this novel in verse, Clara Lemlich comes to the US looking for a better life and discovers that immigrants — particularly female immigrants — are denied the education and fair pay they need to achieve that life. But Clara refuses to accept her designated place: “Inside I am anything/ but fresh off the boat./ I have been ready for this/ possibility/ all my life,” she declares. She organizes a women’s union, and soon her voice is joined by thousands of others during the Uprising of the 20,000, the largest walkout of female workers in US history. This unique and compelling book about a key figure from labor history celebrates those who are audacious enough to say, "No more."
Votes for Women!: American Suffragists and the Battle for the Ballot
Votes for Women!: American Suffragists and the Battle for the Ballot
When American women won the right to vote in 1920, it was the culmination of a nearly eighty-year fight! In this mesmerizing book, author Winifred Conkling crafts a unique history of the Women's Suffrage Movement that explores the broader progress of the movement, as well as its often powerful and sometimes rocky relationship with the temperance and abolitionist movements. From early activists like Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Sojourner Truth; to the first female candidate for president, Victoria Woodhull; to later activists like Alice Paul and Lucy Burns who succeeded in successfully pushing the amendment through at great personal cost, Votes for Women! tells their stories and explores their legacies in a riveting and unflinching fashion.
White Rose
White Rose
As a teen, Sophie Scholl grew disillusioned by the propaganda of Nazi Germany and decided she could no longer be silently complicit in supporting a tyrannical regime. Sophie and her brother formed a non-violent resistance group called the White Rose and began distributing anonymous leaflets calling on their fellow Germans to oppose the Nazis. Betrayed to the Gestapo, Sophie and her brother were arrested for treason, interrogated, and executed mere hours after a show trial. Today, they are honored among Germany's greatest heroes for their moral courage. This powerful novel-in-verse honors Sophie's courage and others like her who gave their lives in the fight against fascism.
The Feminist Revolution - A Story of the Three Most Inspiring and Empowering Women in American History: Susan B. Anthony, Margaret Sanger, and Betty Friedan
The Feminist Revolution - A Story of the Three Most Inspiring and Empowering Women in American History: Susan B. Anthony, Margaret Sanger, and Betty Friedan
The struggle for women's suffrage may have been long and arduous, but it was also the springboard to many other great strides for women! In this newly revised version of Jules Archer's excellent book, kids learn about three critical figures from American history who rarely appear in general history books. Archer lays out how Susan B. Anthony's role in pushing for women's right to vote set the groundwork for Margaret Sanger's quest for the right to birth control, and then to Betty Friedan's campaign for equal job opportunities. All of these are things that today's girls and women may take for granted; this book highlights not only the sacrifices that were necessary to gain these rights, but also how each of them was a necessary prerequisite to the next.
Additional Recommended Resources
- For more biographies of dedicated girl and women activists, visit our Activist Biography Collection.
- For books that explore the social issues that drive many social justice campaigns, visit our Social Issues Collection.
- For books that celebrate the value of fighting for what is right, visit our Fairness & Justice Collection.